HTML A11Y Task Force

22 Oct 2015

See also: IRC log


Judy, plh, Alex, John, Charles, Cynthia, Janina, Leonie, Joanmarie, LJWatson, JF, ShaneM


<chaals> dial-in

<scribe> scribenick: ShaneM

More for the agenda?

Nothing more for the agenda.


<chaals> draft accesskey spec

clarified some of the motivation. There are some things that we need to work through.

It can be looked at now. Comment on it if you think there are things that need to be changed or are missing.

plh: The proposal doesn't really cover what is wrong with the current accesskey

chaals: yes - I need to gather that up and incorporate it. THere are bugs against the current accesskey that might give you some hints.

JF: I maintain that it is horribly broken. Conflict resolution, discoverability, internationalization.

plh: And I don't disagree. I just wanted it to be incorporated into the proposal.
... we expect people to read a proposal and have it be freestanding.

<chaals> issue based on PLH's comment

Judy: Same comment. Also we should be sure to include a rationale for why we are promoting this particular approach, since there is less consensus on the approach than the simple point of current access key being broken..
... there is a lot of agreement among a11y experts that accesskey is broken. Not a lot of agreement on how to fix it.
... there might be some movement behind the scenes on this.
... lets be sure to justify the proposal based upon all the previous discussions.
... doesn't preclude people raising questions. But Maybe it will help eliminate some of the questions.

chaals: note that this is a pre-proposal. It has not been taken up yet.

meeting at tpac

We are scheduled at 4pm on Friday.

will develop the future plan and work plan. hope to coordinate with those we do not normally see.

scribe: might not reach formal resolution on the work items though.

plh: do we know where we are meeting?

chaals: we will take a part of the PF meeting.

workplan - what do we have to work on?

chaals: it has been about 6 months since we looked at the list.
... what things are important and who is prepared to actually work on them?

<JF> +1 to @transcript

chaals: on my personal list is transcript, accesskey, and datepickers

Judy: question on datepickers... It is on the tutorial wishlist. What features are missing?

chaals: well, it seems to not be implemented anywhere successfully yet.

Judy: but that's not a feature problem.

<LJWatson> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Datepickers

chaals: well... it isn't clear that we even know how to do this (in an accessible way)

LJWatson: that link was the original work that had been done on datepickers

JF: what about work on panels? Is that still an open action item?

chaals: that is just general HTML work. and it is still an open action item

<Zakim> JF, you wanted to ask about Panels status

<chaals> SM: CAPTCHA is a hot-button of Janina's

Judy: It is in APA. It will be coordinated closely with WCAG.


chaals: I sent something saying that this is not an A11Y issue particularly. The stuff that it does is syntactic sugar.
... there are people who have demonstrated other use cases, but the main use case seems to be artistic
... blink has removed the code for media controller. Safari seems to have it. We will see how it shakes out.

Judy: There are some others who have an interest in this space. If they were to agree there was not an issue, that might make me more confortable.
... maybe we could get them on a call to explain the alternate approaches and ensure they are on board.
... John, do you know either of them? (SCRIBE NOTE - I missed their names)

JF: I don't know them either.

Judy: They might be good people to know.

JF: I would be happy to talk with them. We can sort of do this now. popcorn.js would allow us to do something very similar today.

LJWatson: It is an important distinction to make. It isn't unimportant, it is just that there is a way to do it already.

chaals: It would be good to let them know that we want feedback.
... I think it would be good to get them on a call.

<Judy> JB: has been asking input from Christian Vogler, lead tech guy at Gallaudet University, and Howard Rosenblum, CEO of (US) National Association of the Deaf

Judy: I have asked them when they would have feedback, but they have not really committed yet.

JF: Leonie made mention of the fact that there are ways of doing it now. If so, let's get that well documented and put in a central location.
... maybe collect some of the proof of concept examples. Talk to EO about it?

Judy: It could be if we agree that the examples are strong.

chaals: sounds like it might end up as a work item. Maybe an HTML change. video / audio components of HTML could maybe do with a note about how to synchronize with captions or signing.

<Judy> [JB: had requested that someone take an action item last time to give a heads up to developers that input may be coming -- but can't access those minutes now]

rrsagent. make minutes

rrsagent. make minutes

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.140 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/10/22 15:39:47 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140  of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/Also we should get review specifically on the existing objections/Also we should be sure to include a rationale for why we are promoting this particular approach, since there is less consensus on the approach than the simple point of current access key being broken./
Succeeded: s/think there are/have demonstrated/
Found ScribeNick: ShaneM
Inferring Scribes: ShaneM
Present: Judy plh Alex John Charles Cynthia Janina Leonie Joanmarie LJWatson JF ShaneM
Got date from IRC log name: 22 Oct 2015
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2015/10/22-html-a11y-minutes.html
People with action items: 

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]