Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Teleconference

22 Jul 2015

See also: IRC log


EricP, Tony_Mallia, Lloyd_McKenzie, Paul_Courtney, David_Booth
David Booth


<trackbot> Date: 22 July 2015


lloyd: Code does not include a display property

david: I prefer to view Code as the *subset* of data that does not include a display property, but a display property may exist without violating the ontology

paul: display is not needed if the meaning of code is well known.

lloyd: concept vs coding. Concept is the meaning that something has. Multiple codings can be tied to a particular concept.
... I can know that this particular gender is a female, but that doesn't mean that all of the code representations are suddenly showing up.

david: question is whether we want to use the ont for *only* data that is FHIR RDF (in isolation -- with no other data), or it should be usable for FHIR RDF that has been combined with additional data.

lloyd: We want the ont to reflect what's allowed in the instance. Valid RDF instance cannot have any information that will not round trip. We may want other ontologies for more than that.
... System is tricky, because it isn't transmitted, but it must be know.

tony: If the ont cannot be formed correctly without Code . . . .

lloyd: You can have an ont that reflects exactly what goes over the wire, but without system we cannot support valueset. Wouldn't be able to understand the concept.

eric: one category we haven't called out: the things that have exactly one code system and code. (Lloyd: that's CodingThing.)
... Computably useful: A class of things that have code system and code.
... A CodeThingy is in that category.
... Logically. So we can do useful things in them.
... Versus something that has a code and optional system, which we can't do useful things with.

lloyd: A CodeThing requires a code, and the system is fixed (inferrable).

eric: ShEx description would capture the "must not be uttered" part, but it is in the category of being useful because the system is knowable.

tony: Does the system get declared in CodeThingy?

lloyd: When we define the ont, the fact that it is a Code means there *must* be fixed binding to a valueset.
... System can be inferred, because within the valueset the code mnemonics must be unique.
... Valueset is an enumeration of CodingThingies.

eric: Re how do we infer the code system, if we see code M, then . . . .

lloyd: there will be an assertion (CodeableConcepting, Coding or Code are all subtypes of CodeableThingy). For Code, there will be exactly one CodingThing. Binding says there must be a CodingThingy that either has system X1 code Y1, or sytesm X2 code Y2.
... Then the instance data says "I am Y2". Given that they must be unique, that implies that system is X2.
... If you have a CodingThing that is X2 Y2 then your codebleConcept is C2.
... I've done this with V3 and it works.

paul: the valueset mnemonic is unique enough to infer the type?

lloyd: In the case where the datatype is Code, that is a rule: the mnemonic MUST be unique.

tony: If we can infer the system of the code, then will this be a type declaration?

lloyd: no, because there can be circumstances with multiple codings tied to a single concept.
... We cannot prohibit the existence of system when dealing with a Code.
... The cardinality must be maxOccurs 1. The question is whether to make minOccurs 1.
... My leaning is to say exact cardinality is 1, but in the instance there will be 0.

eric: The point of having exactly 1 is that you can reason over having exactly 1.
... The fact that the ont says 1 but the ShEx says 0 indicates where translation/inference will be needed
... Havng the ont different than the ShEx is a feature, not a bug.

tony: Agreed that CodeThing will have system property with cardinality exactly 1.
... CodingThing.system will have cardinality exactly 1

AGREE: CodingThing.system will have cardinality exactly 1

tony: what about version?

lloyd: anyone who makes the meaning change should be flogged

eric: +1

david: +1

tony: There are some ill-behaved systems that change meaning between versions.

lloyd: Suggest postponing this decision.

paul: I've been working with folks that do stem cell transplant. If we don't build in a way to merge in new science, it is a bear.

lloyd: the framework exists, and there will be different versions. in a nicely behaved code system, if the science changes you may invent new codes and deprecate others, but you don't change the meaningn of codes.
... But there are some that change the meaning of the same code between versions, so you need the version to properly understand them.

tony: What about the name? CodeableThing?

eric: Suggest "Base" instead of "Thing".

lloyd: if we're going with base, I suggest: ConceptBase, CodingBase and CodeBase

david: I suggest CodeableConceptBase instead of ConceptBase

tony: too long. you'll have CodeableConceptBase.system, etc.

lloyd: Suggest use ConceptBase, go to ballot, and see what the community thinks.

AGREED: Use ConceptBase (initially) as the superclass

david: What about cardinality of display property?
... i.e., CodingBase.display

lloyd: And for fhir:Code, then cardinality will be 0.

david: That's at odds with the approach we're taking for CodingThing.system.

lloyd: it is. but system is needed for reasoning; display is not.

david: My concern is that i would not be able to use that ont if i merge in other data that adds a display. i would have to change the data to change the Code to a Coding.

eric: when we're describing what's going across the wire, the are not allowed to have display attached.
... If we're manipulating them from SPARQL update, then we're changing Code to Coding. That would enable a tool to uniformly look for display property.

david: But if we say system cardinality is 1, that is *not* going across the wire.

eric: Maybe there isn't much value in describing only what is on the wire.

david: For validation about what should be on the wire, we want ShEx, not OWL.
... I'm very uncomfortable with the idea that we would not be able to use the ont with merged data.

tony: want to combine ontologies and data.

david: Would be doing a disservice by saying that display property on Code must have cardinality 0.

tony: rdfs:labels may show up for users. you don't need the display property, because the human viewable description willl come from the class label.

david: Want to be able to uniformly query for display property. may want to add a display property to Codes.

tony: but you don't need the display. but a label would be available.


Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.140 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/07/22 16:16:18 $

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Succeeded: s/.Code//
Succeeded: s/use/use the ont/
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Present: EricP Tony_Mallia Lloyd_McKenzie Paul_Courtney David_Booth
Found Date: 22 Jul 2015
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2015/07/22-hcls-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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