Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

14 May 2015

See also: IRC log


glenn, Andreas, nigel, plh, courtney, pal


<trackbot> Date: 14 May 2015

<scribe> scribe: nigel

This meeting

nigel: Runs through the agenda. AOB?

group: No AOB

plh: We'll be pushed onto Webex at the end of June. I recommend you don't worry about it for now.
... In June I'll get the groups to move slowly across. There is no need to move earlier.
... Once you move you can't move back!

nigel: We have no chair yet for June 18 and June 25 so we could make the move in the first meeting of
... July.

plh: I recommend waiting until July.

nigel: Does anyone want to chair on 18th and 15th June?

pal: If we have work to do then I recommend planning to hold the meetings and then we'll find someone

nigel: Okay, works for me!

Action Items


<trackbot> action-385 -- Glenn Adams to Remove stereoleft and stereoright from <bound-parameter> -- due 2015-04-17 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/385

nigel: Glenn has done this - stereoLeft and stereoRight are removed.

glenn: They're gone!

close action-385

<trackbot> Closed action-385.


<trackbot> action-402 -- Nigel Megitt to Trim dotted lines out of pngs and edit test text -- due 2015-05-14 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/402

close action-402

<trackbot> Closed action-402.


<trackbot> action-397 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Prepare cr2 transition version (after closing one remaining issue on imsc 1) -- due 2015-04-17 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/397

pal: I've just updated that and pointed to the CR2 branch on Mercurial

close action-397

<trackbot> Closed action-397.



<trackbot> issue-265 -- Some bad tests -- open

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/265

nigel: This week someone asked on stackoverflow about a timing test that seems to indicate that the
... default dur for a content element in a seq container is zero, whereas in fact it's indefinite, so I've
... added the affected tests to this issue.
... I answered the question on stackoverflow - the link is in the issue. I really hope I got it right!


nigel: The status of IMSC CR2 is that it has been prepared, with the same SOTD but a later 'do not exit before' date.
... I think the next step is to request a meeting for transition with the Director?

plh: No! I'd rather not talk to the Director on this one. It's supposed to be lightweight. We do need a
... transition request to be sent to chairs. That hasn't happened?

nigel: No, nobody has done that.

plh: I'm willing to send the transition request but I need the proper links and text. I will need the links
... to where comments are addressed and the list of changes, and I guess that's it. The rest I can take
... from the previous CR.

nigel: We have all that.

plh: Point me to it and I'll generate the transition request.

nigel: List of changes: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ttml/raw-file/3e1440f7f545/ttml-ww-profiles/substantive-changes-summary.txt

plh: I can generate the diff.
... [looks at the list of changes] Okay, I have enough!

nigel: So even though we have assessed the changes and decided that several of them are substantive,
... we don't need a Director call?

<plh> http://www.w3.org/2014/Process-20140801/#revised-cr

<plh> plh: Quote from the process: "Note that approval is expected to be fairly simple compared to getting approval for a transition from Working Draft to Candidate Recommendation."

plh: No, you don't need it.
... Hopefully I can go through these changes tomorrow, and if it's okay, the latest publication date
... will be Thursday next week.
... I can take care of fixing the date up in the CR2 draft.

nigel: Our view on the earliest exit date is date of publication + 4 weeks.

plh: Thanks for letting me know.

Action-403: [Meeting 2015-05-14] plh informs the group that a Director call is not needed.

<trackbot> Notes added to Action-403 Arrange director call for imsc 1 cr2 transition request.

close action-403

<trackbot> Closed action-403.

IMSC Test Suite and Implementation Report

nigel: We've already covered action-402. Anything else to report here?

pal: Nothing to report

WebVTT comments

courtney: No update

TTML2 Editorial actions

nigel: Glenn, do you have a plan date for next working on the spec?

glenn: Nothing definite, probably a week or so between now and the end of June.

nigel: It'd be helpful to set a deadline for delivering editorial actions so that folk who have taken them on can know when they're due by.

glenn: I'd say end of June, but I can process examples sooner since they don't require too much effort.


nigel: I know from previous weeks when we've looked at this that it's quite sparse - anyone else want to
... take any of the editorial actions?

TTML Versions note


nigel: How does everyone feel about this document - is it useful?

atai: It does make sense to have such a document but it needs more work to explain the contents
... of the document and the relationships of the spec. The question is what kind of TTML profiles
... should go in there - just for W3C profiles or also those from other groups? What is the aim?

nigel: It can be what we want it to be. There's no problem referencing non-W3C specs in a WG note.

atai: It's definitely helpful but I have no resources to work on it at the moment!

nigel: Okay, well we can keep working on it then and keep this open.

IMSC CR2 continued

<Zakim> plh, you wanted to ask questions IMSC CR2 transition

plh: I need more on the story here. Where did the changes originate - members or external organisations?
... Also, for the changes that have been made, what kind of review did we get on those changes?
... Even if they're substantive, do they affect the previous review feedback?
... Firstly, where did the changes come from?

pal: They came from the issues filed on the document.

plh: Who filed them - anyone from inside the WG?

pal: I'll have to go back to the issues. Most of them were from within the WG.

plh: Okay. My second question is, what kind of review can we claim on those changes or are we confident
... that the changes are good enough.

pal: The resolution to those issues has not been widely distributed. My personal opinion is that the
... changes are substantive by the process, but they're extremely limited in scope so I don't feel that the
... document has changed sufficiently to warrant the sort of wide review that the document already
... has undergone to reach CR.

plh: Okay.

pal: FYI one of the issues was in response to a late comment received during the CR transition and the
... commenter was happy with it.

plh: Are you aware of any other changes where the commenter wasn't happy with the resolution?

pal: No

plh: Thanks, now I have my story.

nigel: I second pal's judgment there on the changes being substantive but not needing further review.
... They are worthwhile however.

<plh> transition request for IMSC: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2015AprJun/0095.html

Change Proposals

nigel: I just want to check if there's been any update on HTMLCue and Opera?

Andreas: I had an action to kick off a gathering to discuss this issue. There's no progress to report right now.

nigel: Glenn, has any of your work resulted in areas of spec change to TTML?

glenn: Possibly - I've been spending time on Ruby and text emphasis and how they're formatted in the
... context of what we've implemented in order to handle the multiRowAlign requirement by treating
... a span as an inline block with a different text align. There are some subtleties of formatting that are
... not particularly well addressed in CSS that I'll probably end up needing to articulate in the TTML2
... spec in order to make it more clear. For example the line separation behaviour of lines that contain
... Ruby that potentially overlap, for example a Ruby below line followed by a Ruby above line. Does the
... addition of the Ruby cause the line height to be changed? Is that accomplished by adding leading or
... by changing lineHeight? In the process of implementing formatting support I've found those. You can
... track that activity by going to the repository and see what's happening.

<glenn> https://github.com/skynav/ttt/commits/master

glenn: We recently changed the location of that repository - you can follow it if you're interested.
... One side effect of this activity is we're generating a lot of TTML2 test files that include these features
... here's a link...
... Those test files will be very useful when it comes to creating a test suite for TTML2 I think.

<glenn_> sorry, dropped the line, will post link...

<glenn_> https://github.com/skynav/ttt/tree/master/ttt-ttpe/src/test/resources/com/skynav/ttpe/app

nigel: Thanks glenn!
... Thanks everyone, we'll meet again same time next week. [adjourns meeting]

<glenn__> fyi, in the *.expected.zip files in this directory are rendered forms of the TTML in SVG

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.140 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/05/14 15:28:13 $