Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

23 Apr 2015

See also: IRC log


Frans, pal, plh, glenn, nigel, Courtney, dsinger
tmichel, atai, jdsmith


<trackbot> Date: 23 April 2015

<scribe> scribe: nigel

nigel: Goes through proposed agenda. AOB?

group: No AOB.

nigel: Does anyone have any comments on the F2F minutes?



pal: I haven't had chance to review them yet.

nigel: Apologies for not getting every whiteboard image in there - if anyone wants to add an
... image for illustrating a point then do send it to me and I will add it in.



<trackbot> action-378 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Draft smpte request including dispositions from action-369 and backgroundcolor initial value question -- due 2015-03-05 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/378

<glenn> action-399?

<trackbot> action-399 -- Glenn Adams to Review disposition text for inline space/ipd for smpte -- due 2015-04-23 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/399

nigel: This is pending action-399


action-399: The text to review can be found by following the link at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-tt/2015Apr/0045.html

<trackbot> Notes added to action-399 Review disposition text for inline space/ipd for smpte.

glenn: I'll take a quick look at that now.
... I'll comment that it would be useful to comment that in horizontal mode ipd means width and in
... vertical mode it means height. Otherwise it's okay.

nigel: Looks like there's some editorial work to do to close off Action-399 and Action-378.


<trackbot> action-390 -- Nigel Megitt to Update the multirowalign and linepadding ttml files to have shorter lines of text -- due 2015-04-17 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/390


<trackbot> action-391 -- Nigel Megitt to Update the multirowalign and linepadding pngs to match the ttml -- due 2015-04-17 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/391

nigel: I've had an email from atai on this - he will review when he returns from vacation.


<trackbot> action-393 -- Nigel Megitt to Send pal details of implementation and tests passed so he can create a table in the implementation report -- due 2015-04-17 -- PENDINGREVIEW

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/393

nigel: I've sent the details - I think that pal had a question for plh?

pal: Yes. Mercurial is good for text files - here there's a relatively large video file to support the

<plh> media.w3.org

pal: completion of those tests. Can W3C host those? How best to proceed?

plh: Send me the files or links and I'll upload them to the dedicated server.

pal: I'll send plh links to the files, and if you send me the links I'll upload them and send you the links.

nigel: These particular videos happen to be .flv - I'm not sure why. Is there any problem with that format?

plh: No problem for us to host it, but not all players might be able to play it back.

nigel: I've played it successfully with VLC and on at least one browser (can't remember which).

plh: As long as it plays where we want it to play we're good, as it's just for demonstrating the test suite.

nigel: I see there are open actions from the F2F on glenn, tmichel, Andreas, Courtney and David Singer.

pal: On Action-378 there's one comment remaining, from nigel. Can we close that?

nigel: Yes, it used to say that fontVariantPosition does apply to nested spans, and I thought it did not.

glenn: Logically it should apply - it's used for example in maths equations.

nigel: I've removed my erroneous addition in the Google doc and the clarification note.

pal: Now this is ready for the chairs to process.

close action-399

<trackbot> Closed action-399.

close action-378

<trackbot> Closed action-378.

<scribe> ACTION: nigel Send SMPTE dispositions from Action-378 to SMPTE (mdolan) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/04/23-tt-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-400 - Send smpte dispositions from action-378 to smpte (mdolan) [on Nigel Megitt - due 2015-04-30].

WebVTT review feedback

dsinger: We've got the preliminary comments from the a11y group as well as css and i18n and mpeg
... My next step is to move the spreadsheet onto the wiki and add a column for the final disposition
... and add a trace of all the places I've asked for feedback. I've asked the WG and the CG to generate
... dispositions on all the ones on the list.
... We need to have a discussion on them all now.

nigel: Some of the dispositions are currently questions. I'm not sure if they're for us or the commenter.

dsinger: They'll have to get turned into statements otherwise they're not dispositions. Some of them
... are for us to resolve, others for the commenter.

nigel: I wonder what the minimum width is for 'wide review' - for example Andreas's good comments
... are from a WG member.

dsinger: There isn't a definition of width here - this is recognised at AB level. The best evidence for
... review is that the spec has been implemented, so I'd like the implementors to comment to the list
... that they have done that.

plh: I agree with dsinger that there's no minimum width - the best we can do is show that we tried to
... get the feedback as well as showing what feedback was received, and the dispositions.

dsinger: I will document where I asked for feedback.
... Courtney, anything more on TTML WebVTT conversion?

Courtney: I met with Andreas and Loretta last week. We now have an updated outline for the mapping
... document. We've divided it up between the three of us. We're hoping to have a first draft to show
... the working group by early July, with the goal of having a final draft for Sapporo.

dsinger: I'm also aware that Kaltura and an open source project (TCF) have some work here.

nigel: What's the plan for working with them? We've already seen some comms with Kaltura.

dsinger: Kaltura don't have time to work with the group - I'm talking with the TCF group too. I'd like
... to get their review as a minimum, so we're informed by the practices of implementation.

TTML2 Editorial actions


nigel: Glenn put together the above spreadsheet and shared it at the F2F. The idea is to share out
... some of those tasks so that we can get to the next WD of TTML2. We particularly want to share out
... the editorial and example lines, but if anyone wants to volunteer for the technical items that's okay too?

glenn: I've no problem with that.

nigel: I sent this out with the agenda - does anyone want first go at taking some of those tasks?

glenn: If someone wants to volunteer without going to the trouble of building the spec with ant, etc
... then giving me the content directly would be fine also.

nigel: I've made it work I think, and it was pretty straightforward, but good to have both options.
... On the "revise system model" do we have an original for that?

glenn: If we do it would probably be in Visio - I'll look for it and see if I can find it.

<Dsinger_> It is nice to make pictures svg...they can be annotated for accessibility

nigel: I'm happy to revise that - is it just a matter of removing "DFXP" or is there a more fundamental
... change?

glenn: I'll consider that before answering.

nigel: I can also have a go at a bpd and ipd example. Disparity might be better covered by someone
... with more experience in 3D.

glenn: I need to update the disparity section based on our resolution to remove the requirement to use
... the conditional mechanism, so there's a few details there before the example can be completed.

nigel: I think we can base the examples for enhanced padding and text align on span on the IMSC 1
... linePadding and multiRowAlign examples.

glenn: Yes, very likely though the syntax would differ.

nigel: I'm happy to have a go at those.
... I've already done the work on requirement numbers and satisfaction so I don't mind doing those
... as well.
... I didn't understand the note on tts:opacity - it says to show it on content elements.

glenn: In TTML1 opacity only applies to region - for TTML2 we have introduced the use of opacity on
... content elements, so each time an element gets painted into the region it gets the alpha value from
... the opacity value applied to it as the index layers of the region are composited. For example you
... could have different opacity on region, body, div, p and span and they would all composite with
... different alphas.
... It applies to all of the markings created by the element including padding, background, borders, text etc.

nigel: Can I ask everyone to have a look at that spreadsheet and ask any questions or volunteer for
... anything you can do.
... I think we've hit all the topics we can discuss today, so let's adjourn and meet same time next week. Thank you everyone!
... [adjourns meeting]

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: nigel Send SMPTE dispositions from Action-378 to SMPTE (mdolan) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/04/23-tt-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.140 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/04/23 15:02:48 $