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A modest proposal for a refactored SHACL


Major Changes

Collapsing Shapes and Constraints

The central change in this proposal is to collapse constraints and shapes into one construct. Instead of, for example, having sh:or and similar component properties take shapes as arguments and produce constraint components they take shapes and produce shapes. This results in smaller shapes and a more uniform syntax, replacing

 ex:s1 a sh:Shape ;
   sh:constraint [
     a sh:NodeConstraint ;
       ( [ a sh:Shape ;
           sh:constraint [
             a sh:NodeConstraint ;
             sh:class ex:Person
         [ a sh:Shape ;
           sh:constraint [
             a sh:NodeConstraint ;
             sh:in ( ex:elvis )
           ] )
     ] .


 ex:s1 a sh:Shape ;
     ( [ a sh:Shape ;
         sh:class ex:Person
       [ a sh:Shape ;
         sh:in ( ex:elvis )
       ] ) .

No Property or Inverse Property Constraints

There is also no longer any division between node constraints/shapes, property constraints/shapes, and inverse property constraints/shapes. The difference in behaviour between node, property, and inverse property constraints/shapes is instead controlled by the link to the constraint/shape from its enclosing shape. When processing a shape the objects of sh:property links in the shape are treated as shapes on the values of the sh:predicate argument and the objects of sh:inverseProperty links are treated as shapes on the values of the inverse of the sh:predicate arguments. This change replaces

 ex:s1 a sh:Shape ;
   sh:constraint [
     a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
     sh:predicate ex:parent ;
     sh:shape [
       a sh:Shape ;
       sh:constraint [
         a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
         sh:predicate ex:parent ;
         sh:shape [
           a sh:Shape ;
           sh:constraint [
             a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
             sh:predicate ex:age ;
             sh:minExclusive 50
     ] .


 ex:s1 a sh:Shape ;
   sh:property [
     a sh:Shape ;
     sh:predicate ex:parent ;
     sh:property [
       a sh:Shape ;
       sh:predicate ex:parent ;
       sh:property [
         a sh:Shape ;
         sh:predicate ex:age ;
         sh:minExclusive 50
     ] .

A previous version of this proposal pulled the sh:predicate constructs out of the shapes and had sh:property take a two-element list, resulting in

 ex:s1 a sh:Shape ;
   sh:property ( ex:parent [
     a sh:Shape ;
     sh:property ( ex:parent [
       a sh:Shape ;
       sh:property ( ex:age [
         a sh:Shape ;
         sh:minExclusive 50
         ] )
       ] )
     ] ) .

The result of these two changes is that there is only one major combining construct in the syntax - shapes. There are no longer any constraints, or any of the various subcategories of constraints.

Other Changes

There are several other changes made in this proposal that are somewhat orthogonal to the central changes.

Single-Argument Components

Each component of a shape consists of a single triple attached to the shape. If a component needs more than a single parameter then its parameters are bundled into a single node. So a pattern component would not have an optional flag parameter but would use a single composite parameter when a flag is present, either a list as in

 ex:s2 a sh:Shape ;
   sh:pattern ( "^John" "i" ) .

or a node with its own properties as in

 ex:s2 a sh:Shape ;
   sh:pattern [ sh:regex "^John" ; sh:flags "i" ] .

instead of

 ex:s2 a sh:Shape ;
   sh:constraint [
     a sh:NodeConstraint ;
     sh:pattern "^John" ;
     sh:flags "i"
     ] .

Repeated Components

Constraint components can be repeated, replacing

 ex:s3 a sh:Shape ;
   sh:constraint [
       ( [ a sh:Shape ;
           sh:constraint [
             a sh:NodeConstraint ;
             sh:class ex:Person
             ] ]
         [ a sh:Shape ;
           sh:constraint [
             a sh:NodeConstraint ;
             sh:class ex:Alien
             ] ] ) .


 ex:s3 a sh:Shape ;
   sh:class ex:Person ;
   sh:class ex:Alien .

Property Paths

Paths of properties and their inverses are allowed instead of just single properties. A new construct, with property sh:propValues, is used for this, replacing sh:property and sh:inverseProperty. The name is not great and probably should be changed.

Property paths permit the shape at the beginning of this document to be written as

 ex:s1 a sh:Shape ;
   sh:propValues [
     a sh:Shape ;
     sh:path ( ex:parent ex:parent ex:age ) ;
     sh:minExclusive 50
     ] .

or using the older list syntax as

 ex:s1 a sh:Shape ;
   sh:propValues ( ( ex:parent ex:parent ex:age ) [
     a sh:Shape ;
     sh:minExclusive 50
     ] .

RDFS Typing in Shape Graphs

This proposal removes the need for most shapes include an explicit rdf:type link to sh:Shape. It does this by using rdfs:domain and rdfs:range for various properties, which are given in the metamodel for SHACL, and then using RDFS typing for the shapes graph. If all shapes have explicit typing then there is no need for this mechanism.

Readable Strings are rdfs:langString

All strings that contain language to be presented to users are of type rdf:langString.

What Follows

The details of the proposal follow. To set the context of the proposal there are preamble and conformance sections. Then there are sections on the core syntax, an informal semantics, and an extension mechanism. Each of these three sections builds on the previous, but the syntax changes are independent of the semantics which is independent of the extension mechanism.


SHACL is designed to determine whether some information satisfies a set of conditions. This process is called validation in SHACL. The main functionality provided by a SHACL engine is to determine whether one RDF graph, called the data graph and containing the information to be validated, validates against another RDF graph, containing the conditions and called the shapes graph because the main syntactic construct in SHACL is the shape. Data graphs and nodes in the data graph are said to validate against shapes and shapes graphs.

SHACL is divided into a core portion and an extension portion. The extension portion of SHACL uses SPARQL 1.1 Query Language queries from the shapes graph in validation.

This document uses Turtle syntax for graphs and nodes, with the following prefix bindings:

 rdf:  http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
 rdfs: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
 xsd:  http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#
 sh:   http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#

SHACL depends on a notion of instance that uses vocabulary from RDF (rdf:type) and RDFS (rdfs:subClassOf) but in a way different from both. A node is a SHACL instance in the data graph of another node precisely when there is a triple in the data graph with the instance node as subject, rdf:type as predicate, and object that is either the other node itself or is linked to that node via a chain of triples in the data graph each with rdfs:subClassOf as predicate.

All SHACL constructs described here are composed only of triples in the shapes graph.

SHACL uses lists in the shapes graph in its syntax. The list nodes of a node in the shapes graph are defined as the nodes in transitive-reflexive closure of rdf:rest triples in the shapes graph considered as a directed relationship between nodes. A node in the shapes graph is a SHACL list precisely when

  1. rdf:nil is one of its list nodes,
  2. all its list nodes have a single rdf:rest, except that rdf:nil has none, and
  3. all its list nodes have a single rdf:first, except that rdf:nil has none.

The rdf:first values for the list nodes are the elements of the list, in order. A list where all the elements have some characteristic is called a list of that characterstic, e.g., a list where all the elements are IRIs is called a list of IRIs.

The objects of triples with a given subject and predicate are values of the predicate for the subject. That subject is said to have these objects for the predicate.


A SHACL validation engine MUST provide an interface that validates a data graph against a shapes graph containing core SHACL constructs, as described herein, and returns all the validation results for each scoped shape in the shapes graph. A SHACL validation engine MAY provide other interfaces that return only some of the validation results. These other interfaces MUST also return a boolean result that is true only if this set is the entire set of validation results. A SHACL validation engine MAY provide an interface that returns true if there is at least one validation result with severity sh:Violation, false otherwise.

If the shapes graph provided to it is syntactically illegal a SHACL validation engine MUST so signal. The engine MAY try to use the illegal shapes graph for validation or MAY terminate processing without performing validation.

A SHACL validation engine MAY provide interfaces that construct the shapes graph and data graph from other inputs and perform validation on these constructed graphs. If so, the engine must provide an interface that takes an RDF dataset and optionally the IRI of a graph in that dataset. The engine constructs the data graph starting with the graph with that name, or the default graph of the dataset if not provided with a graph name, and incorporating other graphs from the datatset using owl:imports. The engine constructs the shapes graph by starting with all graphs in the dataset with names taken from objects of sh:shapesGraph triples in the data graph and then using owl:imports. Does this need to be more precise?

A SHACL validation engine MUST implement all the constructs of core SHACL. If a SHACL validation engine implements any of the extended constructs of SHACL then it MUST implement them all.

A SHACL validation engine MAY produce warnings if nodes that are expected to be in the data graph are not present there (e.g., for sh:scopeNode) or are not a SHACL instance there of an expected type (e.g., sc:scopeClass values and rdfs:Class).

A SHACL validation engine MUST provide an interface that signals an error if the shapes graph contains SHACL instances of sh:Shape that do not conform to the syntax herein or that have themselves as a shape in the transitive closure of their components and filters. Does this need to be more precise? If the SHACL validation engine implements any of the extended constructs of SHACL then this MUST also consider the syntax of template components and template scopes.

Core SHACL Syntax

The main SHACL construct is a shape. A shape is a node in the shapes graph that is an RDFS instance of sh:Shape in the shapes graph. (See below for a different definition of shapes in a shape graph.)

Shapes in core SHACL have

  1. zero or more scopes (triples with the shape as subject and sh:scopeNode, sh:scopeClass, sh:scopePropertyObject, sh:scopePropertySubject, sh:scopeAllObjects, or sh:scopeAllSubjects as the predicate),
  2. zero or more filters (triples with sh:filter as the predicate), whose objects are themselves shapes, and
  3. zero or more components (triples with the shape as subject and one of the component properties below as property).

The scopes of a shape select nodes for validation. Filters further cut down on the nodes for validation. Components state conditions that nodes need to satisfy to validate against the shape.

The syntax of the various core SHACL components are:

 sh:in           list of IRIs and literals
 sh:class        IRI (which is used as a class)
 sh:classIn      list of IRIs (which are used as classes)
 sh:datatype     IRI (which is used as a datatype)
 sh:datatypeIn   list of IRIs (which are used as datatypes)
 sh:directType   IRI (which is used as a class)
 sh:minLength    non-negative integer
 sh:maxLength    non-negative integer
 sh:minExclusive literal
 sh:minInclusive literal
 sh:maxExclusive literal
 sh:maxInclusive literal
 sh:nodeKind     sh:BlankNode or sh:IRI or sh:Literal or
                 BlankNodeOrIRI or BlankNodeOrLiteral or IRIOrLiteral
 sh:pattern      string used as a regular expression pattern  or
                 two-element list of pattern and string used as flags
 sh:equals       two paths
 sh:disjoint     two paths
 sh:lessThan     two paths
 sh:lessThanOrEqual two paths
 sh:propValues   shape with single sh:path value which is a path
 sh:list         shape
 sh:shape        shape
 sh:and          list of shapes
 sh:or           list of shapes
 sh:not          shape
 sh:hasValue     IRI or literal
 sh:minCount     non-negative integer
 sh:maxCount     non-negative integer
 sh:uniqueLang   boolean
 sh:partition    list of shapes
 sh:closed       list of path parts (which are used as (inverse) properties)
 sh:constraint      shape                   (for compatability)
 sh:property        shape with sh:predicate (for compatability)
 sh:inverseProperty shape with sh:predicate (for compatability)

A SHACL path is a path part or a blank node that is a list of SHACL path parts. A core SHACL path part is either an IRI or a non-list blank node with a single value for sh:inverse.

Several other properties and IRIs are used in SHACL

 sh:severity     sh:Info or sh:Warning or sh:Violation
 sh:message      language tagged-string
 sh:name         language-tagged string
 sh:description  language-tagged string
 sh:order        decimal literal
 sh:group	  property group
 sh:defaultValue IRI or literal

Note: Qualified cardinalities are replaced by an embedded shape where the embedded shape's filter has the same role as the value for sh:qualifiedValueShape.


 exs:personShape a sh:Shape;
  sh:scopeNode ex:John ;
  sh:scopePropertyObject ex:parent ;
  sh:propValues [ sh:path ex:child ; sh:class ex:Person ] ;
  sh:propValues [ sh:path ex:age ;
                  sh:datatype xs:integer;
                  sh:minCount 1 ; sh:maxCount 1 ] .

A graph validates against exs:personShape if all SHACL instances of ex:Person in that graph have all their stated names be strings, all their stated children belonging to ex:Person, and have exactly one stated age, which is an integer.

 exs:SJG a sh:Shape;
  sh:scopeClass ex:Person ;
  sh:filter [ sh:propValues [ sh:path ex:gender ; sh:hasValue ex:female ] ] ;
  sh:filter [ sh:propValues [ sh:path ( ex:child ex:child ) ; sh:minCount 5 ] ] ;
  sh:propValues ( ex:child 
    [ sh:filter [ sh:propValues [ sh:path ex:gender ; sh:hasValue ex:male ] ] ;
      sh:class ex:Professional ] ) .

A graph validates against exs:SJG if all SHACL instances of ex:Person (the scope) that have ex:female as gender (the first filter) and have at least five grandchildren (the second filter) have all their male children be SHACL instances of ex:Professional.

 ex:IssueShape a sh:Shape ;
   sh:scopeClass ex:Issue;
   sh:propValues [ sh:path ex:state ;
                   sh:in (ex:unassigned ex:assigned) ;
                   sh:minCount 1 ; sh:maxCount 1 ] ;
   sh:propValues [ sh:path ex:reportedBy
                   ; sh:shape ex:UserShape ;
                   sh:minCount 1 ; sh:maxCount 1 ] .
 ex:UserShape a sh:Shape ;
   sh:propValues [ sh:path foaf:name ;
                   sh:datatype xsd:string ;
                   sh:minCount 1 ; sh:maxCount 1 ] ;
   sh:propValues [ sh:path foaf:mbox ;
                   sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
                   sh:minCount 1 ] .

Example 1 from SHACL document

 exs:sample a sh:Shape ;
  sh:scopeNode ex:John ;
  sh:scopePropertyObject ex:parent ;
  sh:propValues [ sh:path ex:dependent ;
                  sh:class ex:Person ; sh:class ex:Child ;
                  sh:shape ex:sample2 ] ;
  sh:propValues [ sh:path ex:age ;
                  sh:datatype xs:integer ;
                  sh:minCount 1 ; sh:maxCount 1 ;
                  sh:minInclusive 12 ] ;
 exs:sample2 a sh:Shape ;
  sh:propValues [ sh:path ex:age ;
                  sh:datatype xs:integer ;
                  sh:minCount 1 ; sh:maxCount 1 ;
                   sh:minInclusive 25 ] .

Just showing some other syntax.

Validation results

Validation results are essentially the same as in the current design.

sh:subject, sh:predicate, and sh:object are set as appropriate to each component here. sh:sourceConstraint is not used as there are no longer any constraints. sh:sourceTemplate is the renamed as sh:Component and is the component property.

Semantics for Core SHACL

A data graph validates against a shapes graph if the data graph validates against every node in the shapes graph that is the subject of at least one triple whose predicate is one of the scope properties. These nodes are called the scoped shapes of the shapes graph. Any node in the shapes graph that is used as a shape during validation is then a shape whether it has SHACL type sh:shape or not. (This is a different definition of shapes but it does not require any use of typing to determine what is a shape.)

A data graph validates against a scoped shape if the set of nodes of the graph selected by any scope of the scoped shape validates against the scoped shape.

Scopes select certain RDF terms (or nodes, but RDF only uses node with respect to the nodes of an RDF graph). A sh:scopeNode value selects that term. A sh:scopeClass value selects each term that is a SHACL instance of the class in the data graph. A sh:scopePropertyObject value selects each term that is the object of some triple in the data graph with that property as predicate. A sh:scopePropertySubject value selects each term that is the subject of a triple in the data graph with that property as predicate. A sh:scopeAllObjects selects all terms that are the object of some triple in the data graph. A sh:scopeAllSubjects selects all terms that are the subject of some triple in the data graph.

A set of RDF terms (the focus nodes) validates against a shape as follows. The in-filter nodes are those focus nodes which validate against each of the filters of the shape. Focus nodes that are not in-filter nodes are called out-of-filter nodes.

To uniformly handle all components the semantics for components is defined in terms of a set of of nodes (the in-filter nodes) and not in terms of a single node. Some components (sh:shape, sh:and, sh:or, sh:not, sh:hasValue, sh:minCount, sh:maxCount, sh:uniqueLang, and sh:partition) work on this set as a whole. There is one or more elements in the validation result precisely when one or more in-filter node fails to validate against the component. The component separately determines which in-filter nodes validate or fail to validate against the component. The other components (sh:in, ..., sh:pattern, sh:propValues) work on each in-filter node independently. The validation results for the component contains an element for each in-filter node that failed to validate against that component. in-filter nodes for which there is no validation result are considered to validate against the component.

A set of focus nodes validates against a shape if the set of in-filter nodes from this set of focus nodes validates against each of the shape's components.

The core components work as follows, where all typing determinations are made in the data graph, all triples come from the data graph, and paths are processed as in the SPARQL 1.1 Query Language. For components that are defined using SPARQL operators, an error result is treated as if the operator had returned false.

  • sh:in list of node
Each in-filter node is a member of the list.
  • sh:class class
Each in-filter node has class as one of its SHACL types.
  • sh:classIn ( class ... )
Each in-filter node has one of the classes as one of its SHACL types.
  • sh:datatype datatype
Each in-filter node has datatype as its datatype.
  • sh:datatypeIn ( datatypes ... )
Each in-filter node has one of the datatypes as its datatype.
  • sh:directType class
Each in-filter node has an rdf:type link to the class.
  • sh:minLength non-negative integer
The SPARQL STR representation of each in-filter node is at least this long.
  • sh:maxLength non-negative integer
The SPARQL STR representation of each in-filter node is at most this long.
  • sh:minExclusive literal
Each in-filter node is greater than this literal, using SPARQL > test.
  • sh:minInclusive literal
Each in-filter node is greater than or equal to this literal, using SPARQL >= test.
  • sh:maxExclusive literal
Each in-filter node is less than this literal, using SPARQL < test.
  • sh:maxInclusive literal
Each in-filter node is less than or equal to this literal, using SPARQL <= test.
  • sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNode or sh:IRI or sh:Literal or BlankNodeOrIRI or BlankNodeOrLiteral or IRIOrLiteral
Each in-filter node is a blank node, an IRI, a literal, a blank node or IRI, a blank node or literal, or an IRI or literal, respectively
  • sh:pattern regex or ( regex flags )
The SPARQL STR representation each in-filter node matches regex using SPARQL REGEX, with flags if present.
  • sh:equals ( path1 path2 )
Each in-filter node has the same values for the paths starting at the node.
  • sh:disjoint ( path1 path2 )
Each in-filter node has disjoint sets of values for the paths starting at the node.
  • sh:lessThan ( path1 path2 )
For each in-filter node every value for the first path is SPARQL < every value for the second path.
  • sh:lessThanOrEqual ( path1 path2 )
For each in-filter node each value for the first path is SPARQL <= every value for the second path.
  • sh:propValues shape with sh:path
For each in-filter node the values of path validate against shape.
  • sh:list shape
Each in-filter node is a SHACL list and its list elements validate against shape.
  • sh:closed ( property ... )
Each in-filter node has no values for any property not in the list or that is not the property of a sh:propValues component of the shape.
  • sh:shape shape
The nodes that validate are those that validate against the shape.
  • sh:and ( shape ... shape )
The nodes that validate are those that validate against each shape.
  • sh:or ( shape ... shape )
The nodes that validate are those that validate against some shape.
  • sh:not shape
The nodes that validate are those that do not validate against the shape.
  • sh:hasValue node
Some in-filter node is the same as the node.
  • sh:minCount int
There are at least int in-filter nodes.
  • sh:maxCount int
There are at most int in-filter nodes.
  • sh:uniqueLang true
An in-filter node fails to validate if it has the same language tag as another in-filter node.
  • sh:partition ( shape_1, ..., shape_n )
Let input_1 be the set of in-filter nodes.
Let input_i+1 be the out-of-filter nodes of shape_i for input_i.
Nodes that fail to validate for shape_i on input_i fail for the component, for 1<=i<=n.
Nodes in input_n+1 fail to validate for the component.
  • sh:constraint shape
Same as sh:shape shape.
  • sh:property shape with single value for sh:predicate.
Same as sh:propValues shape with sh:predicate property replaced by sh:path property.
  • sh:inverseProperty shape with single value for sh:predicate.
Same as sh:propValues shape with sh:predicate property replaced by sh:path [sh:inverse property].

SHACL Extension

This is a description of a SPARQL extension for SHACL based on substitution. This extension mechanism for SHACL does not depend on any extensions to SPARQL and thus can be used with any SPARQL implementation or service, including SPARQL endpoints

Using SPARQL Queries in SHACL

The extension uses solutions in SPARQL result sets as validation results. These solutions have bindings for at least ?this and ?severity. A set of nodes validates against a component in the SPARQL extension if evaluating the SPARQL query for the component over the data graph would produce no query results with ?severity bound to sh:Violation when joined to a result set with solutions having ?this bound to elements of the set. Validation fails on nodes that have a solution in the joined result set with ?this bound to the node and ?severity bound to sh:Violation.

The extension uses solutions in SPARQL result sets as scopes and as synthetic properties. For scopes, the set of nodes in a scope are the set of bindings for ?scope in the solutions of a result set. For synthetic properties, the set of subject, object pairs in a synthetic property are the set of pairs of bindings for ?subject and ?object in the solutions of a result set.

The SPARQL queries in this extension are always augmented with namespace prefix bindings for rdf:, rdfs:, xsd:, and sh: as above. A mechanism for augmenting these bindings might be useful.

The SPARQL queries in this extension are always run over the data graph. (The shapes in templates validate arguments to components and scopes of shapes, so the data graph for them is the shapes graph.)

Component Templates

Component templates provide components based on parameterized SPARQL code. A component template is an IRI that is an RDFS instance of sh:ComponentTemplate in the shapes graph. Each triple in the shapes graph whose subject is a shape and whose predicate is a component template is a template component of the shape.

A component template is used as a shape to check the syntactic validity of template components. The object of a template component triple is validated against the component template considered as a shape. If the validation fails the template component is syntactically illegal.

The sh:propValues components in component templates shapes can also have sh:argumentName and sh:defaultValue triples that are used in the process of constructing the query for template components.

Component templates provide SPARQL queries (actually strings that are used to produce SPARQL code via the substitution process described below) to define the query via their value for

 sh:templateQuery   parameterized SPARQL query

Alternatively the query can be constructed from the values of other properties

 sh:templateFilter  parameterized SPARQL expression
 sh:templatePattern parameterized SPARQL pattern
 sh:templateHaving  parameterized SPARQL expression
 sh:templateMessage parameterized language-tagged string

The sh:templateFilter evaluates to true for ?this bindings that would validate against the component. The sh:templatePattern eliminates bindings for ?this that would validate against the component. The sh:templateHaving eliminates groups of solutions for ?this bindings that would validate against the component. The values for sh:templateMessage are used to construct the message part of validation results. These four property values are all used to construct a parameterized query for the template that looks like

 SELECT [projection] ?this ?message ?severity (?this AS ?object)
 WHERE { [outer] [inner] <pattern> FILTER ( ! <filter> ) }
 [group] HAVING <having>
 VALUES (?message ?severity) { ( <message> [severity] ) }

where the FILTER ( ! <filter> ) part is only present if there is a value for sh:templateFilter and the [group] HAVING <having> part is only present if there is a value forsh:templateHaving.

The actual query for the template component is produced by substitution into the parameterized query. Values for all five of the above properties can have substrings of the form


that are treated as substitution expressions subject to replacement. Substition expressions can be

  1. a quoted string
  2. a simple name, where the name's value in the context is substituted
  3. p(name), where the name's value is processed as a path
  4. s(name), where the name's value is processed as a shape
  5. c(path name), where the name's value is processed as a shape to produce a shape for path values
  6. l(expression string), where the list values for the value of identifier in expression are processed instead of its values and the results joined with string

This syntax needs to be defined more precisely. All processing happens in the shapes graph.

The values for names come from two sources. Values for several standard names are set up automatically:

  1. argument is the object of the template component triple
  2. projection is a SPARQL variable that serves as a context, but can also be the empty string
  3. outer is a SPARQL pattern that produces bindings for the projection variable, but can also be the empty string
  4. inner is a SPARQL pattern that produces bindings for ?this
  5. group is a SPARQL GROUP BY fragment that groups by the projection variable, but can also be the empty string
  6. severity is the severity to be used in the component

Other values come from sh:propValues components in the component template that have sh:argumentName triples in their shape argument. Each such sh:propValues component produces a value for the object of its sh:argumentName triple that is either one of the values for its path starting from the its argument or the value of its sh:defaultValue triple if there are no values for the path.

Note: Having multiple sh:propValues with the same sh:argumentName leads to indeterminate results. Having multiple values for an argument path leads to indeterminate results. It might be better to instead collect all the values somehow, but there would need to be some analysis to determine how to do this best.

Scope Templates

Scope templates provide scopes based on parameterized SPARQL queries. A scope template is an IRI that is an RDFS instance of sh:ScopeTemplate in the shapes graph. Each triple in the shapes graph whose subject is a shape and whose predicate is a scope template is a template scope of the shape. A scope template is also used as a shape in the same way that a component template is.

Scope templates provide SPARQL queries to define the query via

 sh:templateQuery parameterized SPARQL query

The query for a template scope is constructed in the same way as for a template component except that the alternative query consruction method is not used. As well, the only standard name is argument.

The nodes selected by a template scope are the bindings for ?scope in solutions in the result set of the SPARQL query run over the data graph.

Direct Use of SPARQL Queries

SPARQL queries are directly allowed in shape components via

 sh:query SPARQL query

The SPARQL query for a sh:sparql component is the provided query with no substitutions.

SPARQL queries are directly allowed in scopes via

 sh:scopeQuery SPARQL query

The SPARQL query for a sh:scopeQuery scope is the provided query with no substitution.

SPARQL queries are also allowed as path parts. The bindings of ?subject and ?object in solutions of its result set are considered as subjects and objects of a synthetic property. This produces truly awful syntax, and should be fixed somehow. Note: The derived values equality constraint is replaced by an sh:equals with one of the paths using SPARQL code.


 ex:example a sh:ComponentTemplate ;
   sh:propValues [ sh:path ex:predicate ;
                   sh:class rdf:Property;
                   sh:minCount 1 ; sh:maxCount 1 ] ;
   sh:propValues [ sh:path ex:lang ;
                   sh:datatype xs:string ;
                   sh:minCount 1 ; sh:maxCount 1 ] ;
   sh:sparqlTemplate """... ?this ...""" .
 ex:exampleShape a sh:Shape ;
   ex:example [ ex:predicate ex:p ; ex:lang "de" ] .
 sh:class a sh:ComponentTemplate ; rdfs:domain sh:Shape ; rdfs:range rdfs:Class ;
   sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
   sh:templateMessage "Does not have required class [argument]" ;
   sh:messsage "Classes need to be IRIs" ;
   sh:templateFilter "EXISTS { ?this rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* [argument] }" .
 ex:listexShape a sh:Shape ;
    ex:listex ( ex:person ex:p2 ) .