PROPOSAL: Relicensing W3C Specifications

Status 2014-12-05: See the approved version of this proposal.

Status 2014-08: This (public) proposal was reviewed by the W3C Membership. It is superseded by an October 2014 proposal.


At times the Director may wish to (re)publish a specification originally published under the W3C Document License under a different copyright license (e.g., one that is more permissive), to achieve certain aims. For example, W3C may cease work on a specification before it has been finalized as a Recommendation, yet the community may wish to continue working on it. This proposal describes the considerations for making a relicensing decision.


The Director will consider the following (and possibly other topics) as part of the decision to relicense:

Scenarios when the Director might not relicense



If the Director's decision is to relicense:


The Director's preferred licensing strategy will depend on the situation. However, for a permissive license, the Director expects to use the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY) or subsequent version of the license.

Other licensing considerations

Questions? Ian Jacobs <>

$Id: relicense.html,v 1.15 2014/12/05 14:54:32 ijacobs Exp $