
Provenance Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 21 March 2013

Craig Trim, Curt Tilmes, Graham Klyne, Hook Hua, Ivan Herman, James Cheney, Jun Zhao, Khalid Belhajjame, Luc Moreau, Paolo Missier, Paul Groth, Sam Coppens, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Ted Thibodeau, Tom De Nies, Trung Huynh
Trung Huynh, Graham Klyne, Curt Tilmes, Paolo Missier, James Cheney, Khalid Belhajjame
Luc Moreau
Craig Trim
  1. last week's minutes link
  1. Documents are published

    Please remind your AcRep to endorse PROV recommendations. Generally, there are presentations on PROV happening (this week by Paolo, Khalid, James, Stian), please blog about them, and add any material in the outreach page of our wiki.

  2. Publication date for RECs

    Ivan will informally reserve April 30 as the publication date for all our documents. Luc to updated provbib.js.

  3. prov-aq

    editors are finalizing the document. No outstanding issue to discuss. Paul to update the timetable for prov-aq.

  4. prov-xml

    Hook reported back on his investigation about issue 648. It was suggested that editors should make a proposal by Monday, to be endorsed by the group, in time for finalizing the document by next Thursday.

  5. prov-dictionary

    Tom and Sam have drafted proposals for the outstanding issue. They will email them to the group for feedback. If by Tuesday noon GMT, no objection has been raised, they will be considered as approved. This will allow them to finalize the document by Thursday next week.

  6. internal reviews

    We had few participants, and therefore were able to line up very few reviewers for documents. (Reviewers were added to the agenda). We will seek more reviewers next week, as documents get released. We note that we are seeking reviewers from the DC community for PROV-DC, and it would be nice to find external reviewers for PROV-XML.

  7. GLD Review Last Call for the Organization Ontology (ORG)

    We briefly reviewed the response of GLD to our review of the ORG ontology. Jun was going to check a few points, and draft a response.

14:51:56 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/03/21-prov-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/03/21-prov-irc

14:51:58 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world

14:52:00 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be PROV

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be PROV

14:52:00 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 8 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 8 minutes

14:52:01 <trackbot> Meeting: Provenance Working Group Teleconference
14:52:01 <trackbot> Date: 21 March 2013
14:52:06 <Luc> Zakim, this will be PROV

Luc Moreau: Zakim, this will be PROV

14:52:06 <Zakim> ok, Luc; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 8 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, Luc; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 8 minutes

14:52:37 <Luc> Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2013.03.21
14:53:04 <Luc> Chair: Luc Moreau
14:53:12 <Luc> rrsagent, make logs public

Luc Moreau: rrsagent, make logs public

14:54:22 <Luc> Regrets: Dong Huynh, Graham Klyne, Curt Tilmes, Paolo Missier, James Cheney, Khalid Belhajjame
14:55:07 <Zakim> SW_(PROV)11:00AM has now started

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_(PROV)11:00AM has now started

14:55:14 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

14:55:23 <pgroth> Zakim, [IPcaller] is me

Paul Groth: Zakim, [IPcaller] is me

14:55:23 <Zakim> +pgroth; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +pgroth; got it

14:59:41 <Zakim> + +44.238.059.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: + +44.238.059.aaaa

14:59:41 <Zakim> +CraigTrim

Zakim IRC Bot: +CraigTrim

15:00:12 <Luc> zakim, who is here?

Luc Moreau: zakim, who is here?

15:00:12 <Zakim> On the phone I see pgroth, +44.238.059.aaaa, CraigTrim

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see pgroth, +44.238.059.aaaa, CraigTrim

15:00:13 <Zakim> On IRC I see CraigTrim, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, TallTed, ivan, GK1, stain, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see CraigTrim, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, TallTed, ivan, GK1, stain, trackbot

15:00:30 <Luc> can I have a scribe pls

Luc Moreau: can I have a scribe pls

15:00:42 <TallTed> TallTed has changed the topic to: Provenance WG -- http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/ -- agenda http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2013.03.21

Ted Thibodeau: TallTed has changed the topic to: Provenance WG -- http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/ -- agenda http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2013.03.21

15:01:13 <ivan> zakim, dial ivan-voip

Ivan Herman: zakim, dial ivan-voip

15:01:13 <Zakim> ok, ivan; the call is being made

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, ivan; the call is being made

15:01:15 <Zakim> +Ivan

Zakim IRC Bot: +Ivan

15:01:26 <ivan> zakim, mute me

Ivan Herman: zakim, mute me

15:01:26 <Zakim> Ivan should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Ivan should now be muted

15:01:49 <ivan> zakim, unmute me

Ivan Herman: zakim, unmute me

15:01:49 <Zakim> Ivan should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Ivan should no longer be muted

15:02:50 <Luc> zakim, who is noisy?

Luc Moreau: zakim, who is noisy?

15:03:01 <Zakim> Luc, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +44.238.059.aaaa (14%), Ivan (4%)

Zakim IRC Bot: Luc, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +44.238.059.aaaa (14%), Ivan (4%)

15:03:07 <Luc> scribe, scribe, scribe ....

Luc Moreau: scribe, scribe, scribe ....

15:03:08 <Zakim> + +1.818.731.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.818.731.aabb

15:03:33 <Luc> zakim, pick a scribe

Luc Moreau: zakim, pick a scribe

15:03:34 <Zakim> Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose CraigTrim

Zakim IRC Bot: Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose CraigTrim

15:03:44 <Zakim> +Ruben

Zakim IRC Bot: +Ruben

15:03:51 <TomDN> Zakim. Ruben is me

Tom De Nies: Zakim. Ruben is me

15:04:00 <TomDN> Zakim, Ruben is me

Tom De Nies: Zakim, Ruben is me

15:04:00 <Zakim> +TomDN; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +TomDN; got it

15:04:02 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

15:04:09 <jun> zakim, +IPcaller is me

Jun Zhao: zakim, +IPcaller is me

15:04:10 <Zakim> sorry, jun, I do not recognize a party named '+IPcaller'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, jun, I do not recognize a party named '+IPcaller'

15:04:18 <jun> zakim, [IPcaller] is me

Jun Zhao: zakim, [IPcaller] is me

15:04:18 <Zakim> +jun; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +jun; got it

15:04:19 <TomDN> Zakim, mute me

Tom De Nies: Zakim, mute me

15:04:20 <Zakim> TomDN should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TomDN should now be muted

15:04:46 <Luc> scribe: CraigTrim

(Scribe set to Craig Trim)

15:05:16 <Luc> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2013-03-14

Luc Moreau: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/meeting/2013-03-14

15:05:20 <ivan> zakim, mute me

Ivan Herman: zakim, mute me

15:05:20 <Zakim> Ivan should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Ivan should now be muted

15:05:25 <CraigTrim> Luc: go through remaining issues in today's documents, but start by approving minutes of last week's conference

Luc Moreau: go through remaining issues in today's documents, but start by approving minutes of last week's conference

15:05:25 <Luc> PROPOSED: ACCEPT last week's minutes

PROPOSED: ACCEPT last week's minutes

15:05:29 <Zakim> +OpenLink_Software

Zakim IRC Bot: +OpenLink_Software

15:05:33 <TomDN> +1

Tom De Nies: +1

15:05:35 <TallTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me

15:05:35 <Zakim> +TallTed; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +TallTed; got it

15:05:36 <TallTed> Zakim, muteme

Ted Thibodeau: Zakim, muteme

15:05:36 <Zakim> I don't understand 'muteme', TallTed

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'muteme', TallTed

15:05:37 <CraigTrim> +1


15:06:01 <Luc> RESOLVED: last week's minutes

RESOLVED: last week's minutes

15:06:07 <TomDN> (sam is underway from another meeting, but he approves as well)

Tom De Nies: (sam is underway from another meeting, but he approves as well)

15:07:23 <Luc> topic:Documents are published

1. Documents are published

Summary: Please remind your AcRep to endorse PROV recommendations. Generally, there are presentations on PROV happening (this week by Paolo, Khalid, James, Stian), please blog about them, and add any material in the outreach page of our wiki.

<luc>Summary: Please remind your AcRep to endorse PROV recommendations. Generally, there are presentations on PROV happening (this week by Paolo, Khalid, James, Stian), please blog about them, and add any material in the outreach page of our wiki.
15:07:52 <CraigTrim> pgroth: I put out a blog post to semantic web list

Paul Groth: I put out a blog post to semantic web list

15:07:53 <ivan> http://www.w3.org/blog/SW/2013/03/21/prov-a-framework-for-provenance-interchange/

Ivan Herman: http://www.w3.org/blog/SW/2013/03/21/prov-a-framework-for-provenance-interchange/

15:08:10 <CraigTrim> pgroth: we have about 5 votes on the AC reps list

Paul Groth: we have about 5 votes on the AC reps list

15:08:37 <TomDN> yes

Tom De Nies: yes

15:08:39 <CraigTrim> Luc: Inviting participants here to contact their AC reps

Luc Moreau: Inviting participants here to contact their AC reps

15:08:54 <Luc> zakim, who is here?

Luc Moreau: zakim, who is here?

15:08:54 <Zakim> On the phone I see pgroth, +44.238.059.aaaa, CraigTrim, Ivan (muted), +1.818.731.aabb, TomDN (muted), jun, TallTed (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see pgroth, +44.238.059.aaaa, CraigTrim, Ivan (muted), +1.818.731.aabb, TomDN (muted), jun, TallTed (muted)

15:08:56 <Zakim> On IRC I see jun, TomDN, hook, CraigTrim, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, TallTed, ivan, GK1, stain, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see jun, TomDN, hook, CraigTrim, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, TallTed, ivan, GK1, stain, trackbot

15:09:58 <Luc> topic: Publication date for RECs

2. Publication date for RECs

Summary: Ivan will informally reserve April 30 as the publication date for all our documents. Luc to updated provbib.js.

<luc>Summary: Ivan will informally reserve April 30 as the publication date for all our documents. Luc to updated provbib.js.
15:10:09 <ivan> zakim, unmute me

Ivan Herman: zakim, unmute me

15:10:09 <Zakim> Ivan should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Ivan should no longer be muted

15:10:14 <pgroth> gone

Paul Groth: gone

15:10:17 <pgroth> or is it me?

Paul Groth: or is it me?

15:10:28 <pgroth> it's me

Paul Groth: it's me

15:11:27 <CraigTrim> Luc: Will be away for 2 weeks during period while we prepare documents, so need to do this next week, so need confirmation of dates

Luc Moreau: Will be away for 2 weeks during period while we prepare documents, so need to do this next week, so need confirmation of dates

15:11:34 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:11:46 <Luc> topic: prov-aq

3. prov-aq

Summary: editors are finalizing the document. No outstanding issue to discuss. Paul to update the timetable for prov-aq.

<luc>Summary: editors are finalizing the document. No outstanding issue to discuss. Paul to update the timetable for prov-aq.
15:12:18 <CraigTrim> pgroth: Nothing to discuss - we know what to do in terms of addressing issues

Paul Groth: Nothing to discuss - we know what to do in terms of addressing issues

15:12:38 <CraigTrim> pgroth: I think we know the edits we need to make from last week

Paul Groth: I think we know the edits we need to make from last week

15:12:49 <TomDN> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/WorkplanTillFinalPublication

Tom De Nies: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/WorkplanTillFinalPublication

15:13:24 <ivan> zakim, mute me

Ivan Herman: zakim, mute me

15:13:24 <Zakim> Ivan should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Ivan should now be muted

15:13:31 <CraigTrim> Luc: Could you update schedule on Wikipage?

Luc Moreau: Could you update schedule on Wikipage?

15:13:34 <CraigTrim> pgroth: Yes, will update

Paul Groth: Yes, will update

15:13:40 <Luc> topic: prov-xml

4. prov-xml

Summary: Hook reported back on his investigation about issue 648. It was suggested that editors should make a proposal by Monday, to be endorsed by the group, in time for finalizing the document by next Thursday.

<luc>Summary: Hook reported back on his investigation about issue 648.  It was suggested that editors should make a proposal by Monday, to be endorsed by the group, in time for finalizing the document by next Thursday.
15:13:52 <SamCoppens> zakim, I am with TomDN

Sam Coppens: zakim, I am with TomDN

15:13:52 <Zakim> +SamCoppens; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +SamCoppens; got it

15:17:05 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:17:11 <CraigTrim> hook: for avoiding JAXB element issue - we were thinking that this may be a JAXB dependent only type of issue - it really does raise the issue that JAXB does this due to ambiguity in marshalling and unmarshalling.  That ambiguity is in minOccurs=0 and nullable types.  The fact that those two can not occur together.  How do you represent with element is missing vs element is nullable.  How do we distinguish between those cases?

Hook Hua: for avoiding JAXB element issue - we were thinking that this may be a JAXB dependent only type of issue - it really does raise the issue that JAXB does this due to ambiguity in marshalling and unmarshalling. That ambiguity is in minOccurs=0 and nullable types. The fact that those two can not occur together. How do you represent with element is missing vs element is nullable. How do we distinguish between those cases?

15:17:24 <CraigTrim> hook: One of the questions that this does raise is how dependent do we want to be on JAXB?

Hook Hua: One of the questions that this does raise is how dependent do we want to be on JAXB?

15:17:42 <pgroth> q+

Paul Groth: q+

15:17:58 <CraigTrim> hook: JAXB is probably one of the more mature XML binding tools out there - used quite a lot by industry (Web Services, JEE Frameworks) ... there is probably an ideal case where we want to be independent of implementations

Hook Hua: JAXB is probably one of the more mature XML binding tools out there - used quite a lot by industry (Web Services, JEE Frameworks) ... there is probably an ideal case where we want to be independent of implementations

15:18:02 <CraigTrim> hook: but we can't ignore JAXB

Hook Hua: but we can't ignore JAXB

15:18:10 <Luc> ack pg

Luc Moreau: ack pg

15:18:25 <CraigTrim> pgroth: What is the suggestion?  And what are the ramifications?

Paul Groth: What is the suggestion? And what are the ramifications?

15:18:55 <CraigTrim> pgroth: reason for PROV-XML was to make it easy for people who work with XML to adopt PROV ... otherwise we would have just used RDF/XML, but that's not nice for XML developers

Paul Groth: reason for PROV-XML was to make it easy for people who work with XML to adopt PROV ... otherwise we would have just used RDF/XML, but that's not nice for XML developers

15:19:16 <CraigTrim> hook: JAXB has a customization capability so we could customize binding

Hook Hua: JAXB has a customization capability so we could customize binding

15:19:40 <CraigTrim> hook: this would allow us to instruct JAXB to not generate JAXB element; however this creates ambiguity in round trip marshalling

Hook Hua: this would allow us to instruct JAXB to not generate JAXB element; however this creates ambiguity in round trip marshalling

15:20:22 <CraigTrim> hook: customization is purely JAXB - we provide a customization XML file

Hook Hua: customization is purely JAXB - we provide a customization XML file

15:20:37 <CraigTrim> hook: We won't need to touch the PROV-XML schema at all

Hook Hua: We won't need to touch the PROV-XML schema at all

15:20:50 <CraigTrim> hook: alternative is to move xs:any out

Hook Hua: alternative is to move xs:any out

15:21:06 <CraigTrim> hook: that could be a good compromise - since it would not require ambiguity or customization of binding

Hook Hua: that could be a good compromise - since it would not require ambiguity or customization of binding

15:21:18 <CraigTrim> hook: but difficult to get cutomization to work properly

Hook Hua: but difficult to get cutomization to work properly

15:22:04 <CraigTrim> Luc: given your timetable indicates a draft for review on the 28th (next week), I think it would be nice to have a resolution before you release the new draft so that we review a (near) final version of the PROV-XML documents

Luc Moreau: given your timetable indicates a draft for review on the 28th (next week), I think it would be nice to have a resolution before you release the new draft so that we review a (near) final version of the PROV-XML documents

15:22:23 <CraigTrim> Luc: would it be possible for the editors to have a proposal on Monday and a decision by Tuesday?

Luc Moreau: would it be possible for the editors to have a proposal on Monday and a decision by Tuesday?

15:22:26 <CraigTrim> hook: yes, sounds reasonable

Hook Hua: yes, sounds reasonable

15:22:29 <CraigTrim> pgroth: yes, agreed

Paul Groth: yes, agreed

15:22:59 <CraigTrim> pgroth: PROV-XML is a series of trade offs

Paul Groth: PROV-XML is a series of trade offs

15:23:01 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:23:19 <CraigTrim> hook: one particular trade off is it acceptable to have a lossy round-trip marshalling in exchange for ease of use?

Hook Hua: one particular trade off is it acceptable to have a lossy round-trip marshalling in exchange for ease of use?

15:23:27 <CraigTrim> hook: we need to consider this

Hook Hua: we need to consider this

15:23:35 <CraigTrim> Luc: what is it that you would lose?

Luc Moreau: what is it that you would lose?

15:23:43 <CraigTrim> Luc: could you give an example?

Luc Moreau: could you give an example?

15:24:06 <CraigTrim> hook: If you have an element that is in two states (declared - but value nil) and (not declared)

Hook Hua: If you have an element that is in two states (declared - but value nil) and (not declared)

15:24:20 <CraigTrim> hook: when we unmarshall out into data structured, one of those two states will collapse into a more generic state

Hook Hua: when we unmarshall out into data structured, one of those two states will collapse into a more generic state

15:24:34 <CraigTrim> hook: when we marshall back we can't tell which of the original states

Hook Hua: when we marshall back we can't tell which of the original states

15:24:50 <CraigTrim> hook: this is rationale of why JAXB element is inserted into here to capture these two states properly

Hook Hua: this is rationale of why JAXB element is inserted into here to capture these two states properly

15:25:16 <CraigTrim> Luc: what element in the schema can be null?

Luc Moreau: what element in the schema can be null?

15:25:28 <CraigTrim> Luc: it's none of the PROV constructs, right?

Luc Moreau: it's none of the PROV constructs, right?

15:25:43 <CraigTrim> hook: right - nowhere in PROV-XML XSDs to we declare nullable type = true

Hook Hua: right - nowhere in PROV-XML XSDs to we declare nullable type = true

15:25:56 <CraigTrim> hook: so we should verify the occurence of the nullable

Hook Hua: so we should verify the occurence of the nullable

15:26:18 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:26:21 <CraigTrim> hook: we will verify this before Monday and reach a conclusion

Hook Hua: we will verify this before Monday and reach a conclusion

15:26:41 <CraigTrim> Luc: Outcome is by Monday we will receive a proposal on what the editors recommend on this

Luc Moreau: Outcome is by Monday we will receive a proposal on what the editors recommend on this

15:26:44 <TomDN> Zakim, unmute me

Tom De Nies: Zakim, unmute me

15:26:44 <Zakim> TomDN should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TomDN should no longer be muted

15:26:46 <Luc> topic: prov-dictionary

5. prov-dictionary

Summary: Tom and Sam have drafted proposals for the outstanding issue. They will email them to the group for feedback. If by Tuesday noon GMT, no objection has been raised, they will be considered as approved. This will allow them to finalize the document by Thursday next week.

<luc>Summary:  Tom and Sam have drafted proposals for the outstanding issue. They will email them to the group for feedback. If by Tuesday noon GMT, no objection has been raised, they will be considered as approved. This will allow them to finalize the document by Thursday next week.
15:26:59 <TomDN> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2013.03.21#PROV-DICTIONARY

Tom De Nies: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2013.03.21#PROV-DICTIONARY

15:27:53 <CraigTrim> TomDN: we may want to defer voting due to low attendance

Tom De Nies: we may want to defer voting due to low attendance

15:28:31 <CraigTrim> Luc: documents are being released next week, so good to have resolutions ahead of that

Luc Moreau: documents are being released next week, so good to have resolutions ahead of that

15:28:51 <CraigTrim> Luc: I would recommend an email to put your proposals forward and if no negative response by Tuesday assume endorsed

Luc Moreau: I would recommend an email to put your proposals forward and if no negative response by Tuesday assume endorsed

15:28:52 <pgroth> q+

Paul Groth: q+

15:29:12 <CraigTrim> pgroth: Yes, just to clarify - that means Tom puts out what he thinks it correct on each item and ask for objections

Paul Groth: Yes, just to clarify - that means Tom puts out what he thinks it correct on each item and ask for objections

15:29:22 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

15:29:23 <pgroth> q+

Paul Groth: q+

15:29:48 <CraigTrim> TomDN: I will put the email out - most issues are editorials and TODOs - the two biggest ones are examples of data collection

Tom De Nies: I will put the email out - most issues are editorials and TODOs - the two biggest ones are examples of data collection

15:29:58 <CraigTrim> TomDN: there is slight change in XML requested about IDs and attributes

Tom De Nies: there is slight change in XML requested about IDs and attributes

15:30:16 <CraigTrim> TomDN: only one issue that we don't have a proposal for - that is the first one on agenda - 638 - was raised by James

Tom De Nies: only one issue that we don't have a proposal for - that is the first one on agenda - 638 - was raised by James

15:30:31 <CraigTrim> TomDN: this is something that we don't know how to solve conclusively

Tom De Nies: this is something that we don't know how to solve conclusively

15:30:38 <pgroth> q+

Paul Groth: q+

15:30:47 <CraigTrim> TomDN: so I will send an email out asking for suggestions on how to fix

Tom De Nies: so I will send an email out asking for suggestions on how to fix

15:30:57 <CraigTrim> Luc: James could make a suggestion

Luc Moreau: James could make a suggestion

15:31:04 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:31:10 <Luc> ack pg

Luc Moreau: ack pg

15:31:28 <CraigTrim> pgroth: if anyone has any issues we could talk about that briefly

Paul Groth: if anyone has any issues we could talk about that briefly

15:31:49 <pgroth> james should probably make a suggestion

Paul Groth: james should probably make a suggestion

15:32:30 <CraigTrim> Luc: whenever there is an equality sign between two sets of key value pairs it denotes equality over those esets?

Luc Moreau: whenever there is an equality sign between two sets of key value pairs it denotes equality over those esets?

15:32:34 <CraigTrim> TomDN: yes

Tom De Nies: yes

15:32:58 <CraigTrim> TomDN: the issue is that the notation deviates from constraints of data model so we need suitable resolution for that

Tom De Nies: the issue is that the notation deviates from constraints of data model so we need suitable resolution for that

15:33:09 <CraigTrim> TomDN: will send out email and ask for more suggestions

Tom De Nies: will send out email and ask for more suggestions

15:33:14 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:33:35 <CraigTrim> Luc: regarding issue 650 - I believe Stephan is updating XML schema

Luc Moreau: regarding ISSUE-650 - I believe Stephan is updating XML schema

15:33:38 <TomDN> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/issues/650

Tom De Nies: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/issues/650

15:34:07 <CraigTrim> Luc: that would make xml schema aligned with the prov notation and ontology

Luc Moreau: that would make xml schema aligned with the prov notation and ontology

15:34:27 <TomDN> http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/issues/647

Tom De Nies: http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/issues/647

15:34:43 <CraigTrim> Luc: second comment is regarding issue 647; would it be the case that ... the key value pair becomes an entity

Luc Moreau: second comment is regarding ISSUE-647; would it be the case that ... the key value pair becomes an entity

15:34:55 <CraigTrim> TomDN: no - I don't think that would be the case

Tom De Nies: no - I don't think that would be the case

15:35:10 <CraigTrim> TomDN: we are talking about making propery prov pair value (which used to be prov value) just a sub property of prov entity

Tom De Nies: we are talking about making propery prov pair value (which used to be prov value) just a sub property of prov entity

15:35:26 <CraigTrim> TomDN: just to say arguments of prov value have to be an entity as well

Tom De Nies: just to say arguments of prov value have to be an entity as well

15:36:47 <CraigTrim> TomDN: prov key value pair is described .. only thing we change is ...

Tom De Nies: prov key value pair is described .. only thing we change is ...

15:36:53 <CraigTrim> Luc: what is the domain of prov entity?

Luc Moreau: what is the domain of prov entity?

15:37:19 <CraigTrim> TomDN: one of the implications is that key/value pair is an entity influence

Tom De Nies: one of the implications is that key/value pair is an entity influence

15:37:36 <CraigTrim> TomDN: that could be an objection - we weren't sure what the implications would be

Tom De Nies: that could be an objection - we weren't sure what the implications would be

15:38:04 <CraigTrim> TomDN: implications for domain might be wider

Tom De Nies: implications for domain might be wider

15:38:26 <CraigTrim> TomDN: could you formulate that objection in an email response to the issue?

Tom De Nies: could you formulate that objection in an email response to the issue?

15:38:41 <CraigTrim> Luc: if you could raise it as a question to the team

Luc Moreau: if you could raise it as a question to the team

15:39:00 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:39:08 <CraigTrim> Luc: any other discussions on dictionary?

Luc Moreau: any other discussions on dictionary?

15:39:28 <TomDN> Zakim, mute me

Tom De Nies: Zakim, mute me

15:39:28 <Zakim> TomDN should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: TomDN should now be muted

15:39:28 <Luc> topic: internal reviews

6. internal reviews

Summary: We had few participants, and therefore were able to line up very few reviewers for documents. (Reviewers were added to the agenda). We will seek more reviewers next week, as documents get released. We note that we are seeking reviewers from the DC community for PROV-DC, and it would be nice to find external reviewers for PROV-XML.

<luc>Summary: We had few participants, and therefore were able to line up very few reviewers for documents.  (Reviewers were added to the agenda). We will seek more reviewers next week, as documents get released. We note that we are seeking reviewers from the DC community for PROV-DC, and it would be nice to find external reviewers for PROV-XML.
15:39:49 <CraigTrim> Luc: I would like to line up reviewers for documents that are supposed to be released next week

Luc Moreau: I would like to line up reviewers for documents that are supposed to be released next week

15:40:22 <pgroth> q+

Paul Groth: q+

15:40:29 <Luc> zakim, who is here?

Luc Moreau: zakim, who is here?

15:40:29 <Zakim> On the phone I see pgroth, +44.238.059.aaaa, CraigTrim, Ivan (muted), +1.818.731.aabb, TomDN (muted), jun, TallTed (muted), [IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see pgroth, +44.238.059.aaaa, CraigTrim, Ivan (muted), +1.818.731.aabb, TomDN (muted), jun, TallTed (muted), [IPcaller]

15:40:31 <Zakim> TomDN has SamCoppens

Zakim IRC Bot: TomDN has SamCoppens

15:40:31 <Zakim> On IRC I see TallTed, zednik, SamCoppens, jun, TomDN, hook, CraigTrim, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, ivan, GK1, stain, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see TallTed, zednik, SamCoppens, jun, TomDN, hook, CraigTrim, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, ivan, GK1, stain, trackbot

15:41:31 <CraigTrim> pgroth: we asked dublin core for review (dc committee group)

Paul Groth: we asked dublin core for review (dc committee group)

15:41:59 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:42:05 <Luc> ack pg

Luc Moreau: ack pg

15:42:18 <pgroth> q+ for primer

Paul Groth: q+ for primer

15:42:21 <CraigTrim> Luc: any one here willing to review the primer?

Luc Moreau: any one here willing to review the primer?

15:42:33 <CraigTrim> pgroth: I volunteer for dc and primer

Paul Groth: I volunteer for dc and primer

15:42:48 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:42:51 <Luc> ack pg

Luc Moreau: ack pg

15:42:51 <Zakim> pgroth, you wanted to discuss primer

Zakim IRC Bot: pgroth, you wanted to discuss primer

15:42:54 <CraigTrim> Luc: anyone else for dictionary (Simon)

Luc Moreau: anyone else for dictionary (Simon)

15:42:59 <CraigTrim> Luc: last one is PROV-XML

Luc Moreau: last one is PROV-XML

15:43:08 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:43:12 <CraigTrim> Luc: I will look at this one - anyone else?

Luc Moreau: I will look at this one - anyone else?

15:43:15 <pgroth> q+

Paul Groth: q+

15:43:56 <CraigTrim> pgroth: we need a fresh pair of eyes to look at this

Paul Groth: we need a fresh pair of eyes to look at this

15:44:12 <CraigTrim> Luc: can you ask James if you know someone willing to look at it?

Luc Moreau: can you ask James if you know someone willing to look at it?

15:44:16 <TomDN> I volunteer for PROV-Links

Tom De Nies: I volunteer for PROV-Links

15:44:16 <pgroth> action: paul to ask james about xml

ACTION: paul to ask james about xml

15:44:16 <trackbot> Created ACTION-168 - Ask james about xml [on Paul Groth - due 2013-03-28].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-168 - Ask james about xml [on Paul Groth - due 2013-03-28].

15:44:43 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:44:50 <CraigTrim> you can put me down for the primer as well

you can put me down for the primer as well

15:44:51 <Luc> ack pg

Luc Moreau: ack pg

15:44:58 <pgroth> q+

Paul Groth: q+

15:45:30 <CraigTrim> pgroth: I had comments on overview from Tim and Graham - if anyone else has other comments please reach out

Paul Groth: I had comments on overview from Tim and Graham - if anyone else has other comments please reach out

15:45:39 <CraigTrim> I will look at overview

I will look at overview

15:45:41 <pgroth> ack pgroth

Paul Groth: ack pgroth

15:46:22 <Luc> topic: GLD Review Last Call for the Organization Ontology (ORG)

7. GLD Review Last Call for the Organization Ontology (ORG)

Summary: We briefly reviewed the response of GLD to our review of the ORG ontology. Jun was going to check a few points, and draft a response.

<luc>Summary: We briefly reviewed the response of GLD to our review of the ORG ontology.  Jun was going to check a few points, and draft a response.
15:46:45 <CraigTrim> Luc: is it possible to put link to response

Luc Moreau: is it possible to put link to response

15:47:04 <jun> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-comments/2013Feb/0000.html

Jun Zhao: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-comments/2013Feb/0000.html

15:47:22 <Luc> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-comments/2013Feb/0000.html

Luc Moreau: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-comments/2013Feb/0000.html

15:47:49 <CraigTrim> jun: so I sent email before call - but I think response looks reasonable

Jun Zhao: so I sent email before call - but I think response looks reasonable

15:47:59 <CraigTrim> Luc: there were 3 points

Luc Moreau: there were 3 points

15:48:13 <CraigTrim> Luc: derivation, constraints, invalidation

Luc Moreau: derivation, constraints, invalidation

15:48:32 <CraigTrim> Luc: first point: they adopted a property chain

Luc Moreau: first point: they adopted a property chain

15:48:35 <CraigTrim> Luc: which is fine

Luc Moreau: which is fine

15:48:48 <CraigTrim> Luc: not entirely clear - does this property chain - where does it show?  in the ontology?

Luc Moreau: not entirely clear - does this property chain - where does it show? in the ontology?

15:49:15 <CraigTrim> jun: claimed implementation in Ontology

Jun Zhao: claimed implementation in Ontology

15:49:33 <CraigTrim> Luc: only comment was on that specific point,but haven't had time dig into fine detail

Luc Moreau: only comment was on that specific point,but haven't had time dig into fine detail

15:50:13 <CraigTrim> Luc: 2nd point - they refer to constraints document

Luc Moreau: 2nd point - they refer to constraints document

15:50:47 <CraigTrim> 3rd point - invalidation - up to users to decide

3rd point - invalidation - up to users to decide

15:50:54 <CraigTrim> Luc: they made no changes there

Luc Moreau: they made no changes there

15:51:20 <CraigTrim> Luc: was this editorial changes, or more (which would imply going through last call again)

Luc Moreau: was this editorial changes, or more (which would imply going through last call again)

15:51:39 <CraigTrim> pgroth: was a last call working draft

Paul Groth: was a last call working draft

15:51:44 <stain> Sorry I cut in here - I can't be in the meeting (I've instead presented PROV with great reception) - I've started work on a blog post about PAQ - with code sample at https://github.com/stain/paq

Stian Soiland-Reyes: Sorry I cut in here - I can't be in the meeting (I've instead presented PROV with great reception) - I've started work on a blog post about PAQ - with code sample at https://github.com/stain/paq

15:51:47 <CraigTrim> Luc: changes implemented is currently in editorial draft

Luc Moreau: changes implemented is currently in editorial draft

15:52:04 <stain> for reference: http://www.slideshare.net/soilandreyes/20130321-what-can-provenance-do-for-me

Stian Soiland-Reyes: for reference: http://www.slideshare.net/soilandreyes/20130321-what-can-provenance-do-for-me

15:52:11 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:52:13 <pgroth> @stian - cool!

Paul Groth: @stian - cool!

15:52:40 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:53:12 <pgroth> q+ - we need to get this stuff out there

Paul Groth: q+ - we need to get this stuff out there

15:53:22 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:53:23 <pgroth> q+

Paul Groth: q+

15:54:00 <Luc> q?

Luc Moreau: q?

15:54:00 <pgroth> ack pgroth

Paul Groth: ack pgroth

15:54:25 <ivan> yes

Ivan Herman: yes

15:54:32 <ivan> dst in europe is on the 30th

Ivan Herman: dst in europe is on the 30th

15:54:35 <TomDN> bye

Tom De Nies: bye

15:54:39 <SamCoppens> bye

Sam Coppens: bye

15:54:40 <Zakim> -Ivan

Zakim IRC Bot: -Ivan

15:54:40 <stain> bye

Stian Soiland-Reyes: bye

15:54:42 <Zakim> -TomDN

Zakim IRC Bot: -TomDN

15:54:43 <Zakim> -pgroth

Zakim IRC Bot: -pgroth

15:54:44 <Zakim> -jun

Zakim IRC Bot: -jun

15:54:44 <Zakim> -CraigTrim

Zakim IRC Bot: -CraigTrim

15:54:46 <Zakim> -TallTed

Zakim IRC Bot: -TallTed

15:54:47 <Zakim> - +44.238.059.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: - +44.238.059.aaaa

15:54:57 <Zakim> - +1.818.731.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.818.731.aabb

Formatted by CommonScribe