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Serenoa Final Review
Browser Based Editing

Brussels, 26 November 2013

Dave Raggett <>

This is an exploration of the design requirements, challenges and applicable technologies, rather than a finished editor.

This talk is available at

Serenoa is an EU FP7 research project focusing on model-based user interface design, and dynamic adaptation to changes in the context of use.

This project has received funding from the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement nº 258030 (FP7-ICT-2009-5. Internet of Services, Software and Virtualization – STREP).

Note: many of the slide bullet points expand to reveal further details, click on the text to expand or contract the bullet point.

Outline of talk

Target Users

Separation of Design Concerns

cameleon reference framework

with rules for dynamic adaptation to changes in the context of use

Browser-Based Editing

quill architecture

Domain Models

Task Models

Graphical solutions for editing Task Models

Abstract UI Models

Concrete UI

Adaptation Rules

Live Editing by Remote Team Members

Synchronization Across Levels of Abstraction

Collaborative Assistants for Model-Based UI Design


Future Work?