Independent User Interface Task Force Teleconference

30 Oct 2013


See also: IRC log


janina, jasonjgw, jcraig, Michael_Cooper, +1.212.261.aaaa, Rich_Simpson, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, andy, Katie_Haritos-Shea


<trackbot> Date: 30 October 2013

<janina> Meeting: IndieUI Task Force Teleconference

<janina> OK, Ted. Thanks! PS, Will you be at TPAC?

preview agenda with items from two minutes

Jason notes his post to the list about prioritization in ISO 24751. It is also noted that 24751 ontology is under revision currently.

Calendar Review and Updates Through January 2014

Janina notes that we're adjusting our meeting schedule: 20 November followed by further meetings in December. Janina will post the details to the list.

The next teleconference is 3 weeks from today.

TPAC2013 http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/Meetings/TPAC2013

Janina has an agenda almost ready to be posted. To take best advantage of the North American west coast evening, we'll concentrate on events. In the afternoon (good for Andy's time zone) the meeting will shift to User Contexts.

Janina still plans prior to TPAC to address the issue that has arisen related to messaging (i.e., ensuring that examples demonstrate the broad relevance of the Events module beyond accessibility contexts) prior to TPAC.

James notes recent edits which will facilitate the broadening of the use cases.

Janina raises the issue of expanding our coordination efforts with other groups at TPAC to encourage more involvement from a range of interests relevant to this work.

James notes his participation in the Web Applications working group, which will therefore be kept informed and encouraged to review our drafts.

James also notes recent suggestions to specify all of the features needed to meet our requirements for User Contexts. These components of the spec can then be removed if the requirements are later met by other specs such as Media Queries.

He clarifies that media queries can be interrogated by scripts and that it's also possible to register for events.

He maintains that privacy concerns could be addressed by first giving a default answer to a query, then prompting the user to share the information, at which point a notification event is dispatched.

There is an open question as to the granularity of the prompts. For example, all screen reader-related information could be covered by a single privacy control and associated prompt; likewise for caption preferences etc.

James hopes to have an early draft of this idea before TPAC.

James clarifies his proposal: define features that could be added to Media Queries in the future but which would live in our spec for the moment. The access control/privacy feature would also initially be developed in our spec, again recognizing that it could move into a different spec if appropriate.

Rich notes that certain properties (e.g., AT interoperable) would span the privacy categories, meaning that the content should support accessibility services.

James raises the concern that such a feature could be used to suppress AT support entirely for all UAs that do not declare this preference.

Janina notes the importance of this issue and that it needs to be addressed. Summarizing: James has proposed to continue our work as before, whilst widening the collaboration efforts with groups that are engaged in related work.

The first limb of the above also entails proceeding efficiently with work on the Events Spec.

Katie raises a question (arising from the earlier AT interoperability discussion) of how to take account of the growing and more widespread use of diverse input methods, including speech recognition, outside of the AT context.

Janina notes again the importance of the issue, deferring it to the relevant agendum.

The proposal to use the existing CSS media query approach that James put forward is of general interest to the group - we would like to see it drafted.

James acknwoeldges the desirability of coordinating with CSS and Web Apps - this may be associated with TPAC - actions will be taken to start the process.

Janina notes the substantial interest from observers in attending this group's meeting at TPAC.

Janina and Katie discuss the possibility of a lightning talk on Wednesday or a prelude to the meeting to provide an introduction for observers to the status of the work.

Editor's Report

James note his rewriting of the introductory example in Events (not to use undo). The example uses zoom request now.

The revised example may be used elsewhere in explaining the purpose and scope of the Events module.

James changed enumeration values to match the camelCase conventions of other W3C specs. This is easy now, as there are no implementations yet.

He has contacted the CSS working group regarding media queries (see mailing list posts).

Events Requirements Walkthrough http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/wiki/Use_Cases_and_Requirements

Michael clarifies the importance of verifying the scenarios and their associated requirements.

There needs to be a direct correspondence between requirements and features. This is known to facilitate review, scheduling and predictability as well as clarifying the nature of potential areas of disagreement.

Janina notes the need to publish a first public working draft of requirements soon (before the end of the year, preferably, on current schedule).

It is proposed to work on this at TPAC. Michael notes the desirability of a survey to capture hitherto unidentified requirements.

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2013/10/30 22:02:03 $

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Succeeded: s/naming conventions/the camelCase conventions/
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Default Present: janina, jasonjgw, jcraig, Michael_Cooper, +1.212.261.aaaa, Rich_Simpson, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, andy, Katie_Haritos-Shea
Present: janina jasonjgw jcraig Michael_Cooper +1.212.261.aaaa Rich_Simpson Rich_Schwerdtfeger andy Katie_Haritos-Shea
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2013Oct/0018.html
Found Date: 30 Oct 2013
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2013/10/30-indie-ui-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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