Web Performance Working Group Teleconference

07 Aug 2013

See also: IRC log


Plh, [Microsoft], Daniel, +1.408.203.aaaa, +43.732.908.2aabb, JatinderMann, plh, Arvind


<trackbot> Date: 07 August 2013

<scribe> Agenda: RequestionAnimationFrame, Resource Timing Update, New Specs to FPWD, and JS Preinjection


Plh: Current text: Whenever a Document's hidden attribute is false and the animation frame request callback list is not empty, the user agent MUST regularly queue a task that samples all animations for that Document's top-level browsing context.
... Proposed text: Whenever a Document's hidden attribute is false and the animation frame request callback list is not empty, the user agent MUST regularly queue a task that samples all animations for that Document's top-level browsing context unless the user agent is able to determine that the impacted elements are hidden.

<plh> Jatinder: I can think of several cases where nothing is displayed

<plh> ... in the past, we don't have a clear meaning from page visibility

<plh> ... but leaving it open would be fine by me if it resolved Boris' concern

<plh> ... this is generic enough for v1 or we can revisite in v2

Resource Timing

Jatinder: I've updated onresourcetimingbufferfull to be an EventHandler

Plh: Once this change has been reviewed we can move to LC and get more review. We can then push from LC to PR directly.

Jatinder: I've looked at the test cases, and there are some failures in both IE and Chrome, test harness time outs, and some duplicate tests. We should verify if the test cases have been fixed, and if so, if the remaining issues are browser bugs, test case bugs, or spec bugs prior to moving Resource/User Timing to PR.

JS Preinjection

Jatinder: I wanted to talk about the goals: The monitoring JavaScript becomes a single point of failure for the page if it does not load, Modification of page source can result in unwanted side effects, The monitoring JavaScript will not be loaded when the page cannot be loaded (e.g. because of a DNS error), It does not allow to collect performance data for non-HTML request (e.g. images, pdf downloads)
... Only #3 seems like the one we had discussed, I want to understand what these other use cases are for

Alois: The first one is general case of JavaScript can impact page load. The second one is that depending on when you add the script to the page, you can get side effects.

Jatinder: I'd like to see some examples of those side effects.

Alois: I can provide that.

Jatinder: The second use case looks like it's more related to RUM monitoring, where you are detouring and instrumenting sites. Site or library owners can add User Timing directly in their code, and avoid the oberver effect of having to detour code; technically, the detouring will slow down their page load.

<JatinderMann_> Jatinder: The third bullet was the main goal from my point of view for this feature. As for the fourth bullet, Resource Timing does give you the image data.

<JatinderMann_> Alois: The PDF download isn't associated with a Document, so that one might be missed.

<JatinderMann_> Jatinder: We may want to consider that with Resource Timing L2, where downloads referred from a page are included in the timeline. It's not linked to the page load, but may be an interesting network perf data point.

<JatinderMann_> Jatinder: I still need to have our security team review this spec. Once I have that review, I can provide more feedback.

Specs to FPWD

<JatinderMann_> Jatinder: I have updated Beacon API spec with the working group feedback. I'd like to move this spec to FPWD.

<JatinderMann_> Plh: I agree.

<JatinderMann_> Dan: I agree as well.

<JatinderMann_> Jatinder: I will be making updates to Resource Priorities, Navigation and Resource Errors next to get them ready for FPWD.

Web Perf Site Design

<JatinderMann_> Jatinder: Plh, can we add the browser test case passing table to the site? Is this automated or manual?

<JatinderMann_> Plh: The test case table is currently manually generated. We can look into doing that. If there are any updates you want to make to the site, do suggest or feel free to propose changes.

Next Meeting

<JatinderMann_> Plh: I will be out next week on vacation.

<JatinderMann_> Alois: So will I.

<JatinderMann_> Jatinder: Let's schedule the next web perf meeting for two weeks from now.

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2013/08/07 17:55:30 $

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Default Present: Plh, [Microsoft], Daniel, +1.408.203.aaaa, +43.732.908.2aabb
Present: Plh [Microsoft] Daniel +1.408.203.aaaa +43.732.908.2aabb JatinderMann plh Arvind

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<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Found Date: 07 Aug 2013
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2013/08/07-webperf-minutes.html
People with action items: 

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]