TPWG F2F Breakout Group A

12 Feb 2013

See also: IRC log




<justin> scribenick> chapell

<justin> scribenick: chapell

scribenik, chapell

Brooks: De-identified means you can't link identity to is
... de-intentified is a subset of unlinkable
... we should come as close to an english language def
... def: unlinkable means you can't link new info to the record
... BMW enthusiast is a set of data --- you can't introduce a new data segment to the set

that is unlinkable

justin: take a data set that has attributes that GTR, ESPN.com bought yankees tix --- but if you can't add additional data sets, is that a stronger def of de-identified

Brooks: yes

Haakon: def of personal data in eu is data that cannot be linked to.... so using the term unlinkable here might be problematic and seen as conflicting with eu law

brooks: compariing the difference between two poorly defined terms is not super helpful

Justin: there is a difference
... if market research is a permitted use, then the de-identifcation discussion becomes moot
... it is hard to call data de-identifed if there is a way to tie it back (felton, eu regulators agree)
... the simple promise of not tying it back isn't really enough

<haakonfb> http://www.w3.org/2011/tracking-protection/drafts/CambridgeBareBones.html#def-unlinkable

Justin: If the user pro-actively turns on DNT, then it seems like that market research companies should not be able to continue to conduct their market research under the de-identification premise

Brooks: what is specific and what is general in terms of consent? Comscore may obtain an out-of band consent

Justin: if we treat dnt1 users as opted out of panels, people will have less trust in the #'s provided by market research
... and this will in turn cause trust problems in the marketplace

Haakon: def of unlinkable: he likes the def where the entity promises not to relink the data

Justin: likes option #1 if the first and third bracketed words taken out

takes reasonable steps to de-identify data such that there is high probability that it contains information which could not be reasonably linked to a specific user, user agent, or device [in a production environment]

Justin: in a production environment ---- you still have the cookie and put the data in a vault and promise not to look at it

brooks: to prove something de-identifiable you need to meet a really high (EFelton's) standard

Justin: the FTC report relied on the term reasonable.
... likes the FTC approach.
... perhaps a narrower def of market research would be where we end up

this standard won't solve the govt access problem

brooks: we need new terms here. every time we use exisiting terms, there's some other standard that is married to that term

justin: it would be helpful to understand how much value we'd lose by having more stringent data identification standards

group deliberating around the FTC's def of unlinkability

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.137 (CVS log)
$Date: 2013/02/12 19:27:05 $

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