HTML Techniques Task Force

11 Feb 2013

See also: IRC log


Joshue, Detlev, Jon_Gunderson, James_Nurthen, Marc_Johlic


<scribe> scribe:Detlev

Identify outstanding repair work on existing techniques.

<Joshue108> http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Techniques/ARIA

Josh: get an overview as to what needs to be done to get them ready for review
... what about your techniques, Jon?

Jon: not yet been able to update techniques

Josh: wants to build realistic expectations when and what might be tackled

<Joshue108> http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Using_aria-describedby_for_link_purpose

Jon: aria-describedby for link purpose for 2.4.4 might be a good candidate

Jon, migh rtbe doable by thursday morning to be put into a survey

Jon: will send link to update

<Joshue108> http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Using_aria-label_for_link_purpose

Marc: updated 2.4.4 aria-abel for link purpose - unclear whether it is going to be used

Josh: should be put up forreview

Marc: was referring to the first one for SC 2.4.4, aria-label for link purpose

<Joshue108> DF: I'll do some testing on some of Lorettas.

<Joshue108> DF: I've also been looking at Gez's site so I'm going to look at some of those.

Detlev: discussing Javascript aspects of techniques like the dialogue with aria proposed recently by Gez Lemon

Josh: would also like to see fully formed examples

James: very busy currently...

<Joshue108> DF: Does anyone have examples that I could use?

<jongund> http://hanshillen.github.com/jqtest/#goto_dialog

<Joshue108> JG: Hans Hillen has some.

Changes that Hans has made have been rolled back into JQuery so we should look at that

Jon: The difficult bit is prococessing the key strokes

Detlev: I was thinking of including keyboard support

James: It's all client-side stuff in JQuery

Detlev: wonder if it's worthwhile to isolate some bits and build them independently without reliance on a JS framework

Josh: we may not want to be seen to close to any particular framework like JQuery

Jon: Question is if you want to support older versions of IE (7 and below)
... if we can ignore older IE it would simplify things a lot
... dialog boxes are difficult because people are using them for confirmation - may be able to help next week

Detlev: will give it a go, not sure by when

Josh: James, whart's a realistic timeline for work on techniques?

James: Depends on CSUN, hard to tell - probably after CSUN

Josh: wil be away until Monday 4th March

James: will drive meeting till then

Josh: will be unavailable for most of March

Identify next tranche of techniques for review by the wider group.

Josh: any issues

Marc: Question to Hans Hillen stuff going back into JQuery - how to find out, is there a way?

<Joshue108> http://access.aol.com/aegis/

<Joshue108> http://www.aegis-project.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=14&Itemid=33

James: There should have been something in the changelogs (1.9)

<Joshue108> http://access.aol.com/aegis-jqueryui-accessibility/

Josh: thwere is a statement in the last URI

Wrap-up of nmeeting!

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.137 (CVS log)
$Date: 2013/02/11 17:41:39 $

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Found Scribe: Detlev
Inferring ScribeNick: Detlev
Default Present: Joshue, Detlev, Jon_Gunderson, James_Nurthen, Marc_Johlic
Present: Joshue Detlev Jon_Gunderson James_Nurthen Marc_Johlic
Got date from IRC log name: 11 Feb 2013
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2013/02/11-html-techs-tf-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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