ISSUE-72: The object of a membership triple isn't always the address of the created informational resource


The object of a membership triple isn't always the address of the created informational resource

Linked Data Platform Spec
Raised by:
Roger Menday
Opened on:
When creating a new resource, the membershipPredicate and membershipSubject properties are used to construct a new triple expressing the relationship between the LDPR and the newly created resource. As pointed out by Henry, e.g. in [1], there is a current limitation because this new triple only references the document that contains the description (rather than the resource itself).

One solution might be :: when creating the membership triple, if the POSTed content includes a primaryTopic reference, the server should use that address as the object in the membership triple (and not that of the information resource itself).

Related Actions Items:
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Related emails:
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  2. Re: Keeping the simple case simple (was Re: optimizing container pages serialization to enable streaming) (from on 2013-11-13)
  3. Re: Keeping the simple case simple (was Re: optimizing container pages serialization to enable streaming) (from on 2013-11-13)
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  5. updated ISSUE-71: membershipX description (from on 2013-06-03)
  6. Re: ISSUE-75 Non-montonic - was: ISSUE-71: second bug tracking example (from on 2013-05-31)
  7. ISSUE-75 Non-montonic - was: ISSUE-71: second bug tracking example (from on 2013-05-31)
  8. Re: ldp-ISSUE-73 (rdf:member): LDPCs to list all their rdf:member [Linked Data Platform core] (from on 2013-05-25)
  9. Re: ldp-ISSUE-72 (membershipObject): The object of a membership triple isn't always the address of the created informational resource [Linked Data Platform core] (from on 2013-05-22)
  10. Re: ldp-ISSUE-72 (membershipObject): The object of a membership triple isn't always the address of the created informational resource [Linked Data Platform core] (from on 2013-05-22)
  11. Re: Issue-71: the first bug tracking example (from on 2013-05-22)
  12. Re: ldp-ISSUE-72 (membershipObject): The object of a membership triple isn't always the address of the created informational resource [Linked Data Platform core] (from on 2013-05-22)
  13. Re: Issue-71: the first bug tracking example (from on 2013-05-22)
  14. Re: ldp-ISSUE-72 (membershipObject): The object of a membership triple isn't always the address of the created informational resource [Linked Data Platform core] (from on 2013-05-22)
  15. Re: ldp-ISSUE-72 (membershipObject): The object of a membership triple isn't always the address of the created informational resource [Linked Data Platform core] (from on 2013-05-22)
  16. Re: ldp-ISSUE-72 (membershipObject): The object of a membership triple isn't always the address of the created informational resource [Linked Data Platform core] (from on 2013-05-22)
  17. Re: ldp-ISSUE-72 (membershipObject): The object of a membership triple isn't always the address of the created informational resource [Linked Data Platform core] (from on 2013-05-22)
  18. Re: ldp-ISSUE-72 (membershipObject): The object of a membership triple isn't always the address of the created informational resource [Linked Data Platform core] (from on 2013-05-22)
  19. Re: ldp-ISSUE-72 (membershipObject): The object of a membership triple isn't always the address of the created informational resource [Linked Data Platform core] (from on 2013-05-22)
  20. Re: ldp-ISSUE-72 (membershipObject): The object of a membership triple isn't always the address of the created informational resource [Linked Data Platform core] (from on 2013-05-22)
  21. ldp-ISSUE-72 (membershipObject): The object of a membership triple isn't always the address of the created informational resource [Linked Data Platform core] (from on 2013-05-22)

Related notes:

Resolution: Close Issue-72, add ldp:membershipObject to allow overriding the object of the membership triple that gets added when the container creates a new member. LDP constrains the behavior only in the case where the input document contains 0:1 triples whose predicate p is the ldp:membershipObject 's object.

Arnaud Le Hors, 19 Jun 2013, 22:52:48

Here are the notes/examples from the piratepad relavent to this topic:

Let's say this LDPC has a membershipSubject of </people/roger> and membershipPredicate of pets:has_pet. If I POST the following to the LDPC:

<> a animal:Cat;
foaf:name "Zaza".

... a new resource is created.
And there is a new membership triple of

</people/roger> pets:has_pet </people/roger/zaza#this>

If one wants to keep the two resources separated, I might POST the following

<> a ldp:Container;
ldp:membershipPredicate pets:has_pet;
ldp:membershipSubject </people/roger>;
ldp:membershipObject foaf:primaryTopic .

<> a ldp:Container;
ldp:membershipPredicate pets:has_petdocument;
ldp:membershipSubject </people/roger>;
ldp:membershipObject owl:sameAs .

problem issue:

<> foaf:primaryTopic <#this> .
<#this> a animal:Cat;
foaf:name "Zaza".

another way:
<> foaf:primaryTopic <#this> .
<#this> a animal:Cat;
foaf:name "Zaza".
</people/roger> pets:has_pet <#this> .

or just post
<#this> a animal:Cat;
foaf:name "Zaza".

</people/roger> pets:has_pet </people/roger/zaza>

</people/roger/zaza#this> a animal:Cat;
foaf:name "Zaza".

However, the new membership triple in this case is not quite right. It still is :

</people/roger> pets:has_pet </people/roger/zaza>

... but it should really be :

</people/roger> pets:has_pet </people/roger/zaza#this>

<> a ldp:Container;
rdfs:member <pets> .
ldp:membershipPredicate foaf:primaryTopic;
ldp:membershipSubject </people/roger> .

Steve Speicher, 9 Jul 2013, 18:01:20

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