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EHR Orientation

Eric Prud'hommeaux, <W3C/MIT>
With material from:

Health Care & Life Sciences IG, <>

Health Care Environment

Pharmaceutical Environment

Outsource risk to startups
VCs make the early go/no-go decisions.

Pharmas left with manufacturing development and distribution.

Low Bars for Information Re-use

Practically, we want information available to
improve clinical research and clinical care.
The hard job is communicating context.

Everyone thinks their model should be the over-arching model
(or they go work on another one).

What are the characteristic of a model?

What Information?

Clinical Information

ID: 23453
name: George Andrew Tour
    DOB: 1934-05-15
    gender: Male
  1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15
    ndc: 00007414020
    generic name: COREG TABLETSconditions
  1 no later than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
    ICD9: 410
    common name: hypertensionencounters
  1 date: 2009-05-15
    reported symptoms: none
    working diagnosis: none
      1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
        CPT: 85025
        common name: Blood count; complete (CBC), automated (Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC and platelet count) and automated differential WBC count
          1 CPT: 85014
            LOINC: 41654-5
            common name: Hematocrit
            value: 38.0
            units: percent
          2 CPT: 78720
            LOINC: 30428-7
            common name: Mean Corpuscular Volume
            value: 97.4
            units: fl

Information Without Context - Noise

 George Andrew Tour




         Blood count; complete (CBC), automated (Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC and platelet count) and automated differential WBC count
             Mean Corpuscular Volume

Which communities manage what?

ID: 23453
name: George Andrew Tour
    DOB: 1934-05-15
    gender: Male
  1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15
    ndc: 00007414020
    generic name: COREG TABLETSconditions
  1 no later than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
    ICD9: 410
    common name: hypertensionencounters
  1 date: 2009-05-15
    reported symptoms: none
    working diagnosis: none
      1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
        CPT: 85025
        common name: Blood count; complete (CBC), automated (Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC and platelet count) and automated differential WBC count
          1 CPT: 85014
            LOINC: 41654-5
            common name: Hematocrit
            value: 38.0
            units: percent
          2 CPT: 78720
            LOINC: 30428-7
            common name: Mean Corpuscular Volume
            value: 97.4
            units: fl

US Federal Drug Administration (National Drug Codes)

ID: 23453
name: George Andrew Tour
    DOB: 1934-05-15
    gender: Male
  1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15
    ndc: 00007414020
    generic name: COREG TABLETSconditions
  1 no later than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
    ICD9: 410
    common name: hypertensionencounters
  1 date: 2009-05-15
    reported symptoms: none
    working diagnosis: none
      1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
        CPT: 85025
        common name: Blood count; complete (CBC), automated (Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC and platelet count) and automated differential WBC count
          1 CPT: 85014
            LOINC: 41654-5
            common name: Hematocrit
            value: 38.0
            units: percent
          2 CPT: 78720
            LOINC: 30428-7
            common name: Mean Corpuscular Volume
            value: 97.4
            units: fl

World Health Organization (International Classification of Diseases)

ID: 23453
name: George Andrew Tour
    DOB: 1934-05-15
    gender: Male
  1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15
    ndc: 00007414020
    generic name: COREG TABLETSconditions
  1 no later than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
    ICD9: 410
    common name: hypertensionencounters
  1 date: 2009-05-15
    reported symptoms: none
    working diagnosis: none
      1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
        CPT: 85025
        common name: Blood count; complete (CBC), automated (Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC and platelet count) and automated differential WBC count
          1 CPT: 85014
            LOINC: 41654-5
            common name: Hematocrit
            value: 38.0
            units: percent
          2 CPT: 78720
            LOINC: 30428-7
            common name: Mean Corpuscular Volume
            value: 97.4
            units: fl


ID: 23453
name: George Andrew Tour
    DOB: 1934-05-15
    gender: Male
  1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15
    ndc: 00007414020
    generic name: COREG TABLETSconditions
  1 no later than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
    ICD9: 410
    common name: hypertensionencounters
  1 date: 2009-05-15
    reported symptoms: none
    working diagnosis: none
      1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
        CPT: 85025
        common name: Blood count; complete (CBC), automated (Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC and platelet count) and automated differential WBC count
          1 CPT: 85014
            LOINC: 41654-5
            common name: Hematocrit
            value: 38.0
            units: percent
          2 CPT: 78720
            LOINC: 30428-7
            common name: Mean Corpuscular Volume
            value: 97.4
            units: fl


ID: 23453
name: George Andrew Tour
    DOB: 1934-05-15
    gender: Male
  1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15
    ndc: 00007414020
    generic name: COREG TABLETSconditions
  1 no later than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
    ICD9: 410
    common name: hypertensionencounters
  1 date: 2009-05-15
    reported symptoms: none
    working diagnosis: none
      1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
        CPT: 85025
        common name: Blood count; complete (CBC), automated (Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC and platelet count) and automated differential WBC count
          1 CPT: 85014
            LOINC: 41654-5
            common name: Hematocrit
            value: 38.0
            units: percent
          2 CPT: 78720
            LOINC: 30428-7
            common name: Mean Corpuscular Volume
            value: 97.4
            units: fl


ID: 23453
name: George Andrew Tour
    DOB: 1934-05-15
    gender: Male
  1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15
    ndc: 00007414020
    generic name: COREG TABLETSconditions
  1 no later than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
    ICD9: 410
    common name: hypertensionencounters
  1 date: 2009-05-15
    reported symptoms: none
    working diagnosis: none
      1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
        CPT: 85025
        common name: Blood count; complete (CBC), automated (Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC and platelet count) and automated differential WBC count
          1 CPT: 85014
            LOINC: 41654-5
            common name: Hematocrit
            value: 38.0
            units: percent
          2 CPT: 78720
            LOINC: 30428-7
            common name: Mean Corpuscular Volume
            value: 97.4
            units: fl

Which leaves the information framework:

ID: 23453
name: George Andrew Tour
    DOB: 1934-05-15
    gender: Male
  1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15
    ndc: 00007414020
    generic name: COREG TABLETSconditions
  1 no later than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
    ICD9: 410
    common name: hypertensionencounters
  1 date: 2009-05-15
    reported symptoms: none
    working diagnosis: none
      1 no earlier than: 2009-05-15T12:00:00
        CPT: 85025
        common name: Blood count; complete (CBC), automated (Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC and platelet count) and automated differential WBC count
          1 CPT: 85014
            LOINC: 41654-5
            common name: Hematocrit
            value: 38.0
            units: percent
          2 CPT: 78720
            LOINC: 30428-7
            common name: Mean Corpuscular Volume
            value: 97.4
            units: fl

Modeling the framework

wing it- make up new names as they're needed.
not distributable.

HL7 approach: Reference Information Model (RIM) @@image allowed?
constrained by Refined Message Information Models (R-MIMs).
Implementable Technology Specifications (ITS) is syntactic restrictions (schema) while R-MIM is a model restriction?

Some desirable features:

Proliferation of EHR/EMR Systems

EMR uptake low and fragmented.

Can EHRs be as practical as Quicken?

Clinical Care Outcomes

Clinical Research Re-use

Very low, have to focus on success stories.


Re-use Approaches

Brute force -- acquire data and read lots of documentation.

Force into common framework
(either the publisher/custodian or the user may get stuck with this job).

Traditional approaches

Mimic DB, Machine-learning, @@Peter

Traditional exchange records

Moving data between Clinical Data Repositories (CDRs):

HL7 V2

@@example of Hematocrit and Mean Corpuscular Volume with random Z-segment extensions - Lloyd? Charlie?@@

HL7 Clinical Document Architecture

@@pack some HTML and coded data in here@@

The "always-human-readable" aspect is key to success.

ASTM Continuity of Care Document


Recent and evolving schemes

I2B2 Star Schema

I2B2 star schema

I2B2 Observation Structure


  1. encounter_num
  2. concept_cd
  3. provider_id
  4. start_date
  5. modifier_cd
  6. patient_num
  7. valtype_cd, tval_char, nval_num, valueflag_cd, quantity_num, units_cd, end_Date, locataion_cd, confidence_num, observation_blob

I2B2 Factoids


conceptname_char valtype_cdnval_numunits_cd
4544-3 Haematocrit N 0.55 N/A
787-2 Mean Cell VolumeN 99 fL

The value of the latent interoperability of data depends on the quality of the data.

SMART Factoids

<obs9> sp:labName [
    a sp:CodedValue ;
    sp:code <> ;
    dcterms:title "Serum sodium" ;
    sp:codeProvenance [
        a sp:CodeProvenance ;
        sp:sourceCode <codes#_02341> ;
        dcterms:title "Mean Corpuscular Volume" ;
        sp:translationFidelity <>l .
] .

Early TMO

  [ trans:testCode [
    trans:x_3 "MCV" ;
    trans:LOINC "787-2" ;
    trans:description "Mean Cell Volume" ;
    trans:value 97.4 ;
    trans:units "fl" ] ] .



      [ a :Result ;
        :name [
          a :Coding ;
          :code "787-2" ;
          :system <urn:hl7-org:sid/loinc> ;
          :display "Mean Cell Volume" ] ;

        :valueQuantity [
          :value 99 ;
          :units "fL" ;
          :code "fL" ; # @@ same as units?
          :system <urn:hl7-org:sid/ucum> ] ;

        :flag "+" ;
        :status "final" ;
        :referenceRanges [ 
          a :ReferenceRange ;
          :rangeInterval [
            :low [
              :value 80 ;
              :units "fL" ;
              :code "fL" ;
              :system <urn:hl7-org:sid/ucum> ] ;
            :high [
              :value 98 ;
              :units "fL" ;
              :code "fL" ;
              :system <urn:hl7-org:sid/ucum> ]

HL7 V3 Lab R-MIM for Mean Cell Volume loinc:787-2

  _:mcvComp a M0:Component2 ;
            M0:Component2.typeCode "COMP"  ;
            M0:Component2.contextControlCode "AP"  ;
            M0:Component2.observationEvent _:mcvObsEvt .
  _:mcvObsEvt a M0:ObservationEvent ;
              M0:ObservationEvent.classCode "OBS"  ;
              M0:ObservationEvent.moodCode "EVN"  ;
              M0:ObservationEvent.code _:mcvObsEvt_CD .
  _:mcvObsEvt_CD a DT:CD ;
                 DT:CD.code "787-2"  ;
                 DT:CD.codeSystem "urn:hl7-org:sid/loinc"  ;
                 DT:CD.displayName _:mcvDispName .
  _:mcvDispName a DT:ST ;
                  DT:ED.value "Mean Cell Volume"  .
  _:mcvObsEvt M0:ObservationEvent.statusCode [ a DT:CD ; DT:CD.code "completed" ] .
  _:mcvObsEvt M0:ObservationEvent.value [
      a DT:PQ ;
      DT:QTY.originalText [ a DT:ED ; DT:ED.value "99 fL" ] ;
      DT:PQ.unit [ a DT:CD ; DT:CD.code "fL" ] ;
      DT:PQ.value "99" ] .
  _:mcvObsEvt M0:ObservationEvent.interpretationCode [
               a DT:DSET ;
               DT:COLL.items _:b0x1184590 ] .
  _:b0x1184590 a rdf:Bag ;
               rdf:li [
      a DT:CD ;
      DT:ANY.nullFlavor [ a DT:CD ; DT:CD.code "UNC" ] ;
      DT:CD.code "+" ] .
  _:mcvObsEvt M0:ObservationEvent.referenceRange [
      a rdf:Bag ;
      rdf:li [
          a M0:ReferenceRange ; M0:ReferenceRange.typeCode "REFV" ;
          M0:ReferenceRange.interpretationRange _:mcvRefIntrpLow ] ;
      rdf:li [
          a M0:ReferenceRange ; M0:ReferenceRange.typeCode "REFV" ;
          M0:ReferenceRange.interpretationRange _:mcvRefIntrpHigh ]
  _:mcvRefIntrpLow a M0:InterpretationRange ;
                   M0:InterpretationRange.classCode "OBS"  ;
                   M0:InterpretationRange.moodCode "EVN.CRT" ;
                   M0:InterpretationRange.value [ a DT:PQ ; DT:PQ.value "80" ;
      DT:QTY.originalText [ a DT:ED ; DT:ED.value "80 fL" ] ;
      DT:PQ.unit [ a DT:CD ; DT:CD.code "fL" ] ] ;
              M0:InterpretationRange.interpretationCode [
      a DT:CD ; DT:CD.code "L" ; DT:CD.codeSystem "2.16.840.1.113883.5.83"
  ] .
  _:mcvRefIntrpHigh a M0:InterpretationRange ;
                    M0:InterpretationRange.classCode "OBS" ;
                    M0:InterpretationRange.moodCode "EVN.CRT" ;
                    M0:InterpretationRange.value [ a DT:PQ ; DT:PQ.value "98";
      DT:QTY.originalText [ a DT:ED ; DT:ED.value "98 fL" ] ;
      DT:PQ.unit [ a DT:CD ; DT:CD.code "fL" ]
  ] .
  _:mcvRefIntrpHigh M0:InterpretationRange.interpretationCode [
      a DT:CD ;
      DT:CD.code "H" ;
      DT:CD.codeSystem "2.16.840.1.113883.5.83"
  ] .

Gap between HL7 V3 R-MIM and TMO



How can we take advantage of "semantic" representations?

@@Cecil's V2->OWL->JESS@@

@@Clinical Observation Interoperability Demo@@