HTML Weekly Teleconference

13 Sep 2012





Testing Task Force

krisk: met as planned
... bug 17891

<krisk> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17891

krisk: spec was changed, we're not sure why
... firefox will change their behavior
... spec should be reverted
... updated the wiki with newly approved tests
... approved a bunch more tests at recent meeting
... mostly html5lib tests
... submissions from baidu on contenteditable="" and design mode
... intel has also submitted more tests
... <audio> and <video> tests
... Test The Web Forward right before TPAC this year
... hoping to get some tests for the htmlwg there

Accessibility Task Force

janina: had a productive meeting
... issue-204 seems to be moving forward; thanks to everyone who has helped
... not all the way there yet
... cynthia will be coming up with some language
... we may need until the next pf call next wednesday
... from the pf perspective it shouldn't take longer than that
... re: issue-30, we're also getting close on that
... providing a top-level summary etc. for InstateLongdesc proposal
... text subteam meeting is next tuesday

janina: those are the main issues under focus in the tf

Media Task Force

paulc: continue to meet every 2 weeks
... two items
... impacted by summer vacations
... the media services meeting this past tuesday was cancelled due to travel etc.
... the encrypted media group made significant advances 10 days ago at last meeting
... 3 co-editors of that spec have assigned all the remaining bugs
... are making progress on proposing resolutions on them
... media services spec has received wider review; doubled bug count
... want to make a first pass on all of the bugs before bringing back to the wider wg
... estimating fpwd before tpac, but will depend on progress the editors make
... making excellent progress

Adaptive Image Element Proposal

rubys: document out for review: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-proposals/raw-file/tip/responsive-images/responsive-images.html
... please provide comments if you have any

Evolving AppCache discussions


rubys: request for new mailing list; discussing using [topic] tags in subject line instead

Proposed rewording of ISSUE-204 text

rubys: a cut at the wording is in the spec now
... further revisions can proceed as bug reports

paulc: maybe the chairs should give a report on heartbeat docs
... the chairs have approached the editors of the various specs to see if we can publish heartbeat docs by the end of the month
... had wanted to stabilize docs by 9/15
... plan will probably slip by a week
... it's more likely that a CfC will go out a week from this coming monday, the 24th
... that CfC will last a week
... aiming to publish in early october
... should also talk about TPAC arrangements
... i will revive the email thread
... to make sure people are aware of registration, hotels, etc.
... we're scheduled to meet thu/fri at tpac, like in the last couple of years

<Wilto> Mat Marquis here. Joining a bit late; sorry.

paulc: same venue in lyon as in 2010

Cynthia: any opportunity for call-ins?

paulc: i'll check

Janina: we had gregory on the phone 2 years ago

paulc: the meeting will likely be run in an unconference-style
... won't know what the schedule will be until the first day

plh: we can put a polycom in the room if needed

paulc: i'll take an action item to point out the tpac info to the wg
... cynthia, could you respond to that email with a request for telcon infrastructure

janina: question about adaptive images
... pf needs to prioritize looking at this
... is it in 5.0, or .next, or do we not know?

rubys: will proceed on a separate track, so might be inbetween

paulc: i think the operative question is how are we going to move this work item forward
... should it have a bugzilla component, etc.
... i can take this offline with Wilto and figure out what our plan is
... & then to propose the plan to the wg

adrianba: just want to lend support for creating a bugzilla component for this

rubys: likely uncontroversial

paulc: i'll email mike smith to make a component

Scribe for next meeting

rubys: any volunteers?

paulc: if i'm not chairing, i'll scribe


Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.136 (CVS log)
$Date: 2012/09/13 16:31:22 $