Media capabilities

From Web and TV IG

virtual media capabilities

UC-1: Application needs to virtual media capabilities


As an application i would like to know which media capabilities are virtual and which are native
  1. The cloud browser request media capabilities
  2. cloud browser provides both virtual as-well as native capabilities

As an content provider you would like to serve the best possible content the users could perceive on there device. Obviously you could use the canPlayType property to detect the supported types however on a cloud browser solution you would also like to know which types are played natively on the client device and which are transcoded. Apart from additional processing cost on the server it would make more sense to play a media asset natively and leverage the device capabilities when possible.


  • client
  • application
  • cloud browser


There should be a way to identify virtual and native media capabilities

A solution could be to look at the the "virtually" type with the canPlayType. Here is an example how it will look:

var support = videoElement.canPlayType('type=\'video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"\); if (support == "probably") console.log("natively supported") else if (support == "virtually") console.log("supported by transcoding")


Leveraging native devices, and enabling consumption of media through second screen devices, would provide opportunities for users to leverage assistive technology of their choice, and therefore increase success in consuming this content.


Colin Meerveld (talk)