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PIL OWL Ontology Meeting 2012-03-19

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Meeting Information

prov-wg - Modeling Task Force - OWL group telecon


  • khalid
  • jun
  • mike
  • tim
  • Stephan
  • Satya
  • James
  • Paul
  • Stian



   latest version - http://aquarius.tw.rpi.edu/prov-wg/prov-o
   structure should now be stable
   any objections?
   Tim: New target is section 4; section 3 still needs to be updated
   Jun/Khalid/Tim - comment on status of issues in tracker
   any major blockers? any unknowns? any that need to be assigned?
   Jun: confident all issues can be closed, with the except of those related to Account (ISSUE-324)


   issue tracker looking much better (thanks Daniel and Tim!)

ProvRDF updated - http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/ProvRDF

   Tim: Keep Stian's new syntax, but add in original also, to preserve auto-generated "coverage" page
   Tim: Coverage - Short a few properties to handle derivations, plus everything related to collections TODO: Tim add original signatures.
   Stian: What about changing prov:usage and prov:activity etc? TODO Stian
   http://aquarius.tw.rpi.edu/prov-wg/provrdf-owl-coverage the list of classes and properties, add to OWL. Stephan TODO

namespaces and question about conventions

   there is an ISSUE on the namespace, lists all namespaces in w3.org
   what do we get if we clicked on the link?
   we should repeat what sparql did: http://www.w3.org/ns/sparql-service-description# a landing page that links to DM and OWL
   conneg asking for RDF, get OWL file.
   conneg HTML gets landing page
   TODO: Paul write this down and report.

Tim/Daniel - comment on status of issues in tracker

   any major blockers? any unknowns? any that need to be assigned?


   schedule - https://docs.google.com/a/revelytix.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0An15kLxkaMA3dFVCWm9aREZFemNOYjlGQjdPRkdFZXc#gid=0
   3/30 - draft WD2 due (both ontology and html)
   4/15 - final WD2 due (both ontology and html)
   two weeks to get a draft done
   draft should be ready for publishing, so we can devote the final two weeks (3/30-4/15) to closing new issues that get raised and taking care of administrative issues

major TODO's

   write content for sections of html that are not generated from ontology
   provRDF-coverage - need to have all terms from DM represented in OWL and vice versa
   packaging/administrative - http://services.w3.org/xslt?xmlfile=http://www.w3.org/2005/08/01-transitions.html&xslfile=http://www.w3.org/2005/08/transitions.xsl&docstatus=fpwd-wd-tr

Next week


   write content for sections of html that are not generated from ontology
   sections assigned below


   provRDF-coverage - need to have all terms from DM represented in OWL and vice versa
   Stephan to add Collections to ontology
   Tim to update ProvRDF page to use correct syntax for auto-generating coverage page
   Stian to update "had" properties


Each of these sections need to be assigned:

  • Section 1: Introduction
    • Mike
  • Section 2: Glance
    • Auto?? (yes, it is auto)
  • Section 3: The PROV-O Ontology Description
    • Jun can update the diagram and examples and overview text
  • Section 3.1 Prov-O starting points:
    • Khalid (Description of the diagram + example)
  • Section 3.2 Prov-O expanded:
    •  ?? (depends on 3.1? -- wait until 3.1 is done?) I agree
  • Section 3.3 Qualifying Relationships in Prov-O:
    •  ?? Tim :-) starting in full Saturday, but will try to find time through week.
  • Section 3.4 Collections: (lowest priority section)
    • Stian (should be able to start on the 27th)
  • Section 4: Cross reference for PROV-O classes and properties
    • Auto?? (yes, it is auto)
  • Other sections??

Authoring methodology options: 1. Add text to source HTML of http://aquarius.tw.rpi.edu/prov-wg/prov-o, save original and modified version, send both to Tim 2. Write as plain text (e.g. word document)