HTML5 + HTML WG Update

W3C Korea Member Meeting

16 November 2011


Six months ago, twelve months ago

The two most recent HTML WG updates presented to the AC focused on schedules and strategies for getting the HTML5 spec to Last Call:

Progress: Last Call milestone reached

Five other LCWDs published in May

Five other HTML WG deliverables went to Last Call along with the HTML5 spec:

Non-LC deliverables published in May

The HTML WG also maintains the following three non-normative documents, and published updates of them in May along with the LCWDs.

“HTML5: Edition for Web Authors” FPWD

In August, the HTML WG also published a First Public Working draft of the document HTML5: Edition for Web Authors.

Last Call numbers: Bugs/Comments

* Note: The 1550 LC1 bugs also include bugs that were filed after October 2010 but before the May 2011 LC1 start date.

Post-LC1 numbers: Bugs/Comments

These numbers are for the HTML5 spec only.

Last Call numbers: Issues

“New Information” issues

Formal objections

Deadlines for moving beyond LC1

The chairs announced a timeline for moving beyond LC1.

* Note: last chance = “last chance to complete actions for this round”; any actions taken after the above dates result in consideration being postponed until later.

Next step: HTML5 CR in 2012?

The HTML WG is scheduled to publish a Candidate Recommendation of the HTML5 spec in mid- to late-2012.

Some spec changes in the last 12 months

Some possible features

HTML5 and Web on TV MPTF

Requirements on HTML5 from the Media Pipeline TF (part of the Web on TV IG) for delivering TV services, adaptive streaming, content security and DRM.

Open HTML5 bugs related to MPTF requirements

HTML5 spec license discussion