Bug Triage sub-team, HTML A11Y TF

13 Sep 2011

See also: IRC log


Léonie_Watson, Everett_Zufelt, Hans_Hillen, Michael_Cooper
Gez_Lemon, Marco_Ranon, Joshue_O_Connor
MichaelC, hhillen


<hhillen> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12776

<hhillen> MC: I don't think the tf needs to work on this

<hhillen> MC: if anything comes out of this, we can track it then

<hhillen> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12848

<hhillen> MC: we don't need to track this

<hhillen> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12873

<hhillen> LW: Reporter wants to add an example of alt text scenario

<hhillen> LW: Don't track, has already been fixed and closed

<hhillen> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12874

<hhillen> HH: This concerns http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html-alt-techniques-20110113/

<hhillen> HH: Specifically, example 2.5: http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html-alt-techniques-20110113/#hag21

<hhillen> MC: Data table as alternative is more useful than image map regions with alt text. Don't track

<hhillen> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12875

<hhillen> MC: Don't track

<hhillen> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12876

<hhillen> LW: I don't think we need to track this one

<hhillen> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12877

<hhillen> LW: We don't need to track it

<hhillen> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12900

<hhillen> HH: Doesn't seem to be a11y related, should not need a11y keyword

<hhillen> MC: Landmark roles can be used instead of what the reporter is asking for

<hhillen> LW: don't track

<hhillen> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12964

<hhillen> LW: Taskforce should track this

<hhillen> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12971

<hhillen> MC: I don't think there is value in pushing this 'em' vs 'i' issue

<hhillen> LW: OK, we'll skip this one

<hhillen> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12984

<hhillen> LW: No need to track, duplicate of other alt related bugs

<hhillen> LW: We still needs Joshue's short list of bugs

<MichaelC> scribe: MichaelC

Bugs that may need a11y keyword


hh: add a11y and a11ytf keyword


hh: add a11y and a11ytf keyword


hh: not a TF priority


hh: complicated discussion in bug

mc: let's track, but not necessarily support, just follow

<hhillen> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12803

<scribe> scribe: hhillen

LW: No need to track


LW: don't track


LW: Don't think we need to track this one


MC: I think this is one where we want to track it but not necessarily back it


MC: I don't think is has enough impact on accessibility at the moment but it may at some point

LW: Track it for now


MC: I don't think we need to track it now, but it could come back later

HH: Doesn't seem high enough of a priority to track

LW: I'll take the a11ytf keyword out

EZ: None of my bugs were a11y related

Bugs that don't need a11y keyword

Hans' list of items that doesn't need a11y keyword:

12898: any idea when this will be up and running?

12899: select.size is an unsigned long limited to only non-negative numbers, but that concept doesn't exist

12901: Keep up the great work... One suggestion. Could you please align the Microdata part of the spec with Microformats and/or RDFa, instead of jnust defining yet another random markup. It would be really helpful for alot of developers who have invested time an

12902: Simplify input types (remove excessive date types) and add format attribute

12905: For the attribute "required" of checkbox element, I think it should be defined as "at least one is required" but not "which fields are required". So it's better use the same constraint validation with the radio element. That is if an element in the check

12907: The algorithm for parsing a legacy color value, steps 2 and 3, should be reversed. Given a case where string is a tab for instance, it should be treated as an empty string.

12908: How come we leave the first 128 characters and then divide the string into three equal parts? Last time I checked, 128 % 3 == 2.

12910: I think step 7 and 10 are pretty much the same thing, ie. s/[:alnum:]/0/g

12915: Note that Arabic and Persian Unicode digits could be used through <input type=number> UI

12918: I found that you limited the keywords acceptable for the meta-name attribute and for the link-rel attribute. In the specs you use exhaustive lists of allowed keywords. In my opinion you should only suggest keywords. See also http://webhel.blogspot.com/20

12923: Setting a reflecting attribute of type HTMLElement to something with no ID should set content attribute to empty string

12924: xml:base interaction with img element

12925: in the 1st example 3 'hr' are used like an anonymous 'h#' => 'hr' should move to 4.4. The final 'hr' is of a different kind and wouldn't be there if we had lists ('dl' here) nested inside 'p'. The second example is mostly like the first three 'hr', i.e. a

12926: The phrase "in a Document" is not consistently used in the specification

12927: Define what "content attribute's document" means

12929: [MIMESNIFF] needs to point to the draft by the websec working group

12930: Update CSS references (CSS 2.1 and CSS3 Color now a recommendation)

12931: On line 7 of the updateIndicator example, the attribute should be textContent instead of textContext

12935: <rt> should not auto-close ancestors

12937: Is there a fold/unfold TOC ?

12938: “The attribute value can remain unquoted if it doesn't contain spaces or […]” Please replace “spaces” with “space characters” (microsyntax) to avoid confusion.

12939: The <COL> group used to be defined as a very useful to represent tabular data. Among the various things needed for tabular data perusing is the data alignment. In v4.01 there is an "align" and a "char" attribute that make the <COL> attribute very useful t

12940: I suppose there's no longer a version number so no thing like "DOM5 HTML".

12942: Time element specification phrasing error (Section 4.6.10)

12943: Drop progress.position IDL or make it settable

12944: I found two useful references to XHTML5 in this document: 1.6 HTML vs XHTML States: " The second concrete syntax is the XHTML syntax, which is an application of XML. When a document is transmitted with an XML MIME type, such as application/xhtml+xml, then

12945: On setting, if the given element has an id attribute, then the content attribute must be set to the value of that id attribute. Otherwise, the IDL attribute must be set to the empty string." is strange and breaks reflection. If the given element isn't in

12946: first img element descendant of the element" doesn't define properly which element. First in document order?

12948: New feature request: GROUP tag What I'd like to achieve in HTML is to easily access a group of elements via Javascript using a single parent element (GROUP). The GROUP element would not under any circumstance affect the layout of the page, and would not b

12949: click() shouldn't have special powers over dispatching click event manually

12950: Require Byte-Order Mark (BOM) in UTF-8 encoded pages

12952: Remove typemustmatch

12955: Fire DOMContentLoaded at iframe when it is fired at contentWindow for convinience

12956: <style scoped>: The non-normative statement "If the scoped attribute is present: where flow content is expected, but before any other flow content other than other style elements and inter-element whitespace." is not backed by a normative statement.

12957: Is it possible to supply new semantic tag, just like <img>, <canvas> and <audio>, to support view and edit ODF document or PDF document in brower? These document formats are widely used. We hope they can be manipulated in brower directly with the help of

12959: It would probably be a good idea to "The noscript element must not be used in XML documents." above "The noscript element must not be used in XML documents."

12961: It looks like this is actually known as "HTML DOM": http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=%22DOM+HTML%22&word2=%22HTML+DOM%22

12962: Typographic Conventions not implemented as portably as they could be

12963: hola no se k es un feedakv

12967: I feel this part is not clear enough. When should the developers call update()? Should they call update() before swapCache()? Must swapCache() be called before reload? I've tried that even without calling swapCache(), once manifest changed, the file will

12968: Bad value revisit-after for attribute name on element meta: Keyword revisit-after is not registered

12970: <video> Media Events: I think it should be added to the documentation how certain events should be handled main ones being seeked and seeking. Currently some browsers when seeking a media element they fire multiple events (pause, seeking, seeked, play).

12972: The IDL parts in this section contain what I believe to be non-valid WebIDL, specifically "Element?" and "object?" - both interface types and object are already nullable, so the ? is invalid.

12973: The IDL parts in this section contain what I believe to be non-valid WebIDL, specifically "Element?" and "object?" - both interface types and object are already nullable, so the ? is invalid.

12974: Allow placeholder="" on <input type=number>


12977: Step 6 of the legacy color parsing rules is unnecessary, as 3-digit hex colors will be successfully parsed by the general case further down.

12982: <video> canplay and canplaythrough should only fire once, when the new readyState is HAVE_FUTURE_DATA and HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA for the first time, respectively.

12986: Last Call comments to HTML5

12988: I'm a bit in trouble on what type to apply for zip- postcodes. I would use type=number, but then I cant use the maxlenght attribute. While using type=text there are no max min attributes. No matter what type I choose, none of them works for zip- postcodes

12989: According to "The dl element": >The order of the list of groups, and of the names and values within each group, may be significant. Why don't you define an attribute on the dl element, for example, "ordered" attribute, which indicates that the list is ord

12991: Is Nokia's Symbian S60 5th Edition OS supports html 5 , e.g., Nokia 5230 inbuilt web browser

12993: Missing ) after: (If the goal was to mark the element as misspelt...

12994: Please don't use section numbers as these tend to change rapidly and make your feedback harder to understand.

12996: The dropEffect attribute controls the drag-and-drop feedback that the user is given during a drag-and-drop operation. When the DataTransfer object is created, the dropEffect attribute is set to a string value. On getting, it must return its current value.

12998: Some attributes are not overridable with 'var' in browsers. See http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1035

13000: 111111111111111111111111111a pointing device, a drag operation could be the default action of a mousedown event that is followed by a series of mousemove events, and the drop could be triggered by the mouse being released. On media without a pointing dev

13002: its a Bible of HTML 5. a great work, but my English is no good. I'm Spanian... this document is translating to other languajes? i can't see links to other languages

13005: no itemprop and charset in DOM interface

13006: Spelling mistake in 4.5.2. The hr element.

13011: Encourage authors to use "white-space: pre-wrap" for contenteditable="" and .designMode=true

13015: forumSingular forum Plural forums

13018: ola alo helo

13019: Organization of the user agent style sheet section makes it near-impossible to see whether it's correct

13024: Spec should xref "IDL attribute" for clarity

13025: Which of the accept, alt, autocomplete, checked, dirname, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, list, max, maxlength, min, multiple, pattern, placeholder, readonly, required, size, src, step, and width content attributes

13026: What prose below defines when an element is a 'button'?

13029: HTML 5 vai me complicar bem a vida agora... + vamos lá neh ! http://www.humorlol.com

13030: it looks to me boolean is the right type for the 4th parameter 'replace' in the open operation as open in HTMLDocument.

Leonie's list of items that doesn't need a11y keyword:

Bug 12744: The crossdomain attribute.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12774: On error discrepancies.

Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12775: Suggestions for HTML.Next and iframes.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12778: Add paragraph pseudo selector.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12779: Overload HTMLCollection.item().


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12780: Attributes of the meter element should reflect actual values.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12781: Maxlength (for non HTML5 compliant browsers).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12782: Editorial (additional quotation mark).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12783: Character tokens.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12784: Spam bug (My *** is too...).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12785: Spam bug (Quotes spec).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12786: Spam bug (Testing ok).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12789: Spam bug (What is this).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12791: Maxlength example should be syntactially correct.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12793: @scheme attribute conflicts with Dublin Core.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12796: Spam bug (It's a little bit confusing).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12797: Default value for maxlength.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12799: Maxlength should come after max in examples for consistency.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12800: Enhancement request for input element.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12802: Spam bug (Ignore me).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12804: HTML5 video format.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12806: Spam bug (I wish I could be more helpful...).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12808: Cookies ref should point to RFC.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12815: 令SELECT * FROM WebKitStickyNotes


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12819: Fully define application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12820: Security features prevent me writing a client side HTML5 app.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12821: Spam bug (Boy this is so cool).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12822: How would one use elements based on a XSD 1.1 schema?


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12825: Spam bug (Doesn't seem professional).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12827: Spam bug (What's wrong).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12829: Missing name for argument of HTMLCanvasElement.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12830: What happened to the rel="apple-touch-icon"?


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12831: File API interfaces should have <code


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12832: File API interfaces want a code


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12839: @id: Define how Unicode normalization affects the 'unique identifier' status


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12840: The example cache manifest file is never explicitly named


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12846: The beforeprint and afterprint shouldn't fire if the user at any time cancels the print request.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12849: Why is there a month type but not year?


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12853: Spam bug (Quotes HTML code).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12854: Allowed values for the rel attribute of <link> and name attribute of <meta>.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12856: Saying the "dirty value flag must be set to true".


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12858: This doesn't actually define "align descendants".


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12861: HTMLOptionsCollection.add(wrongElementType)


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12862: DOMElementMap IDL getter return type incorrect


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12863: Make HTMLDocument name getter return type object


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12864: HTMLMediaElement.addTextTrack return value not specified


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12865: HTMLFormElement getter return types should be more specific


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12866: HTMLSelectElement getter return types should be more specific


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12867: Autofocus on hidden elements.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 1286: Qname type in XQueryX and Schema


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12869: Window name getter return type should be more specific


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12870: Minor issues with WindowTimers domintro section


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12871: DataTransferItem has inconsistent indenting


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12872: PeerConnection configuration argument should be serverConfiguration for consistency


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12878: Master pages wanted eargerly.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12879: Object does not support the property in internet explorer.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12881: "is expected to hide it" is a bit vague.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12882: <b> and <strong> should be "font-weight: bolder".


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12884: Spam bug (Attribute width not allowed on element input at this point).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12886: The micro formats wiki is down.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12887: DataTransfer.getData("text/uri-list"): please define that spaces must be trimmed from /result/.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12888: the crossorigin attribute


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12890 : Grammatical text correction.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12892 : If I understand correctly the u element is for marking up iconic stuff like astrological signs...


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12893 : Spam bug (Quoting code).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12894 : rel=tag should not be allowed on <link>


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12897 : In some parsers, UTF-8 BOM trumps the HTTP charset attribute (Encoding sniffing algorithm)


Keyword: Not added.

Subject: Bug triage: Extended list

Bug 12744: The crossdomain attribute.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12774: On error discrepancies.

Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12775: Suggestions for HTML.Next and iframes.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12778: Add paragraph pseudo selector.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12779: Overload HTMLCollection.item().


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12780: Attributes of the meter element should reflect actual values.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12781: Maxlength (for non HTML5 compliant browsers).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12782: Editorial (additional quotation mark).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12783: Character tokens.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12784: Spam bug (My *** is too...).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12785: Spam bug (Quotes spec).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12786: Spam bug (Testing ok).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12789: Spam bug (What is this).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12791: Maxlength example should be syntactially correct.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12793: @scheme attribute conflicts with Dublin Core.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12796: Spam bug (It's a little bit confusing).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12797: Default value for maxlength.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12799: Maxlength should come after max in examples for consistency.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12800: Enhancement request for input element.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12802: Spam bug (Ignore me).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12803: Allow <center>, <font> etc.


Keyword: Needs discussion.

The bug has been closed (won't fix). The re-introduction of some of the suggested elements would have implications for a11y. It looks as though the editors aren't inclined to change the spec though.

Bug 12804: HTML5 video format.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12806: Spam bug (I wish I could be more helpful...).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12808: Cookies ref should point to RFC.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12815: 令SELECT * FROM WebKitStickyNotes


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12819: Fully define application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12820: Security features prevent me writing a client side HTML5 app.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12821: Spam bug (Boy this is so cool).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12822: How would one use elements based on a XSD 1.1 schema?


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12825: Spam bug (Doesn't seem professional).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12827: Spam bug (What's wrong).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12829: Missing name for argument of HTMLCanvasElement.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12830: What happened to the rel="apple-touch-icon"?


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12831: File API interfaces should have <code


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12832: File API interfaces want a code


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12834: Legend should not have to be first child element of fieldset.


Keyword: Needs discussion.

I can't think of an a11y implication for not forcing the legend to be the first child of fieldset. The editors have asked for examples to illustrate the supposed problem. Wanted to check with you before adding the keyword though.

Bug 12835: Figcaption should not have to be first child element of figure.


Keyword: Needs discussion.

As with the previous bug. I don't think there's an a11y implication, but want to be sure.

Bug 12839: @id: Define how Unicode normalization affects the 'unique identifier' status


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12840: The example cache manifest file is never explicitly named


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12844: Remove the label attribute from subclasses of HTMLElement


Keyword: Needs discussion.

I don't understand this bug or the response. Would appreciate input from the triage team.

Bug 12846: The beforeprint and afterprint shouldn't fire if the user at any time cancels the print request.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12849: Why is there a month type but not year?


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12853: Spam bug (Quotes HTML code).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12854: Allowed values for the rel attribute of <link> and name attribute of <meta>.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12856: Saying the "dirty value flag must be set to true".


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12858: This doesn't actually define "align descendants".


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12861: HTMLOptionsCollection.add(wrongElementType)


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12862: DOMElementMap IDL getter return type incorrect


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12863: Make HTMLDocument name getter return type object


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12864: HTMLMediaElement.addTextTrack return value not specified


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12865: HTMLFormElement getter return types should be more specific


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12866: HTMLSelectElement getter return types should be more specific


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12867: Autofocus on hidden elements.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 1286: Qname type in XQueryX and Schema


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12869: Window name getter return type should be more specific


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12870: Minor issues with WindowTimers domintro section


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12871: DataTransferItem has inconsistent indenting


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12872: PeerConnection configuration argument should be serverConfiguration for consistency


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12878: Master pages wanted eargerly.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12879: Object does not support the property in internet explorer.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12881: "is expected to hide it" is a bit vague.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12882: <b> and <strong> should be "font-weight: bolder".


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12884: Spam bug (Attribute width not allowed on element input at this point).


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12885: Provide a way for the author to specify what kind of keyboard behaviour to use for text inputs on multimodal keyboards.


Keyword: Needs discussion.

The bug proposes a new input element for numbers that will handle data such as US zip codes or credit card numbers. I don't think there's an a11y implication, but would like input from the group.

Bug 12886: The micro formats wiki is down.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12887: DataTransfer.getData("text/uri-list"): please define that spaces must be trimmed from /result/.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12888: the crossorigin attribute


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12890 : Grammatical text correction.


Keyword: Not added.

Bug 12892 : If I understand correctly the u element is for marking up iconic stuff like astrological signs...


Keyword: Not added.

Everett's list of items that doesn't need a11y keyword:

13031 , 13032 , 13034 , 13036 , 13037 , 13047 , 13048 , 13051 , 13052 , 13053 , 13054 , 13055 , 13056 , 13057 , 13058 , 13059 , 13062 , 13068 , 13069 , 13072 , 13074 , 13078 , 13079 , 13080 , 13081 , 13082 , 13084 , 13086 , 13087 , 13091 , 13092 , 13093 , 13094 , 13095 , 13097 , 13098 , 13099 , 13102 , 13105 , 13106 , 13107 , 13108 , 13109 , 13110 , 13111 , 13112 , 13113 , 13116 , 13117 , 13119 , 13120 , 13121 , 13122 , 13123 , 13124 , 13125 , 13126 , 13

13128 , 13131 , 13132 , 13134 , 13135 , 13139 , 13143 , 13144 , 13145 , 13152 , 13154 , 13160 , 13163 , 13167 , 13168

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.136 (CVS log)
$Date: 2011/09/13 16:25:52 $

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Found Scribe: MichaelC
Inferring ScribeNick: MichaelC
Found Scribe: hhillen
Inferring ScribeNick: hhillen
Scribes: MichaelC, hhillen
ScribeNicks: MichaelC, hhillen
Default Present: Michael_Cooper
Present: Léonie_Watson Everett_Zufelt Hans_Hillen Michael_Cooper
Regrets: Gez_Lemon Marco_Ranon Joshue_O_Connor
Got date from IRC log name: 13 Sep 2011
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2011/09/13-a11y-bugs-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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