
09 Mar 2011

See also: IRC log


謝 子斌、呂 康豪、李 安琪
謝 子斌
呂 康豪





Zibin: Kenny 你在當 W3C fellow 之後還會繼續 HTML5 中文興趣小組

Kenny: 沒錯


Angel: 有固定的團隊
... 鎖定一個方向
... 控制 組織



Angel: 聯通 諾基亞

Zibin: 贊成
... 難題是找人
... 一下就40人 callin
... 很煩煩

Angel: 咱們3個是固定班底
... 我們一定要跟
... 其他我們在挑
... 不知道多大規模較好

Zibin: 不知道要邀誰不邀誰

Kenny: 其他人的狀況?

Zibin: 經過同事的了解
... 有固定的人 也有偶爾的人

<Angel> Kenny: HTML5 有300多个参与者,但是电话会议的参与者数量还是有限

<Angel> Kenny: HTML5 有300多个参与者,但是电话会议的参与者数量还是有限

<Angel> kenny: 建议从小规模的固定团体开始,逐渐发展,大浪淘沙

<Angel> kenny:需要确定可以固定参加的人员

<Angel> kenny:需要确定可以固定参加的人员

<Angel> kenny: need to confirm the fixed member

<Angel> ... at least 3 of us is a good start

<Angel> Zibin: agree, if one or two of us can attend is good, 3 would be perfect

<Angel> Kenny: shall we have the meeting weekly?

<Angel> Angel: this might heavily depends on the avaibility of other members of the fixed team

.Angel: 關於公開的問題
... 我們半個月一個電話會議
... 把 IRC minutes 送給公開給郵件群

Kenny: 我們 3 個+裕波 還有呢?要不要找 http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=46593 的人?

Zibin: 協調的工作

<Angel> Zibin: we need to make sure the steering group play the coordinator role rather than the management

<Angel> ... I think it would be a good idea if we meet every two weeks

Kenny: 電話會議是一種還是兩種

Angel: 平常都是小的
... 不排除坐大的可能性

<Angel> Angel: will suggest 2 kinds of meetings. one for the fixed group, one for the public

Zibin: 小組的會一搬多長?

<Angel> ... it would be good to let the IG members to know that they have the opportunity to attend the call

<Angel> Zibin: frequency of the WG meeting?

Kenny: 工作組一班是每個禮拜一小時

Zibin: fixed group 決定每週會議的議題
... fixed group 討論小組討論的議題

<Angel> zibin: the fixed group should help to propose the topics of the meetings

<Angel> Kenny: confused

<Angel> Zibin: we would have to set up the agenda for the attendees to get prepared

<Angel> kenny: ususally the chairs of the wg will make the agenda

<Angel> kenny: Zibin is the chair, do you want to set up the agenda for each meeting?

<Angel> zibin: since we have a open group, it would be good to discuss the topics with the group members;

<Angel> ... also, HTML5 is a huge topic, we might not be familiar with all the topics related to it

<Angel> ... so it is better to get the public involved

<Angel> kenny: when so we start the meeting?

<Angel> zibin: once we have the wiki done

<Angel> kenny: should we put the minutes to the wiki?

Angel: 我們發一封信跟大家講
... 講說這個這個是有 obligation 的
... 我是在講這個 fixed group

<Angel> zibin, can you type it on IRC?




<Angel> Angel: I would suggest us send a invitation to invite those who are interested in the coordination work of the fixed group

Zibin: Fixed 的作用並不是很大
... 有些人比較認真 有些人湊熱鬧

<Angel> zibin: we can have an open group at first

<Angel> kenny: how do we collect the members of the open group?

Zibin: 發個帖開始

<Angel> zibin: we might set up a teleconf and invite people to attend

-> Time: 有 wiki 之後

-> People: 發個帖 能參加的就參加

-> Content: 自我介紹就差不多結束了


Kenny: 要不要通知他們

<Angel> kenny: shall we invite w3c members on the list?

Zibin: 我們有兩群人

<Angel> Angel: I will send them an invitation as the contact of China Office, and leave it to them to decide whether they w

<Angel> want to get involved

Zibin: 有在郵件群發表意見的跟
... Full member

<Angel> kenny: we can not sure whether the members from W3C Member will participate actively

<scribe> ACTION: Kenny to make sure that the WIki gets started [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-HTML5-minutes#action01]

<Angel> zibin: about the list of the IG members, we can wait for 2 or 3 months and sellect the those who contribute more as the invited

<Angel> expert

<Angel> kenny: shall we have a fixed day in a week?

<Angel> zibin: we can make a initial decision for this, e.g. Web 3:00PM

<scribe> ACTION: Zibin to send Angel and Kenny about a time slot for regular meetiing [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-HTML5-minutes#action02]

<Angel> zibin: let's check our schdule and pick one good for everybody

<scribe> ACTION: Kenny to send Angel and Zibin about a time slot for regular meetiing [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-HTML5-minutes#action03]

<scribe> ACTION: Angel to send Kenny and Zibin about a time slot for regular meetiing [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-HTML5-minutes#action04]

<scribe> ACTION: Angel to contact the hidden list to ask if they are intrested in the regular meeting [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-HTML5-minutes#action05]


RESOLUTION: We don't open this list for the first two months.
... We start the regular meeting once the wiki get setup

Zibin: 有 wiki 可以知道大家的興趣
... Wiki 放 W3C 但是無法每個人可以改


Kang-Hao Lu


<Angel> zibin: do you mean that everyone who registered can revised the wiki?

<Angel> kenny: yes

DaMing Huan


Zibin: 這樣應該不錯
... 有心的人應該不介意

Angel: 回家作業 - 分頭想一下這個 Open Group 是要做什麼

Zibin: 有 wiki 應該就可以看到大方向

<scribe> ACTION: Kenny to send Angel and Zibin about my personal veiw of the direction of this group. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-HTML5-minutes#action06]

About this meeting

Kenny: 你覺得這個會議有什麼問題?會不會聽不清楚? 記錄?

Angel: 我覺得 IRC 是個問題 需要給大家指引
... 另外不知道上限是多少


Next Fixed Group(?) Meeting

3/16 3pm (Beijing)

next scirbe -> Angel

next chair -> Zibin (fixed)

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Angel to contact the hidden list to ask if they are intrested in the regular meeting [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-HTML5-minutes#action05]
[NEW] ACTION: Angel to send Kenny and Zibin about a time slot for regular meetiing [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-HTML5-minutes#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: Kenny to make sure that the WIki gets started [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-HTML5-minutes#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: Kenny to send Angel and Zibin about a time slot for regular meetiing [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-HTML5-minutes#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: Kenny to send Angel and Zibin about my personal veiw of the direction of this group. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-HTML5-minutes#action06]
[NEW] ACTION: Zibin to send Angel and Kenny about a time slot for regular meetiing [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-HTML5-minutes#action02]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2011/03/24 09:41:44 $