Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference

30 Nov 2010

See also: IRC log


DKA, Matt, adam, SeanP, jo, fd_from_irc


EXI Comment

PROPOSED RESOLUTION: We accept François's kind suggestion regarding the EXI comment (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2010Nov/0002.html) and note that we feel this is a non-substantive, editorial change.

<adam> +1

<francois> +1

jo: Whilst, one the one hand...
... I've got nothing to say about this. Lots of editorial plus ones. Eduardo is here, he might have something to say.

RESOLUTION: We accept François's kind suggestion regarding the EXI comment (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2010Nov/0002.html) and note that we feel this is a non-substantive, editorial change.

<jo> Edc did you have any comment on the RESOLUTION

<EdC> I agree with the resolution. Sorry for late arrival.

Any other business?

jo: Thank you Dan for chairing, and Matt without whom none of this would have been possible.


DKA: Rotan reached out to me earlier in the week, wondering what more could be done to rally the troops behind the release of MWABP?

We're in a period right now where it would be good to get AC member reps voting on the questionnaire.

<francois> [/me notes questionnaire is closed now]

DKA: The questionnaire was to move from PR to Rec, right?

-> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/mwabp-2010/ Poll

DKA: My thing is that only Rotan and I have said we'd participate in publicizing the doc.
... I'm putting my hat in the ring to promote it. I'll be speaking at events in the coming weeks, where I'll be promoting MWABP. I'll be putting together some slides to do that. Would be good to have others involved in press activity, or to push W3C to do more press around it.

adam: I got some feedback in passing, that they had seen it's gone to PR.

DKA: We need to make the benefits of the document more evident to those outside of the working group.
... Any other thoughts, let's take them to the public list.

<EdC> So there are no institutionalized measures to publicize W3C output when it is officially published?

DKA: Thank you everyone! We're done.

<francois> [I note W3C will do a press release when the spec is published as REC, but it would have more impact with members testimonials]

DKA: W3C will issue a press release, but how many organizations will put testimonials on the release is the question.
... Thanks everybody!

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2010/12/02 15:09:26 $