MW4D bi-monthly call

13 Sep 2010


See also: IRC log


Stephane Boyera (W3C/Web Foundation), Shwetank Dixit (Opera-IRC only), MAx Froumentin (Web Foundation), Betty Purwandari (University of Southampton), Nicolas Chevrollier (TNO)


<scribe> agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mw4d/2010Sep/0008.html

Business Model


max: premise of the document: operators can help improving a service

example: shortcodes for SMS services

we called that enablers because it helps provider to make services or tools more successful

nicolas: high level question: where do we want to go ?

examples of successful cases ? or identifying barrier entrepreneurs are facing ?

enablers are only one part

nicolas: star cases are helpful

very hard to identify what works or not

<NicolasC> def business model: http://www.mediawerk.ch/nerve/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/picture-1.png

shwetank: distribution channel is critical

how a service is distributed to users ?

nicolas: value proposition: what kind of service are you delivering

on right: everything related to customers

to whom you sell your apps.

customer relationship: how to you reach your customer

(marketing, etc)

distribution: how you deliver the service

key resources: what you need to do: costs etc

key activities: what need to be done

nicolas: missing star cases

that can be described with this canvas

shwetank: how do we collect data ?

nicolas: good question

how to we idenitfy star cases

nicolas: a star case==a case that reached sustainability

<shwetank> maybe to propose companies to the list, and agree by consensus on which ones to focus as a star case?

nicolas: do we star cases ?

steph: related to technologies ?

nico: not really
... starts from examples of services people succeeded to make sustainable
... ask people on the list

<betty> possible star cases: m-pesa, WAP application to download

betty: m-pesa and dowload music are very positive

<betty> download music, facebook mobiles

<scribe> ACTION: Nicolas to launch discussion on the mailing-list about business model star cases [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/09/13-mw4d-minutes.html#action01]

<betty> I agree with Stephane.

stephane: difference between services driven by an operator and those by an individual

nicolas: difference not that clear

shwetank: +1 to Nicolas

Impact Analysis


betty: based on itu framework for ict readiness

<betty> Wider mobile networks & cheaper mobile Internet tariff (mobile Web readiness) --> more mobile Web use --> more job offer for entrepreneurs or more knowledge resource for students, but more expense to purchase handsets & air time, more business opportunities for people selling handsets & airtime, more opportunities for mobile web application development (mobile Web impact, case studies) --> more mobile Web programming training (mobile Web readiness capacity),

<betty> more collaboration among researchers, mobile phone industry, policy makers (mobile Web readiness)

steph: three quesiton

mobile web ? browsing ?

betty: using http, so mobile browsing

steph: how do you measure social impact ?

betty: some indicators reflect that: like how much you get more

steph: bootstrapping conditions ?

i don't believe that infrastructure

betty: infrastructure, tariff


stephane: content ?

betty: wikipedia can be a bootstrap

steph: next steps ?

indicators ?

betty: will propose a table of indicators

shwetank: will be happy to look at statistics how the impact of ict: like number of bank account in rural areas

betty: quantitative statistical data is great

will be great to get such data

shwetank: might be good to break down by domain

metric per domain is good

betty: sounds good

<scribe> ACTION: betty to sumarize the discussion on the list and bootstrap discussion on impact analysis* [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/09/13-mw4d-minutes.html#action02]

Next Meeting

<shwetank> wfm

Next Meeting: October 4 to talk about business model and tools, impact for the enxt one

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: betty to sumarize the discussion on the list and bootstrap discussion on impact analysis* [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/09/13-mw4d-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: Nicolas to launch discussion on the mailing-list about business model star cases [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/09/13-mw4d-minutes.html#action01]