Gallery of Accessible Templates & Widgets, Tech Challenge

01 Sep 2010

See also: IRC log


John, Jamal, Judy, Deborah, Jeanne, Peter_Korn


<scribe> scribe: Jeanne_Spellman

Agendaagenda+ agenda overview


review of "Draft questions for accessible template developers" from Jamal

<korn> Is this room live?

[group reviews Jamal's proposal]

JB: template as a term that includes widget may be somewhat confusing, since template usually is static and widget is dynamic.

JM: I'm not attached to the word to use.

PK: If it is in a open source repository, where it is located, if it is commercial, what are the terms that it can be downloaded.

discussion of considerations and options for hosting gallery

DK: Frank Bateman asked that it be hosted in the Council of CIOs. I am waiting to hear back from SSA. There are several CIO Council initiatives hosted there.

What is going to be easy to find? We can make recommendations how we would like that to be.

How to make sure it stays "unburied"?

DK: We can say that we want it on the home page.

JB: What will help it get noticed, used, and have long-term persistence.

What about Accessibility.gov?

JB: What about picking a place with longevity for hosting and has a virtual presence for the longer term.

Challenge is popular with the Administration now. It is hosted by a company that has done all the legal research for privacy, security, etc.

scribe: there are so many rules for the different agencies, and it is now made available for all agencies to use.

JB: There are White House staff that have offered to be helpful.

<korn> http://www.appsforhealthykids.com/


<korn> http://www.challengepost.com/

It is one of the applications on the server.

<korn> http://challenge.gov/

GSA operates Challenge.gov. It would be a publically available URL. We could get a domain name that would route to it.

there would be more flexibility if it were hosted by a private organization.

JB: The name is one issue, who is hosting us is another. We have a gracious offer from the CIO Council, or we can do it through Challenge.gov (White House).

If we want it to be more international, we may want to go to a .com rather than a .gov that is US-centric.

JM: The permanence issue certainly be guarenteed for the first term of the Obama administration [laughter]. But it would not disappear due to regulations on persistence and archive.

DK: But our ability to maintain and update it may be gone.

<korn> Judy - I'm afraid I need to drop off the call.

<Judy> straw proposal:

It could be layered and phased over time.

We can ask someone appropriate from GSA to be on our next call so we can ask these questions.

learn or teach accessible.gov or .com. easyaccessibility.com or .gov

accessiblebuildingblocks - modular and easy

"component" means part of an agency. We can't use a lot of gov-speak if we want it to be understandable to the public.



accessibletemplatesgaller - self explanatory, but some think it is too long






accessible code implies open source

it could start as web code but could expand into other things as well.

accessibleweb - too broad

<Judy> current possibilities:

<Judy> - accessible_web_templates

<Judy> - accessible_code

<Judy> accessible_web

<Judy> - accessible_web

<Judy> accessible_templates

<Judy> - accessible_templates

we should put the ideas out to the list.




JB: Thank you for the discussion

<Judy> accessible_web, accessible_code, accessible_templates -- will seek feedback on these three.

<Judy> action wrt hosting:

<Judy> 1) judy contact scott deutchman about tech challenge announcement w/ jamal's input on specifics

<Judy> 2) jb express interest in challenge-post platform hosting, and likely name direction

<Judy> 3) we pursue virtual hosting on other relevant sites, and potentially as initiated by the CIO Council

next meetings

I would like to schedule through the end of October. I propose that we have a standard day and an alternate day.

I would like to suggest Wednesday / Friday 1:30 Eastern on Friday

mailing list options

currently, the list is not archived. If we archive it, we can refer to the specific email, but it does make our mail more public and searchable.

[no objections]

JB will take it to the others on the list.

surveys in the W3C require an account (no charge). Any objections? [No objections]

we are also setting up a wiki to use as a sandbox. Any concerns or questions about that? It would be public.

Would we have to sign in to make edits? We would not want just anyone to log in and erase what we had been doing.

John, do you want to talk about the upcoming unconference?

JC: Its a reminder of who wants to sign up. I'll be sending it out over Labor Day.

JB: If the piece that I wanted to have done today, is done for next week, can you send that to the list?

Yes, I want to get people registered for the event.

send the reminder soon. Then in a couple days, send another reminder with information about the Tech Challenge.

October 9 (Saturday) is the date. There is a wine & cheese cookout on Sunday.

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2010/09/01 19:00:40 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/Let's pick/What about picking/
No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: jeanne
Found Scribe: Jeanne_Spellman
Default Present: John, Jamal, Judy, Deborah, Jeanne, Peter_Korn
Present: John Jamal Judy Deborah Jeanne Peter_Korn
Got date from IRC log name: 01 Sep 2010
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2010/09/01-gallery-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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