ICT Linked Gov Data coordination

30 Aug 2010

See also: IRC log


Ivan, +1.512.507.aaaa, +49.721.aabb, Barry, Soeren, andreas\, michael, +39.046.128.aacc, josema, paolo, [IPcaller]


<ivan> what?

<Yuwei> Good morning. It's Yuwei Lin from University of Salford, UK. My first time here.

<raphael> Hi guys, I can attend only on irc

<josema> first talk: vision, mid and long term


<Zakim> josema, you wanted to ask about target audience, goals, etc

<Zakim> mhausenblas, you wanted to give some more background

LATC http://latc-project.eu/

<josema> so likely a mixture, not many aware of eGov or OGD, so likely overview + deeper info useful

<josema> (thanks, that was useful)

<raphael> Datalift: http://datalift.org/en/, 3 years project, French funded, kick off meeting end of September 2010, aims at providing a complete infrastructure for semanticizing, interlinking and publishing government data in a Linked Data fashion, a sort of data.gouv.fr

as a background one could have a look at a presentation a colleague of mine just gave recently see http://www.slideshare.net/cygri/the-state-of-linked-government-data

<raphael> Datalift will start with big datasets coming from the French Geographic Institute (IGN) and the French Statistics Institute (INSEE) ... but many more government data to come from citites, transport, education, health, etc.

<josema> I should probably warn people who don't know me I'm very frank when talking about this (or any other) stuff, i.e. you won't see me overselling anything but just a very realistic approach (more i.e. be careful with your expectations wrt the "visionary" part)

<josema> ;)

<josema> Jeni++ (if around)

<josema> +1

+1 to invite Jeni and if she does not accept, LiDRC (Richard or I) are able to act as a fallback

<josema> some good ideas at http://data.london.gov.uk/datastore/inspirational-uses

<Zakim> josema, you wanted to ask about LD vs. other approaches

<soeren> +q

<scribe> scribe: collaborative

shall I send out minutes or anyone else wants to?

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2010/08/30 09:49:27 $