HTML Weekly Teleconference

15 Jun 2010

See also: IRC log


Kris, Plh


<kkrueger> agenda: see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-testsuite/2010Jun/0012.html

Kris: No bugs in approved tests. any feedback on the htmlvideosample test?

plh: don't have feedback on the video test

Audio files

<kkrueger> do we want to start with wav?

plh: that's fine
... I could take the audio from the video files I generated and published them separately
... I'll produce wave/pcm, ac3, and vorbis

<kkrueger> that should be fine to start with

plh: I'll place them on the media server as well

<kkrueger> same place on the media server?


<kkrueger> ok

<kkrueger> we might need one on hg for relative path as well

plh: I'll produce different durations, like I did for video
... an other audio that could be useful is one with a counter

kris: also one with different tones
... cancelling each other
... I'll look into producing one

<kkrueger> we might also be able to play pure tones - that are exactly out of phase so that they cancel each other out

video test

<kkrueger> moving on, agenda #4

update to domtestcase.js

<kkrueger> I updated the license

kris: let's put it on each js file

plh: ok

<kkrueger> lets put this on each js file and then also on the index.html page

kris: also add it on index.html

video test

kris: only I had to do was to make a screenshot of the test

<kkrueger> once that is done are we in agreement that this will work for the group?

<kkrueger> Thought it's a manual testcase, we should only do this when it's not possible to do using script

<kkrueger> lets move on

tracking excel spreasheet

<kkrueger> I'm going to convert this to html

<kkrueger> currently it tracks test status - feature/submitted/approve

<kkrueger> I think it would best to list out the results for each browser


<kkrueger> for each feature list pass % or Not Implemented

<kkrueger> I understand that it could take time to generate results

<kkrueger> though I can do this the first time, moving forward a browser vendor can send an update with a the specific user agent from a public release

<kkrueger> I'd just start with the major user agents (opera, firefox ie, safari, chrome)

plh: on the desktop

<kkrueger> though I'd be very open for other results - say from a phone

<kkrueger> It could be similar to the mobile test suite - just extended to more UA's


<kkrueger> shall we adjourn?

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2010/06/15 15:57:14 $