Weakened Ontologies vs. Qualified Ontologies

Use cases in taxonomy expression and automation.

Eric Prud'hommeaux, Sanitation Engineer.
Last modified: $Date: 2009/05/04 15:04:38 $
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SKOS — Simple Knowledge Organization System

SKOS is not a formal knowledge representation language.

Use Case — Tentative Ontologies


A is a refinement of B<A> rdfs:subClassOf <B>.<A> skos:narrowerThan <B>.
<A> rdfs:subPropertyOf <B>.
A uber alles <A> skos:TopLevelConcept <B>.


Using OWL and skos together:

ex:mammals skos:broader ex:animals .
ex:mammals rdfs:subClassOf ex:animals .

but ex:mammals is an instance (ex:mammals rdf:type skos:Concept .)
and the subject of rdfs:subClassOf is a class.

Does that break use cases?


Qualified Ontologies

Use RDFS/OWL, which humility.

Express reservations in your schema.

# Machine-imported SNOWMED Ontology.
# Intended Use: faceted browsing of patient afflictions.
# Not good for: infering classes of individuals -- concludes fatuous types.
# - ericP
:PulmonaryAdema rdfs:subClassOf :RespiratoryIllness . # machine-curated - not checked
:Finger         rdfs:subClassOf :Hand               . # machine-curated - not checked

