09 Sep 2009


See also: IRC log


Shadi, Wilco, Tom, Eric, Michael


Reporting Table

<Wilco> http://fiers.name/badtf/report/report.htm

<shadi> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-eo-badtf/2009Sep/0007.html

Wilco: I’m currently working on implementing some of the new suggestion we got in the emails. We should just go through the comments.

Discussion on the collapse/uncollapse toggles. The group discusses plus and minus toggles, Wilco will incorporate them.

Shadi: In the latest stages we will bring it into EO as well.

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/report

Discussion about the sections and emphasizing the indentation with horizontal lines which should probably start in the third column.

Tom: Expand all/Collaps all would be very cool.

Shadi: We should play around with the line thickness and appearance.

Michael: We don’t need to collapse the principles, it should be enough to have the success criterions visible.

Wilco: I’d like to keep the possibility to collapse them, but we should make them open by default.

Michael: Removing the green and red border from the result column, leave them out is looking cleaner.

Wilco: I’d like to leave it in.

Michael: It looks quite weird. Probably a border on the left and right would be ok.

Wilco will try this out.

The group decides to align the terms column left.

The group decides that it is useful to have the third level collapsable.

Collapse all should collaps all nodes not only the top level.

Discussion about the N/A icon…

Wilco: Adding N/A to the image?

Tom: Just use N/A as letters, there is no icon for not applicable.

The group decides to use letters N/A for "not applicable"

Shadi: When do we use icons? when text?

Wilco: We use the icons with the success criterions, and we have smaller icons on deeper levels.

Michael: We should change the mouse cursor when we come close to the icon. It is not apparent that you can click the entire row.

Wilco: I can change the cursor on the table cell around the icon.

<shadi> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-eo-badtf/2009Sep/0008.html

The group decides to have term and description text size the same with sufficient techniques.

Group discusses about the term "Term" and we’ll try it with "Title" for that column.

Review Comments

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/comments

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/2009/08/05-badtf-minutes.html

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/2009/09/02-badtf-minutes.html

Comment #28: accept and fix

Comment #29: pending, will sort itself out


Comment #30: reject

Comment 31: Add text "required if not otherwise noted"

Comment #32: fix

Comment #33: pending, have another look

Comment #34: agree and fix

Comment #35: accept and check for wording

Comment #36: explain in the annotations

Comment #37: explain in the annotations

Comment #38: accept, check for appropriate summary text

Comment #39: pending, check it

Next meetings

next meeting: September 16th

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2009/09/10 09:40:24 $