SVG Interest Group Teleconference

16 Jul 2009

See also: IRC log






<trackbot> Date: 16 July 2009

<DavePorter> OK, please advise on here

<codedread> gwadej pls let us know when you are back

<scribe> scribenick: gwadej


Startting an LLC for handling the faniancial part.

This weekend probably

Get bank account, and such.

Only 77 days from conference at this point.

Schedule mostly nailed down.

Stelt: talks are listed and times figured out.

Still need to shuffle into tracks.

Emails have gone out.

<DavePorter> The SVG Open speakers list and topics look just fantastic--I've been circulating the info around our circle of folks interested. Nice work Ruud and Andreas!

<scribe> Pending on LLCs: sponsors, contract information,


Google meeting: Insurance handled by Google for injuries and such.

We may have to deal with other insurance issues.

<DavePorter> Perhaps that is Wade typing furiously, could you possibly mute your phone? The clicking makes it hard to hear.

Visas are needed by some, they need an invitation letter from an american.

Brad's going to handle that for us.

<DavePorter> Thank you, phone-muters!

(you're welcome, sorry.)

Send stuff to Jef that might be related to the LLC.

Price for workshops is on the website.

Price not yet on the website, waiting on input on the $70 price.

SVG IG face-to-face

Get together at the SVG Open

Don't know a good time at the conference.

<HelderMagalhaes> most likely I won't be able to attend this year's SVG Open... :-(

Maybe a Doctype experiment for browser bugs and such.

Could use Planet SVG, but Doctype is for other standards (CSS and such).

Might be a better choice for browser bugs,

Planet SVG for tutorials, FAQs, etc.

W3C talking about a repository of browser support for standards on the site.

Maybe attached to the validator.

Maybe a doc sprint for the face-to-face.

Break up what we need to document and have different people work on it.

stelt: David Storey (Opera) working on SVG docs, that might be worth watching for

The important thing is the repository, not where it lives.

We can duplicate it.

The feature attached to the validator is a really wonderful idea.

The Doctype system allows tests added to the docs.'

PlanetSVG site

Python on the PlanetSVG to support the scour script.

Rob: Book feature now in the tabs at the top, better styling coming

<HelderMagalhaes> Do we want the Viewer Matrix ( http://wiki.svg.org/Viewer_Matrix ) to be ported there? (Early discussed with stelt)

<codedread> http://www.planetsvg.com/tools/scour/scra.py/form is the link for the web-based version of Scour

<codedread> not pretty at the moment, but that's the next step

Found a module for flagging for front page.

Big things that are complicated, but some easier things that he

<DavePorter> *I think* I saw a reference for scour on SVGOpen (authors section), perhaps this could reference the web-based scour too.

will work on for usability and such.

Freenode has stopped supporting mibbit.

<stelt> DavePorter, i'll look into it

They have a web interface at freenode.

<codedread> web-interface is http://webchat.freenode.net/

Bigger tasks like integrating tools, as opposed to adding and enabling a module.

WYSIWYG editor requested and easier to enable.

Importing SVG.org data takes time and is important, but other things can be done faster.

Trying to get Drupal people to help with the development,

Not time to work with that at the moment.

Question about how others can help Rob with this.

<stelt> Rob_Russell, scour service URL at planetSVG ?

In order to convert SVG.org data someone needs to go write PHP to import. Requires a block of time.

When should we have the face-to-face?

Evening after the workshops?

Conference: Fri-Sun, workshop on Monday.

SVG WG is meeting before the conference.

(the week before).

Thurs afternoon or evening?

How long?

Start discussion on the mailing list.

Maybe set up a Doodle meeting to decide.

<codedread> powerpoint slides are at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-ig/2009JulSep/0007.html

Dave's demo.

Boeing project

<stelt> codedread, scour link on SVG Open about page going to service on planet now

How do we publish minutes?

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2009/07/16 14:57:46 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135  of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Found ScribeNick: gwadej
Inferring Scribes: gwadej

WARNING: No "Present: ... " found!
Possibly Present: Conference DavePorter HelderMagalhaes Jeff Rob Rob_Russell Stelt aaaa aabb aacc aaee chaals codedread darobin gwadej joined scribenick shepazu svgig trackbot
You can indicate people for the Present list like this:
        <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary
        <dbooth> Present+ amy

Found Date: 16 Jul 2009
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2009/07/16-svgig-minutes.html
People with action items: 

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]