MW4D IG bi-monthly meeting

18 May 2009


See also: IRC log


Arun Kumar (IBM), Lauri Hirvonen (Nokia), Raphael Dard (Intracen), Betty Purwandari (Univ. of Southampton), Stephane Boyera (W3C)


approval of last meeting minutes



Action Items

steph to come with a document structure and summary of each section

<scribe> done: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mw4d/2009May/0009.html

<scribe> ACTION: steph to send maputo's executive summary to mw4d [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/05/18-mw4d-minutes.html#action01]

Raphael: e-agriculture forum, anybody have info about it ?

<Raphael> http://www.e-agriculture.org/


<scribe> ACTION: steph to put maputo executive summary discussion on the agenda for next mw4d meeting [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/05/18-mw4d-minutes.html#action02]



<Raphael> I agree on "audience"

arun: 2 comments

information access VS production of content

what is the exact use we want ?

<Betty> Audience looks OK

raphael: roadmpa: technical document, end-user might not be able to read such document

<Arun> I agree with Raphael

users of the roadmap, minimal level of technical level

<Arun> that the document would be consumed by technical people

<Lauri> at last Lauri managed to enter IRC from his new home

audience: add a piece that mention that the targeted end-user have to have a minimal technical level

and it is not anybody in the street

<Raphael> Lauri, you might be able to access IRC directly from your mobile phone!

arun: quesiton not only related to the audience

<Raphael> Content provider is diff. from Information provider??

<Lauri> Raphael: Yes, but in home I have notebook with big screen so I use it now.

<Raphael> What do you mean "application agnostic?

<Arun> Basically, we should probably identify the effects of Application Domain on technologies/solutions (Finance Sector Vs Agriculture) as a challenge

<Raphael> OK

<Raphael> thanks

<Raphael> Then, I agree with Steph

<Raphael> that we should not enter into application domain specifics at this step

<Raphael> We can still go into it later

<Arun> Fine with me

<Lauri> I have to excuse me as I was last week on vacation (moving to new house) so I have not looked yet the new text in Wiki. I will read it later and then I can comment

resolution: the document should mention that there are specific challenges that are applications specific

but this document is application agnostique


<Raphael> P2P info sharing, then

<Raphael> user to user

<Raphael> via the mobile app.

<Raphael> vs info to user

<Arun> Kind of similar to Mashups / Web 2.0 apps for end users to create apps of their own easily

<Raphael> OK

note: to be added to the document as a note.

<Arun> Affordability is also a real issue. Low incomes of our target end users put a constraint on what kind of devices and solutions can they make use of. Even network bandwidth availability is tied to this since the infrastructure might be there but may not be affordable by our end users.

<Betty> I agree with Steph, available trainings are pars of content provider challange.

<Arun> For instance, people might be able to afford smart phones from the gray market (or second hand market) but may not have enough money to pay for data connection usage. Remember a bulk of these are prepaid customers.

ack ack lauri

<Raphael> Mobile applications can and should integrate a user-feedback function (as these users are often isolated)

<scribe> ACTION: lauri to review tools section of the wiki and complete it with .mobi tools [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/05/18-mw4d-minutes.html#action03]

<Betty> Acces challenge: availability of mobile network coverage (3G, previous tech?). Another challenge about regulation that can impact tariff & affordability (referring to Arun's comment).

<Betty> ITU

<Betty> http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict/publications/idi/2009/material/IDI2009_w5.pdf

<Raphael> Steph, when do you put this new draft on the wiki?

<Raphael> OK for June 8

<Betty> OK. Thank you very much.

<Arun> Fine with me

next meeting

june 8 agreed

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: lauri to review tools msection of the wiki and complete it with .mobi tools [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/05/18-mw4d-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: steph to put maputo executive summary discussion on the agenda for next mw4d meeting [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/05/18-mw4d-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: steph to send maputo's executive summary to mw4d [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/05/18-mw4d-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]