ACTION-201: Write a paragraph, note to developers, that they can easily implement a javascript to forward the hash on the URI to the video element

Write a paragraph, note to developers, that they can easily implement a javascript to forward the hash on the URI to the video element

Silvia Pfeiffer
Due on:
November 24, 2010
Created on:
November 17, 2010
Related emails:
  1. minutes of 2010-12-01 teleconference (from on 2010-12-01)
  2. Re: ACTION-201: Write a paragraph, note to developers, that they can easily implement a javascript to forward the hash on the URI to the video element (Media Fragments Working Group) (from on 2010-12-01)
  3. Re: ACTION-201: Write a paragraph, note to developers, that they can easily implement a javascript to forward the hash on the URI to the video element (Media Fragments Working Group) (from on 2010-12-01)
  4. Re: ACTION-201: Write a paragraph, note to developers, that they can easily implement a javascript to forward the hash on the URI to the video element (Media Fragments Working Group) (from on 2010-12-01)
  5. Re: ACTION-201: Write a paragraph, note to developers, that they can easily implement a javascript to forward the hash on the URI to the video element (Media Fragments Working Group) (from on 2010-12-01)
  6. Re: ACTION-201: Write a paragraph, note to developers, that they can easily implement a javascript to forward the hash on the URI to the video element (Media Fragments Working Group) (from on 2010-12-01)
  7. RE: Media Fragments Working Group: Agenda 01 December, Telecon 1000 UTC (from on 2010-11-30)
  8. Media Fragments Working Group: Agenda 01 December, Telecon 1000 UTC (from on 2010-11-30)
  9. Re: ACTION-201: Write a paragraph, note to developers, that they can easily implement a javascript to forward the hash on the URI to the video element (Media Fragments Working Group) (from on 2010-11-25)
  10. minutes of 2010-11-17 teleconference (from on 2010-11-24)

Related notes:

No additional notes.

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Raphaƫl Troncy <>, Erik Mannens <>, Chairs, Yves Lafon <>, Thierry Michel <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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