Information for editors (Media Annotations Working Group)

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Using the Wiki

We are using a wiki for editing (URI @@@@). At some point later we might change to the XMLSPEC drafts described below.

XMLSPEC drafts

Requirements for XMLSPEC editing

CVS access: You need CVS read and write access to the W3C Public CVS Repository. Contact the staff contact for the necessary information. After getting the access, checkout the complete Media Annotations directory.

Java: You need JRE 1.4 or higher to be able to run the XSLT processor (Saxon, included in the directory) and the ANT build file.

Ant: You need the Ant build tool.

XML editing environment: You need an XML editing environment. We recommend the usage of Eclipse, which encompasses CVS, Java and Ant.

Building the XMLSPEC draft documents

The ANT build file contains the following targets.