Emotion Markup Language Incubator Phone Meeting

02 Oct 2008


See also: IRC log


Paolo, Enrico, Marc, Myriam, Idoia, Bjoern
Bjoern Schuller




<scribe> Scribe: Bjoern Schuller

<scribe> ScribeNick: bjoern

Modality (Meta 2)

<marc> Enrico's proposal: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-emotion/2008Aug/0016.html

Enrico introduces his proposal wrt. Meta 2 - Modality

Enrico explains sign as stemming from sign languages

<marc> <emotion>

<marc> <category set="everyday" name="pleasure"/>

<marc> <modality medium="visual" set="basic_modalities" mode="face">

<marc> </emotion>

<marc> <emotion>

<marc> <category set="everyday" name="pleasure"/>

<marc> <modality medium="visual">

<marc> </emotion>

<marc> Multimodality, suggestion 1:

<marc> <emotion>

<marc> <category set="everyday" name="excited"/>

<marc> <modality id="m1" set="basic_modalities" mode="face"/>

<marc> <modality id="m2" set="basic_modalities" mode="voice"/>

<marc> </emotion>

<marc> suggestion 2:

<marc> <emotion>

<marc> <category set="everyday" name="excited"/>

<marc> <modality set="basic_modalities" name="face&voice"/>

<marc> </emotion>

<marc> suggestion 3:

<marc> <emotion>

<marc> <category set="everyday" name="excited"/>

<marc> <modality set="basic_modalities&my_modalities" name="voice&music"/>

<marc> </emotion>

Enrico names further example by Felix

scribe: on Aug, 11.

<marc> suggestion 4:

<marc> <modality set="basic_modalities">

<marc> <mode="face"/>

<marc> <mode="voice"/>

<marc> </modality>

<paolo> Felix email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-emotion/2008Aug/0022.html

Paolo: first issue set/name better discussed in Cannes?

Paolo would explain alternative

Marc would be interested

Paolo would distribute spec ahead of Cannes

Enrico would also provide a short overview

<scribe> ACTION: paolo to provide information to the group ahead of Cannes - due 2008-10-10 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/10/02-emotion-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-32 - provide information to the group ahead of Cannes [on Paolo Baggia - due 2008-10-10].

Paolo: seperator as white pace easier in XML

Paolo regards this as syntactic issue which may be used consequently

<paolo> xsd:nmtokens

Marc: crucial issue: schema vs. plug in by user

asks about inclusion of fusion type for modality as early / late, synchronous / asynchronous

Paolo says that in EMMA there is something like this possibly included

Marc suggests that custom set of modalities would cover for this


Marc favours mode or modality over medium

Marc prefers body stance over sign

Marc suggests short list of modalities for the beginning

Marc adresses consistency with EMMA

Marc suggests to include only what we need

Marc sees same kind of annotation in different languages as first consistency issue

Paolo suggests to stay as far as possible consistent with other definitions

Marc asks if there are voices in favour of "medium"

Marc feels that this might be too fine granular for the EMOXL case

misses physiologic in basic modalities and context (e.g. driving pattern in a car)

Paolo says from mode medium may be derived

Marc suggests to go back to the requirements

Marc also wants to avoid complexity unless needed

Paolo would like to have opinion of the group hereon

<scribe> ACTION: Enrico to send email on use-cases for mode and medium to group - due 2008-10-10 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/10/02-emotion-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-33 - send email on use-cases for mode and medium to group [on Enrico Zovato - due 2008-10-10].

Marc asks on favour wrt. composite as face&voice

Enrico suggests a survey on this

elements where Confidence (Meta 1) can be used

<scribe> ACTION: Enrico to send survey on composite multimodality - due 10-10-2008 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/10/02-emotion-minutes.html#action03]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-34 - send survey on composite multimodality [on Enrico Zovato - due 2016-03-30].

next topic...

<marc> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-emotion/2008Aug/0001.html

Marc moves to Meta 1 : Confidence

No disagreement on necassity of confidences on core 2,3,4,5,7

Marc asks about sense of confidence for core 1,6,8,2

Bjoern claims potential importance for core 6 (complex emotions)

Nobody pushing core 1,8,2

Bjoern: not core, but meta 2...

Marc: think also about conf for global meta

ok by everybody

asks about tag for measurement by which confidence was obtained

Marc: let's note this down as an issue.

identify issues to discuss at the f2f in Cannes

<marc> internal progress report: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-emotion/2008Sep/0012.html

Marc: weak agremment on global meta data and links to the rest of the world

Marc suggests to focus on these two issues in Cannes and only briefly review rest

everybody agrees.

suggests to not make decisions in Cannes but prepare "force" by polls/surveys

Marc: people are invited to give comments before meeting
... Main topics in Cannes: global meta data, links to the rest of the world and proposal by Enrico wrt. modalities

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Enrico to send email on use-cases for mode and medium to group - due 2008-10-10 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/10/02-emotion-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: Enrico to send survey on composite multimodality - due 10-10-2008 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/10/02-emotion-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: paolo to provide information to the group ahead of Cannes - due 2008-10-10 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/10/02-emotion-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.133 (CVS log)
$Date: 2008/10/02 15:05:03 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Found Scribe: Bjoern Schuller
Found ScribeNick: bjoern
Present: Paolo Enrico Marc Myriam Idoia Bjoern
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-emotion/2008Oct/0000.html
Got date from IRC log name: 02 Oct 2008
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2008/10/02-emotion-minutes.html
People with action items: enrico paolo

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