Web Application Formats Working Group Teleconference
27 Mar 2008


See also: IRC log


Art, Arve, Claudio, Luca, Mike, Marcos, Ben




<trackbot-ng> Date: 27 March 2008

<scribe> Scribe: Art

Agenda Review

AB: change requests?


Charter Update

AB: Mike, charter update please?

MS: some progress being made but I can't give an estimate about how much more time it will take
... I will try to talk to Doug offline and maybe give some details at the end of this call

Issue #13

AB: http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/waf/issues/13

MC: there are two parts
... 1. extension via a namespace
... 2. there was a request for an extensions folder
... I responded already: #1 - of course that can be done
... regarding #2: the spec doesn't preclude it but I don't think we should standardize it

AB: any questions/concerns about Marcos' answers and responses?

MC: I think it should be closed

ABe: agree

AB: propose we close it; any objections?


Issue #14

AB: http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/waf/issues/14

MC: we agreed to use a URI

AB: yes via the widget element's id attribute

MC: we have not verified what happens if the URI is not valid (in the ProcMod)

ABe: would you elaborate?

MC: what if its an arbitrary string?
... what does the widget engine do?

ABe: in our engine we just auto-generate one

MC: there are two ids in practice: an internal one used by the engine; a public id

AB: propose we close the issue; any objections?


Issue #15

<Zakim> MikeSmith, you wanted to talk about WebApps charter progress

Charter Redux

MS: the Team review is completed; we expect the proposal to go to the AC review soonish, hopefully next week

MC: any details Mike?

MS: no, I can't do that

AB: how many WGs?

MS: plan is to be just one WG
... hope to have the charter approved by the Director by the end of April

Issue #15

AB: http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/waf/issues/15
... P&C doc cover this: http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets/#embedding

MC: can use the link element and the rel attribute
... the question is whether or not the rel attr value can/should be standardized

AB: does HTML5 have a registration system for rel attr values?

MS: yes there is one "of sorts"

<marcos> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#linkTypes

MS: it's a bit of a hack
... if you want a new rel attr, you go to a WHAT WG wiki and add it
... not very robust
... e.g. validation is problematic
... I think something more formal is needed.

ABe: that process is just too ad-hoc
... kinda' like the microformats community's way of handling registration

MS: agree; that mechanism is unlikely to survive as the HTML5 spec progresses

ABe: there is no authoritative registry; standardization is done by implementation
... perhaps we should drop it

MC: the current text is Informative

AB: that's not clear i.e. Normative versus non-Normative

<marcos> The text: http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets/#embedding

MC: we need a decision

AB: I don't think we should build a dependency on HTML5
... I'm OK with current text but it should be clearly marked as non-Normative

ABe: if we have nothing Normative to point to then just marking it non-Normative is OK
... we could also remove it

MC: we can mark it non-Norm now and then remove it later if data/feedback suggest so

CV: if we remove it then we wouldn't provide any info on how to discover, right?

MC: right

ABe: this is about some UA provide an interface with data to tell the user about a Widget

MC: there can also be some security issues with this

AB: propose we leave text in but clearly mark it as non-Normative

MS: we could also mark this section as "needs to be visited"

AB: any objections to my proposal?


P&C section 6.9

AB: http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets/

MC: I change title element to name to match existing engines

<marcos> http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets/Overview.src.html

Icon element

ABe: we support more than one icon element
... and have requirements to do so

MC: how do you differentiate between them

ABe: we have a width and height attr for them

MC: that's what I proposed on the mail list; think its a practical soln

ABe: those attrs should be optional

AB: any concerns about adding these two attrs to the icon element?


MC: I don't like the role attr and think width and height are better
... for example "big", "small" for the icons
... think it is confusion

ABe: in the ideal world, role would probably work; but not clear it's useful e.g. in the mobile world

MC: I would like a resolution on this; want optional width and height and unbound number of icon elements

AB: any comments on MC's proposal?
... any objections to MC's proposal?

RESOLUTION: the icon element will have width and height attributes and can have >= 0 icon elements

<marcos> MC: I've added "Content Type Signatures"

<marcos> MC: from HTML5

Content Type Signatures

MC: I've added Content Type Signatures; text from HTML5

AB: have these algorithms been implemented by the major UAs?

MC: yes

AB: any other changes?

MC: I updated the Relax NG schema

Access Element

MC: basically says whether the widget needs to access the network or not
... this is consistent with existing engines e.g. Dashboard, Opera Widgets (IIRC)

ABe: we will be making some small changes to our implementation
... e.g. can limit it to one domain

<tlr> marcos, about "content type signatures" -- I can only guess what this means, but "text from HTML5" sounds like a recipe for spec duplication.

ABe: our new model is to opt-in

<arve> <widget network="private public">

<marcos> tlr, true... I only added zip signature...

<tlr> pointer to the access element?

ABe: our new model will be to opt-in

<marcos> tlr, http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets/Overview.src.html search for access element

<tlr> thx, found it

ABe: we need to add flexibility on which networks are supported

<tlr> I don't think there's a useful "public / private" distinction here...

MC: I'd like to see the latest proposal

ABe: yes, I'll need to get you a sanitized version
... we need more than just "yes" or "no"
... currently it is not possible for a widget to lock down its domain

<marcos> MC: need some kind of <origin> ?

AB: the security model section was removed, right?

MC: correct
... there needs to be some text about the Sec Model; it could be in the P&C spec or a separate spec

AB: what is the status on the Security Model input, Arve?

ABe: I need to remove some internal impl details before I can release it to the WG
... hopefully I can get it published soon; perhaps within one week

MC: excellent!

AB: +
... any comments about the plugins attribute?

MC: I'm uncomfortable with this as specified because I don't know what the UA will actually do with it?
... e.g. need to formally define a plugin

<tlr> (As a side note, access sounds like it would better have child elements, not attributes for the individual things.)

MC: not clear what "no" would mean as well as "yes"
... is Flash a plugin in this context?
... or an SVG viewer?

AB: whose is implementing this now?

MC: Opera; Dashboard has something like it

AB: do they address the proc model issues you are raising?

MC: no, not really

AB: could identify it as a feature at risk of removal without clear UCs to support it

<marcos> MC: dashboard says <key>Allow Java</key>

AB: that is a True/False

<marcos> MC :Optional. Boolean value. Allow the inclusion and execution of <applet> elements.

<marcos> MC: complimented by <key>AllowFullAccess</key>

<marcos> Optional. Boolean value. Gives full access to file system, Web Kit and standard browser plugins, java, network, and command-line utils.

<marcos> MC: opera uses content><plugins>yes|no</plugins> <java>yes|no</java></content>

AB: do we need the plugins attr for v1 of the P&C spec?

ABe: agree there are some issue e.g. formall definition of a plugin
... also some potential security issues with the plugins' security model
... not sure it is relevant

MC: this really muddies the water WRT interop

AB: perhaps we should add some text that it will removed if there are no compelling UCs

MC: I'm ok with that

AB: we could also just delete it

MC: I'm OK with that too but need to hear from Arve

ABe: the UCs for keeping it are a bit weak
... my proposal is that we think of "extended security component" or some such stuff

MC: maybe this is beyond the scope of this work
... HTML 5 guys are going to have similar probs e.g. <applet> element

ABe: I support the proposal of marking it as risk

CV: we don't have a resolution for the network attr; we think it should be "richer"
... we have some UCs for that

AB: propose that the plugins text clearly state that attribute is at risk of removal without clear and compelling UCs
... any objections?


RESOLUTION: Content Type Signatures
... plugins text clearly state that attribute is at risk of removal without clear and compelling UCs


AB: any hot topics?

MC: lots of updates to the Landscape and Signatures doc

AB: excellent
... Meeting Adjourned

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.133 (CVS log)
$Date: 2008/03/27 12:15:36 $

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No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: ArtB
Found Scribe: Art
Present: Art Arve Claudio Luca Mike Marcos Ben
Regrets: Benoit
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-appformats/2008Mar/0012.html
Found Date: 27 Mar 2008
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2008/03/27-waf-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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