Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference

20 Mar 2008


See also: IRC log


Bryan_Sullivan, DKA, Jason, SeanP, drooks, francois, jeffs, jo, kai
Nacho, Abel, Miguel, Magnus, Dom, srowen, EdM, Adam, Shah, AlanC, rob, hgerlach, AlanTai, MartinJ, murari, kemp, Yeliz
Bryan, Francois


CT Task Force report

<jeffs> tnx

Francois: Making progress, with more problems arising. Difficult to speed things up, trying to get ready for FPWD. Editor's call next week, depending upon progress.
... in the current draft there are many red boxes showing issues that need resolution.

<francois> last CT draft

Francois: there is one big issue but the little problems take time, e.g. detection of browsers and non-browsers. These sort of issues need more discussions, raise concerns/issues, etc.
... from 3.1.2 and beyond need work.On 4/3 we should be ready to review and make a decision on public draft.

Dan: any other issues?

Francois: TF activity is good, no need to discuss other things here.

Dan: re the Mobile OK Pro TF, update is requested
... but with Kai not present, we will have to wait.

BP2 update

<francois> ScribeNick: francois

<DKA> Scribe: Francois

<scribe> Scribe: francois

<DKA> ScribeNick: francois

Bryan: small update, I've yet to find cristallized things to add to the document
... I included some of Sean's Ajax techniques
... 5.11.1: a little bit of update
... In "provide alternatives to Ajax", I have a ref to http://thinkingandmaking.com/entries/63
... It would be really useful if someone could have a look at it
... and crystallize it

DKA: volunteer to turn that into "How to do it"?

<jeffs> want me to?

Bryan: by default, I'll do that if no one else does.

jeffs: If you want me to take a look at this specific section (5.9.4), I'll do it over the week-end

Bryan: jeffs, I think they have some good ideas, I just don't know how to express it.

<jeffs> nuke?

<scribe> ACTION: jeff to take a look at the ref in 5.9.4 and summarize it [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/20-bpwg-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot-ng> Sorry, couldn't find user - jeff

<scribe> ACTION: Sonstein to take a look at the ref in 5.9.4 and summarize it [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/20-bpwg-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-719 - Take a look at the ref in 5.9.4 and summarize it [on Jeffrey Sonstein - due 2008-03-27].

Bryan: One exchange with francois which may be good: generalize "Minimize external script files" to "Minimize external files"
... in 5.5.6, not done in latest draft
... Very small change, but the issue of caching is an important one.
... In summary, I made a small update based on the discussions of the mailing-list, if I missed anything, feel free to tell me

DKA: that's where actions to come up with BPs could be useful. I have one actually.

Bryan: one question: we had two inputs from ETRI: one about the ADC and the seamless paper.
... I didn't exactly know what to do with that, and just turned them into general statements
... It would be useful to expand them

DKA: Yes, I think we need more text in there. The best thing would be to raise this as an issue.

<scribe> ACTION: Dan to raise an issue on extending BPs on ADC and seamless Korean inputs [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/20-bpwg-minutes.html#action03]

<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-720 - Raise an issue on extending BPs on ADC and seamless Korean inputs [on Daniel Appelquist - due 2008-03-27].

Bryan: about improving DDC, where does that fit?

DKA: we agreed there would be no DDC in the document.
... I think we're already addressing the Korean proposal here.

<jeffs> looking for 5.9.4 reference in draft but not finding it... anyone point me to it?

Bryan: device classification and appendix on device properties that may be important to request using the DDR.
... Any help on that would be useful.

<Zakim> Kai, you wanted to ask about ddc

Bryan: was trying to find actionable items about both Appendix A and B (Best Practice Dependent Device Properties and Classification of Devices)

<jeffs> looking for 5.9.4 URI reference in draft but not finding it... anyone point me to it?

<jeffs> thanks

Kai: could someone remind me why we decided against ADC?

DKA: [explaining the decision]. We've gone back and forth on that one. I don't want to do that once again.
... DDC, the fact that we put it in BP1, the fact that it was misunderstood by our Korean friends, typically show it probably wasn't a good idea

Kai: I just have the feeling that ADC is what people need. I think it's a mistake, making the problem worse, rather than solving anything.

DKA: we can open an issue on that Kai if you want to
... I think we structured the doc in BP2 so that we don't need an ADC.

Kai: I think the issue is a good idea. I'll raise one not to have the group lose time on this.

Mobile OK Pro

Kai: The London F2F was held, not strongly attended but very good progress made. Tackled more stringent repeatable test requirements.
... Interesting discussions about Mobile OK Pro and BP2, e.g. do we want RecTrack for Pro or remain a note; in the end creating guidelines imply room to comply.
... Good progress was made on interpreting test results.
... an updated document is available, but with 5 or 6 tests updated, unsure whether to put it on the website

Dan: proposes to put a new draft on the website

Kai: appeal to all for feedback when the new version is posted; on the text differences, and if the type of tests is valuable and we should proceed in this manner

Dan: will you send an email for input?

Kai: Yes

Dan: re the Note vs RecTrack, the BP1 was RecTrack but non-normative; Mobile OK was normative. A note is less potent, so maybe this should be on the RecTrack

Kai: Negative on publishing as a note, but should remain on plan for RecTrack

Dan: any machine testable tests?

Kai: Yes, and some should be supportable by checker

Dan: Jo, anything to add on the Pro F2F?

Jo: not other than the general discussions
... thought Pro could be made more machine testable by incorporating BP2

Dan: is there an issue or action to move that forward?

Kai: suggests to resolve subjectivity of the tests, taking that away. Also repeatability. Addressing those first is proposed, then address Pro as a whole e.g. relation to BP2

<jeffs> firmly agree

Kai: no proposed actions other than what is being done

Korean Task Force

Dan: there were ideas of having a focus group to address Korean needs, meeting in Korea, able to report and interact with the group
... trying to get that idea going

<jo> [have exchanged email with Seungyun and he will take it to his colleagues and get back to us]

ACTION-696 Summary of University of Helsinki thesis

<francois> thesis summary

Francois: the document is long, related to analysis of AJAX performance, conclusion is that things are slow, and there is wide variance in performance

<jo> ACTION-696?

<trackbot-ng> ACTION-696 -- François Daoust to summarise the U Helsinki masters thesis on Mobile Ajax performance with a view to including some aspects into BP 2 -- due 2008-03-11 -- OPEN

<trackbot-ng> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/actions/696

Francois: there seems to be some interesting material to include or reference; not anything new necessarily, but some ideas about efficiency for performance purposes
... we can use it as emphasis for what we have written. Extracted some info from a Yahoo document, not sure if it is related to BP or not, e.g. reduce DNS lookups
... not sure if these are BP for mobile, but in the constrained environment this make more sense

Bryan: this is usually an issue for non-proxied browsers (few) and specialized web applications, but it may be useful to look at

Francois: one issue, re use of HTTP streaming, using persistent HTTP connections, may be valuable

<jo> (keep-alive)

Dan: not sure if these are elaborations, re the Seoul discussion we want clear developer focused details

<jeffs> persistent connections with a device that is mobile may be problematical

Bryan: support the reference to HTTP keep-alive, this is a common optimization that we recommend

Dan: are you suggesting to reference this document?

Francois: other than linking them to the existing BPs, its one more external source in the same direction
... don't recommend directly linking each BP to the external documents, just as a reference

Dan: we will give Bryan an action to review Francois's report to extract as possible

ACTION-714 Response to MMA guidelines

<jo> ACTION-714?

<trackbot-ng> ACTION-714 -- Jo Rabin to draft review of MMA Advertising -- due 2008-03-20 -- OPEN

<trackbot-ng> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/actions/714

<jo> jo's proposed response to MMA

Jo: overall we think it is a good idea to have a global recommendation
... Web should be capitalized, ref MWBP, Mobile OK, Checker, reducing redirects for Ads

<DKA> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: We agree the text of response to MMA guidelines as drafted by H. Rabin.

<francois> +1

<jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: We agree the text of response to MMA guidelines as drafted by H. Rabin under ACTION-714

Bryan: why would we recommend against caching?

Jo: Sean's idea, retrieving an ad, not strongly held, maybe we should be silent on this

<jeffs> sorry, hamfisted today

<francois> Bryan: I think it assumes one particular advertising paradigm, but use of caching for content is typically a practice we would recommend

Bryan: caching is a viable option if statistics are not an issue

<jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: We agree the text of response to MMA guidelines as drafted by Jo under ACTION-714 modulo changing text on caching to say "and ensuring that the correct cache options are used"

<Kai> I agree very much with Bryan

Bryan: agrees that cache use is context-specific


<DKA> +1

<Kai> +1

<francois> +1

<jeffs> +1

Jo: looking for Dom to send the response

<jo> RESOLUTION: We agree the text of response to MMA guidelines as drafted by Jo under ACTION-714 modulo changing text on caching to say "and ensuring that the correct cache options are used"


<jo> ACTION-710?

<trackbot-ng> ACTION-710 -- François Daoust to test the Effect of HEAD Requests on Various Servers -- due 2008-03-13 -- OPEN

<trackbot-ng> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/actions/710

Francois: will send a report to the list, it's still open

<jo> [+1 to closing call at this stage]

<francois> ACTION: daoust to prepare a report's form to fill to test Aaron static/dynamic example [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/20-bpwg-minutes.html#action04]

<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-721 - Prepare a report's form to fill to test Aaron static/dynamic example [on François Daoust - due 2008-03-27].

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Dan to raise an issue on extending BPs on ADC and seamless Korean inputs [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/20-bpwg-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: daoust to prepare a report's form to fill to test Aaron static/dynamic example [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/20-bpwg-minutes.html#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: Sonstein to take a look at the ref in 5.9.4 and summarize it [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/20-bpwg-minutes.html#action02]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.133 (CVS log)
$Date: 2008/03/20 16:32:24 $