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Talk:Quick Reference Guide

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  • 2009-05-05: [1] - addressing Peter's another comment (Email)
  • 2009-05-02: [2] - the version that has new features as an appendix, and more (email).
  • 2009-04-29: [3] - the version addressing Peter's comments (email)
  • 2008-04-18: [4] - the 2nd publication version (publication)
  • 2008-11-27: [5] - the 1st publication version (publication)
  • 2008-10-01: [6] The Elisa's originally design

Links example

Keys (?) HasKey(C P1 … Pn) C owl:hasKey [P1 … Pn]. (m) Pi an object property or datatype property

Semantics: DL/Full
x rdf:type C. y rdf:type C. x Pj zj. y Pj zj, and

x,y and zj (if Pj is an object property.) are named individuals, for all j => x=y

List of everything

Element Map2RDF NF&R Primer Syntax
Ontology [8] NA [9] [10]
imports [11] NA [12] [13]
version [14] NA Missing [15]
DeclarationDatatype [16] [17] Missing [18]
DeclarationClass [19] [20] [21] [22]
DeclarationObjectProperty [23] [24] [25] [26]
DeclarationDataProperty [27] [28] [29] [30]
DeclarationAnnotationProperty [31] [32] Missing [33]
NamedIndividual [34] [35] [36] [37]
ObjectInverseOf [38] [39] [40] [41]
DataIntersectionOf [42] [43] Missing [44]
DataUnionOf [45] [46] Missing [47]
DataComplementOf [48] [49] Missing [50]
DataOneOf [51] NA Missing [52]
DatatypeRestriction [53] [54] Missing [55]
ObjectIntersectionOf [56] NA [57] [58]
ObjectUnionOf [59] NA [60] [61]
ObjectComplementOf [62] NA [63] [64]
ObjectOneOf [65] NA [66] [67]
ObjectSomeValuesFrom [68] NA [69] [70]
ObjectAllValuesFrom [71] NA [72] [73]
ObjectHasValue [74] NA [75] [76]
ObjectHasSelf [77] [78] [79] [80]
ObjectMinCardinality [81] NA Missing [82]
ObjectMinCardinalityQualified [83] [84] [85] [86]
ObjectMaxCardinality [87] NA Missing [88]
ObjectMaxCardinalityQualified [89] [90] [91] [92]
ObjectExactCardinality [93] NA [94] [95]
ObjectExactCardinalityQualified [96] [97] [98] [99]
DataSomeValuesFrom [100] NA Missing [101]
DataSomeValuesFromNary [102] Missing Missing [103]
DataAllValuesFrom [104] NA Missing [105]
DataAllValuesFromNary [106] Missing Missing [107]
DataHasValue [108] NA Missing [109]
DataMinCardinality [110] NA Missing [111]
DataMinCardinalityQualified [112] [113] Missing [114]
DataMaxCardinality [115] NA Missing [116]
DataMaxCardinalityQualified [117] [118] Missing [119]
DataExactCardinality [120] NA Missing [121]
DataExactCardinalityQualified [122] [123] Missing [124]
SubClassOf [125] NA [126] [127]
EquivalentClasses [128] NA [129] [130]
DisjointClasses [131] NA [132] [133]
DisjointClassesNary [134] [135] Missing [136]
DisjointUnion [137] [138] Missing [139]
SubObjectPropertyOf [140] NA [141] [142]
SubObjectPropertyOfChain [143] [144] [145] [146]
EquivalentObjectProperties [147] NA [148] [149]
DisjointObjectProperties [150] [151] [152] [153]
DisjointObjectPropertiesNary [154] [155] Missing [156]
ObjectPropertyDomain [157] NA [158] [159]
ObjectPropertyRange [160] NA [161] [162]
InverseObjectProperties [163] NA [164] [165]
FunctionalObjectProperty [166] NA [167] [168]
InverseFunctionalObjectProperty [169] NA [170] [171]
ReflexiveObjectProperty [172] [173] [174] [175]
IrreflexiveObjectProperty [176] [177] [178] [179]
SymmetricObjectProperty [180] NA [181] [182]
AsymmetricObjectProperty [183] [184] [185] [186]
TransitiveObjectProperty [187] NA [188] [189]
SubDataPropertyOf [190] NA Missing [191]
EquivalentDataProperties [192] NA Missing [193]
DisjointDataProperties [194] Missing Missing [195]
DisjointDataPropertiesNary [196] Missing Missing [197]
DataPropertyDomain [198] NA [199] [200]
DataPropertyRange [201] NA [202] [203]
FunctionalDataProperty [204] NA Missing [205]
DatatypeDefinition [206] Missing Missing [207]
HasKey [208] [209] [210] [211]
SameIndividual [212] NA [213] [214]
DifferentIndividuals [215] NA [216] [217]
DifferentIndividualsNary [218] Missing Missing [219]
ClassAssertion [220] NA [221] [222]
ObjectPropertyAssertion [223] NA [224] [225]
ObjectPropertyAssertionInverseOf [226] NA NA NA
NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion [227] [228] [229] [230]
DataPropertyAssertion [231] NA [232] [233]
NegativeDataPropertyAssertion [234] [235] [236] [237]
AnnotationAssertion [238] [239] [240] [241]
SubAnnotationPropertyOf [242] [243] Missing [244]
AnnotationPropertyDomain [245] [246] Missing [247]
AnnotationPropertyRange [248] [249] Missing [250]
Annotation [251] [252] [253] [254]
AnnotationWithAnnotation [255] [256] Missing [257]
AxiomAnnotationMainTriple [258] NA NA NA
AxiomAnnotationMultipleTriple [259] NA NA NA
AxiomAnnotationBlankNode [260] NA NA NA
Punning NA [261] [262] [263]
owl:topObjectProperty NA [264] Missing [265]
owl:bottomObjectProperty NA [266] Missing [267]
owl:topDataProperty NA [268] Missing [269]
owl:bottomDataProperty NA [270] Missing [271]
owl:Thing NA NA Missing [272]
owl:Nothing NA NA Missing [273]
facets [274] [275] Missing [276]

Additional Vocabulary in OWL 2 RDF Syntax

Feature Vocabulary Note
data range owl:DataRange deprecated in OWL 2, replaced by rdfs:Datatype
membership of a set of pairwise different individuals owl:distinctMembers can alternatively use owl:members
ontology property owl:OntologyProperty
deprecation owl:DeprecatedClass, owl:DeprecatedProperty alternative RDF syntax: "*:x rdf:type owl:DeprecatedClass ." or "*:x rdf:type owl:DeprecatedProperty ." can be replaced by

"*:x owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ."

Pending Issues

May 5, 2009

  • OWL 2 Full Vocabulary in QRG (Jie's proposal, Peter's proposal)
    • that also determines the fate of Deprecation section.
  • owl:backwardCompatibleWith, owl:incompatibleWith,owl:priorVersion: are they annotation property (as in Syntax) or ontology property (as in RDF semantics)
  • whether to include n-ary datatype (restriction) in new featues and in classes

Some other minor issues are in [277]

alternative version of annotations and ontologies


's' is any IRI (including a named ontology, class, datatype, property or individual) or an anonymous individual; 't' is any IRI, an anonymous individual or a literal.

in RDF 'x' is any IRI or blank node



Language Feature Functional Syntax RDF Syntax
annotation assertion AnnotationAssertion(A s t) s A t.
annotation of an axiom
where the axiom in RDF is one or more triples with the same predicate 'si U ti'
AXIOM(Annotation(A t) …) _:xi A t.
si U ti. …
_:xi rdf:type owl:Axiom.
_:xi owl:subject si.
_:xi owl:predicate U.
_:xi owl:object ti.
annotation of an axiom
where the axiom in RDF starts with '_:x'
AXIOM(Annotation(A t) … )
_:x A t.
_:x …. …
annotation of another annotation

(the other annotation in RDF starts with x1)

Annotation(Annotation(A t) … A1 t1) _:x A t.
x1 A1 t1.
_:x rdf:type owl:Annotation.
_:x owl:subject x1.
_:x owl:predicate A1.
_:x owl:object t1.

Annotation Properties

Language Feature Functional Syntax RDF Syntax
named annotation property A A
human-readable name rdfs:label rdfs:label
human-readable comment rdfs:comment rdfs:comment
additional information rdfs:seeAlso rdfs:seeAlso
defining agent rdfs:isDefinedBy rdfs:isDefinedBy
version information owl:versionInfo owl:versionInfo
deprecation owl:deprecated owl:deprecated
backwards compatibility owl:backwardCompatibleWith owl:backwardCompatibleWith
incompatibility owl:incompatibleWith owl:incompatibleWith
prior version owl:priorVersion owl:priorVersion

Annotation Axioms

Language Feature Functional Syntax RDF Syntax
annotation subproperties SubAnnotationPropertyOf(A1 A2) A1 rdfs:subPropertyOf A2.
annotation property domain AnnotationPropertyDomain(A U) A rdfs:domain U.
annotation property range AnnotationPropertyRange(A U) A rdfs:range U.



Language Feature Functional Syntax RDF Syntax
OWL ontology

Ontology([ON [U]]
  Annotation(A t)...
ON rdf:type owl:Ontology.
[ON owl:versionIRI U.]
ON owl:imports ON1. ...
ON A t.
prefix declaration Prefix(p=U) @prefix p U.

Note: in the RDF syntax _:x is used if there is no ontology name.