OWL Working Group

Minutes of 25 March 2009

Alan Ruttenberg, Antoine Zimmermann, Bernardo Cuenca Grau, Bijan Parsia, Boris Motik, Diego Calvanese, Evan Wallace, Ian Horrocks, Ivan Herman, Jonathan Rees, Markus Krötzsch, Michael Schneider, Mike Smith, Peter Patel-Schneider, Rinke Hoekstra, Sandro Hawke, Uli Sattler, Zhe Wu
Zhe Wu, Sandro Hawke
Original and Editable Wiki Version
  1. accept minutes of http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/meeting/2009-03-18 link
  2. OWL will use the standard XML Schema definition of xsd:dateTimeStamp (i.e., time zones are carried into the semantics of OWL). link
  3. OWL will not rely on CURIEs spec but will define it's own IRI abbreviation mechanism compatible with the one used by SPARQL link
16:59:36 <IanH> IanH has changed the topic to: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Teleconference.2009.03.25/Agenda

Ian Horrocks: IanH has changed the topic to: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Teleconference.2009.03.25/Agenda

17:02:21 <Zhe> scribenick: Zhe

(Scribe set to Zhe Wu)

17:02:27 <IanH> zakim, who is here?

Ian Horrocks: zakim, who is here?

17:02:27 <Zakim> On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik (muted), IanH, bparsia (muted), Sandro, Zhe, Ivan, uli (muted), Rinke (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik (muted), IanH, bparsia (muted), Sandro, Zhe, Ivan, uli (muted), Rinke (muted)

17:02:30 <Zakim> On IRC I see MarkusK_, Rinke, Zhe, uli, bernardo, bmotik, Michael_Schneider, pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, alanr, bparsia, ivan, IanH, sandro, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see MarkusK_, Rinke, Zhe, uli, bernardo, bmotik, Michael_Schneider, pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, alanr, bparsia, ivan, IanH, sandro, trackbot

17:02:38 <Zakim> +Jonathan_Rees

Zakim IRC Bot: +Jonathan_Rees

17:02:45 <alanr> zakim, Jonathan_Rees is alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, Jonathan_Rees is alanr

17:02:45 <Zakim> +bernardo

Zakim IRC Bot: +bernardo

17:02:48 <Zhe> Topic: Admin

1. Admin

17:02:51 <Zakim> +alanr; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +alanr; got it

17:02:53 <bernardo> Zakim, mute me

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, mute me

17:02:55 <ivan> zakim, mute me

Ivan Herman: zakim, mute me

17:03:04 <Zakim> sorry, bernardo, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, bernardo, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you

17:03:09 <Zakim> Ivan should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Ivan should now be muted

17:03:18 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:03:33 <alanr> ack pfps

Alan Ruttenberg: ack pfps

17:03:40 <Zakim> +msmith

Zakim IRC Bot: +msmith

17:03:43 <Zakim> sorry, bernardo, I do not recognize a party named 'bmotik.a'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, bernardo, I do not recognize a party named 'bmotik.a'

17:03:50 <alanr> zakim, who is here

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, who is here

17:03:50 <Zakim> alanr, you need to end that query with '?'

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr, you need to end that query with '?'

17:03:55 <alanr> zakim, who is here?

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, who is here?

17:03:55 <Zakim> On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik (muted), IanH, bparsia (muted), Sandro, Zhe, Ivan (muted), uli (muted), Rinke (muted), alanr, bernardo, msmith

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik (muted), IanH, bparsia (muted), Sandro, Zhe, Ivan (muted), uli (muted), Rinke (muted), alanr, bernardo, msmith

17:03:55 <bernardo> Zakim, mute me

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, mute me

17:04:01 <Zakim> sorry, bernardo, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, bernardo, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you

17:04:04 <Zakim> On IRC I see zimmer, msmith, MarkusK_, Rinke, Zhe, uli, bernardo, bmotik, schneid, pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, alanr, bparsia, ivan, IanH, sandro, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see zimmer, msmith, MarkusK_, Rinke, Zhe, uli, bernardo, bmotik, schneid, pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, alanr, bparsia, ivan, IanH, sandro, trackbot

17:04:25 <Zhe> PROPOSED: accept previous minutes  http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/meeting/2009-03-18

PROPOSED: accept previous minutes http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/meeting/2009-03-18

17:04:34 <pfps> minutes are minimally acceptable

Peter Patel-Schneider: minutes are minimally acceptable

17:04:40 <alanr> +1

Alan Ruttenberg: +1

17:04:41 <Michael_Schneider> sorry, possibly only on IRC today

Michael Schneider: sorry, possibly only on IRC today

17:04:42 <bernardo> Zakim, bernardo is bernardo

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, bernardo is bernardo

17:04:42 <Zakim> +bernardo; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bernardo; got it

17:04:48 <bernardo> Zakim, mute me

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, mute me

17:04:48 <Zakim> bernardo should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bernardo should now be muted

17:04:51 <Zhe> RESOLVED: accept minutes of http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/meeting/2009-03-18

RESOLVED: accept minutes of http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/meeting/2009-03-18

17:05:00 <pfps> actually they look much better than when I looked at them last time.

Peter Patel-Schneider: actually they look much better than when I looked at them last time.

17:05:06 <Zhe> Topic: Action items status

2. Action items status

17:05:22 <Zakim> +??P9

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P9

17:05:34 <pfps> it appears to me that some of these were approved as done last week

Peter Patel-Schneider: it appears to me that some of these were approved as done last week

17:05:37 <Zhe> alanr: any comments?

Alan Ruttenberg: any comments?

17:05:37 <zimmer> Zakim, ??P9 is me

Antoine Zimmermann: Zakim, ??P9 is me

17:05:37 <Zakim> +zimmer; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +zimmer; got it

17:05:41 <msmith> yes, I thought 283 was already closed

Mike Smith: yes, I thought 283 was already closed

17:05:43 <ivan> bijan did his review on the quick ref guide. One question to Jie. wasn't clear on 301 status

Ivan Herman: bijan did his review on the quick ref guide. One question to Jie. wasn't clear on 301 status

17:05:51 <ivan> so did christine

Ivan Herman: so did christine

17:06:09 <pfps> no one is updating the status

Peter Patel-Schneider: no one is updating the status

17:06:18 <pfps> 301 was approved as done last week

Peter Patel-Schneider: 301 was approved as done last week

17:06:31 <sandro> action-301 done

Sandro Hawke: ACTION-301 done

17:06:39 <sandro> action-301?

Sandro Hawke: ACTION-301?

17:06:39 <trackbot> ACTION-301 -- Jie Bao to contact Andy Seaborn and try to make sure he's happy with our work on rdf:text, and will talk to use about any remaining issues. -- due 2009-03-03 -- PENDINGREVIEW

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-301 -- Jie Bao to contact Andy Seaborn and try to make sure he's happy with our work on rdf:text, and will talk to use about any remaining issues. -- due 2009-03-03 -- PENDINGREVIEW

17:06:39 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/actions/301

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/actions/301

17:06:58 <Zhe> Topic: Due and Overdue actions

3. Due and Overdue actions

17:07:22 <Zhe> action 309 done

ACTION-309 done

17:07:22 <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - 309

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, couldn't find user - 309

17:07:29 <sandro> action-292 closed

Sandro Hawke: ACTION-292 closed

17:07:29 <trackbot> ACTION-292 Talk to RIF to see what datatypes in OWL must not be in OWL-RL. closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-292 Talk to RIF to see what datatypes in OWL must not be in OWL-RL. closed

17:07:34 <Zhe> action-299?


17:07:34 <trackbot> ACTION-299 -- Sandro Hawke to find and fix the to-wiki-links Jeremy complains about -- due 2009-03-03 -- OPEN

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-299 -- Sandro Hawke to find and fix the to-wiki-links Jeremy complains about -- due 2009-03-03 -- OPEN

17:07:34 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/actions/299

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/actions/299

17:07:48 <pfps> last week Sandro said that this would happen at publishing time

Peter Patel-Schneider: last week Sandro said that this would happen at publishing time

17:07:53 <Zhe> action 310?


17:07:53 <trackbot> Sorry, bad ACTION syntax

Trackbot IRC Bot: Sorry, bad ACTION syntax

17:07:59 <Zhe> action-310?


17:07:59 <trackbot> ACTION-310 -- Peter Patel-Schneider to review rdf:text document http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/InternationalizedStringSpec -- due 2009-03-25 -- OPEN

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-310 -- Peter Patel-Schneider to review rdf:text document http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/InternationalizedStringSpec -- due 2009-03-25 -- OPEN

17:07:59 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/actions/310

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/actions/310

17:08:40 <pfps> action-307?

Peter Patel-Schneider: ACTION-307?

17:08:40 <trackbot> ACTION-307 -- Christine Golbreich to review QRG -- due 2009-03-25 -- PENDINGREVIEW

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-307 -- Christine Golbreich to review QRG -- due 2009-03-25 -- PENDINGREVIEW

17:08:40 <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/actions/307

Trackbot IRC Bot: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/actions/307

17:08:48 <Zhe> scribenick: Zhe
17:09:03 <alanr> zakim, who is here?

Alan Ruttenberg: zakim, who is here?

17:09:03 <Zakim> On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik (muted), IanH, bparsia (muted), Sandro, Zhe, Ivan (muted), uli (muted), Rinke (muted), alanr, bernardo (muted), msmith, zimmer

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik (muted), IanH, bparsia (muted), Sandro, Zhe, Ivan (muted), uli (muted), Rinke (muted), alanr, bernardo (muted), msmith, zimmer

17:09:06 <Zakim> On IRC I see Zhe, jar, zimmer, msmith, Rinke, uli, bernardo, bmotik, Michael_Schneider , pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, alanr, bparsia, ivan, IanH, sandro, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see Zhe, jar, zimmer, msmith, Rinke, uli, bernardo, bmotik, Michael_Schneider , pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, alanr, bparsia, ivan, IanH, sandro, trackbot

17:09:09 <Zhe> alanr: action-321 postponed

Alan Ruttenberg: ACTION-321 postponed

17:09:11 <pfps> the due date should have been later - I'll move it

Peter Patel-Schneider: the due date should have been later - I'll move it

17:09:16 <Zhe> Topic: Document and Reviewing

4. Document and Reviewing

17:09:29 <Zhe> alanr: the only one not ready is rdf text. There is one involves our group.

Alan Ruttenberg: the only one not ready is rdf text. There is one involves our group.

17:09:52 <ivan> is the rdf semantics ready for review? I am not sure

Ivan Herman: is the rdf semantics ready for review? I am not sure

17:10:21 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

17:10:23 <bmotik> Zakim, unmute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, unmute me

17:10:23 <Zakim> bmotik should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should no longer be muted

17:10:34 <bparsia> I am!

Bijan Parsia: I am!

17:10:36 <pfps> why are we hearing this at TC time?

Peter Patel-Schneider: why are we hearing this at TC time?

17:10:38 <Zhe> bmotik: who is arguing against making it infinite. RDF or RIF foks?

Boris Motik: who is arguing against making it infinite. RDF or RIF foks?

17:10:39 <bparsia> q+

Bijan Parsia: q+

17:10:45 <ivan> ack bmotik

Ivan Herman: ack bmotik

17:10:48 <ivan> addison

Ivan Herman: addison

17:11:02 <Zhe> It is the i18n folks

It is the i18n folks

17:11:02 <bparsia> zakim, unmute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, unmute me

17:11:02 <Zakim> bparsia should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bparsia should no longer be muted

17:11:03 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

17:11:07 <alanr> ack bparsia

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bparsia

17:11:12 <ivan> ack bparsia

Ivan Herman: ack bparsia

17:11:36 <Zhe> bparsia: want to reuse existing regular expression libraries. Allow people to indicate which unicode version

Bijan Parsia: want to reuse existing regular expression libraries. Allow people to indicate which unicode version

17:11:54 <pfps> I'm confused, why can't regular regexp libraries be used?

Peter Patel-Schneider: I'm confused, why can't regular regexp libraries be used?

17:12:07 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:12:30 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

17:12:49 <Michael_Schneider> zakim, [IPcaller] is me

Michael Schneider: zakim, [IPcaller] is me

17:12:49 <Zakim> +schneid; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +schneid; got it

17:12:54 <Michael_Schneider> zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

17:12:54 <Zakim> Michael_Schneider should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Michael_Schneider should now be muted

17:13:01 <bparsia> zakim, mute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, mute me

17:13:01 <Zakim> bparsia should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bparsia should now be muted

17:13:21 <Zakim> +??P1

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P1

17:13:27 <Zhe> alanr: goal is that we want to move forward with rdf text. I don't want it be a technical discussion. The focus is on how to resolve it asap.

Alan Ruttenberg: goal is that we want to move forward with rdf text. I don't want it be a technical discussion. The focus is on how to resolve it asap.

17:13:28 <alanr> ack bmotik

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bmotik

17:13:39 <bparsia> Toolkit I want to use: http://www.brics.dk/automaton/

Bijan Parsia: Toolkit I want to use: http://www.brics.dk/automaton/

17:13:40 <Zhe> bmotik: a few technical questions. I did not understand bijan, what is the semantics if you indicate unicode version?

Boris Motik: a few technical questions. I did not understand bijan, what is the semantics if you indicate unicode version?

17:13:57 <bparsia> I meant in OWL

Bijan Parsia: I meant in OWL

17:14:05 <bparsia>  rdf:text:unicode3.1

Bijan Parsia: rdf:text:unicode3.1

17:14:12 <bparsia> Oh! Nice!

Bijan Parsia: Oh! Nice!

17:14:35 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

17:14:39 <Zhe> ... if we go with finite alphabet, do we really know how many is in the unicode version.

... if we go with finite alphabet, do we really know how many is in the unicode version.

17:14:46 <bparsia> q+

Bijan Parsia: q+

17:14:48 <alanr> ack ivan

Alan Ruttenberg: ack ivan

17:15:10 <Zhe> ivan: there is an upper limit for unicode characters. Some of those are not properly defined.

Ivan Herman: there is an upper limit for unicode characters. Some of those are not properly defined.

17:15:25 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

17:15:27 <sandro> "The largest Unicode code point is 0x10FFFF. Period. There is not an infinity of Unicode code points. "

Sandro Hawke: "The largest Unicode code point is 0x10FFFF. Period. There is not an infinity of Unicode code points. "

17:15:33 <alanr> ack bparsia

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bparsia

17:15:40 <ivan> zakim, mute me

Ivan Herman: zakim, mute me

17:15:40 <Zakim> Ivan should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Ivan should now be muted

17:15:51 <Zhe> bparsia: it is nice to know about the libraries. makes me happy. My proposal is that in the ontology, when I define a class, I am using a particular unicode version. However, if it is finite, then all problems are solved

Bijan Parsia: it is nice to know about the libraries. makes me happy. My proposal is that in the ontology, when I define a class, I am using a particular unicode version. However, if it is finite, then all problems are solved

17:15:59 <sandro>   -- from Addison Phillips, Chair -- W3C Internationalization WG

Sandro Hawke: -- from Addison Phillips, Chair -- W3C Internationalization WG

17:16:23 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:16:27 <alanr> ack bmotik

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bmotik

17:17:12 <bparsia> We need to know the number

Bijan Parsia: We need to know the number

17:17:15 <IanH> An ecstatic Boris -- scary prospect

Ian Horrocks: An ecstatic Boris -- scary prospect

17:17:16 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:17:28 <Zhe> alanr: bmotik communicate with Jie to get the issue resolved

Alan Ruttenberg: bmotik communicate with Jie to get the issue resolved

17:17:33 <bparsia> Pointer to that rdf:text emial?

Bijan Parsia: Pointer to that rdf:text emial?

17:17:49 <Michael_Schneider> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

17:17:49 <Zakim> Michael_Schneider should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Michael_Schneider should no longer be muted

17:17:53 <Zhe> alanr: RDF semantics

Alan Ruttenberg: RDF semantics

17:18:09 <Zhe> Michael_Schneider: 3 or 4 more days. Should be done this weekend.

Michael Schneider: 3 or 4 more days. Should be done this weekend.

17:18:44 <Zhe> alanr: will you notify your reviewers

Alan Ruttenberg: will you notify your reviewers

17:18:55 <Zhe> Michael_Schneider will send out email once it is done

Michael_Schneider will send out email once it is done

17:19:00 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:19:03 <Michael_Schneider> zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

17:19:03 <Zakim> Michael_Schneider should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Michael_Schneider should now be muted

17:19:18 <Zhe> Topic: Changes since last call

5. Changes since last call

17:19:24 <sandro> http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Reviewing#Documents_and_Reviewers

Sandro Hawke: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Reviewing#Documents_and_Reviewers

17:19:46 <Zhe> sandro: does not show correct deadline about n-ary

Sandro Hawke: does not show correct deadline about n-ary

17:19:54 <bparsia> n-ary is not ready right now

Bijan Parsia: n-ary is not ready right now

17:20:02 <bparsia> Probablynext week

Bijan Parsia: Probablynext week

17:20:07 <Zhe> alanr: can we talk about n-ary? Bjian mentioned that we can put in a small example.  When is it going to be ready? Next meeting or weekend?

Alan Ruttenberg: can we talk about n-ary? Bjian mentioned that we can put in a small example. When is it going to be ready? Next meeting or weekend?

17:20:10 <bparsia> I couldn't last week

Bijan Parsia: I couldn't last week

17:20:17 <bparsia> But I can do it for next week

Bijan Parsia: But I can do it for next week

17:20:37 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:20:38 <bparsia> zakim, unmute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, unmute me

17:20:38 <Zakim> bparsia was not muted, bparsia

Zakim IRC Bot: bparsia was not muted, bparsia

17:20:55 <Zhe> bparsia: not sure.

Bijan Parsia: not sure.

17:21:09 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

17:21:18 <alanr> ack ivan

Alan Ruttenberg: ack ivan

17:21:18 <bparsia> zakim, mute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, mute me

17:21:19 <Zhe> alanr: I will update that page with right due dates

Alan Ruttenberg: I will update that page with right due dates

17:21:20 <Zakim> bparsia should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bparsia should now be muted

17:21:53 <bmotik> Zakim, mute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, mute me

17:21:53 <Zakim> bmotik should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should now be muted

17:22:05 <Zhe> sandro: it will be published Friday.

Sandro Hawke: it will be published Friday.

17:22:31 <Zhe> ivan: this means we do have something that we want to change on that document, until that is done, the document is not ready for reviewing

Ivan Herman: this means we do have something that we want to change on that document, until that is done, the document is not ready for reviewing

17:22:37 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:23:08 <IanH> Anticipated changes vis a vis naming should be very small

Ian Horrocks: Anticipated changes vis a vis naming should be very small

17:23:31 <Zhe> ivan: the bottom line is that that document is not ready for reviewing

Ivan Herman: the bottom line is that that document is not ready for reviewing

17:23:51 <Zhe> alanr: hopefully it is a small change. Any more for document set?

Alan Ruttenberg: hopefully it is a small change. Any more for document set?

17:24:12 <Zhe> Topic: Last Call Comments

6. Last Call Comments

17:24:41 <Zhe> alanr: AR1 is delegated to Jonathan

Alan Ruttenberg: AR1 is delegated to Jonathan

17:25:03 <bparsia>  BTW: http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode5.0.0/ch01.pdf

Bijan Parsia: BTW: http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode5.0.0/ch01.pdf

17:25:05 <bparsia> page 2

Bijan Parsia: page 2

17:25:15 <pfps> Isn't this the sort of thing that should be done by email?

Peter Patel-Schneider: Isn't this the sort of thing that should be done by email?

17:25:19 <bparsia> "The Unicode Standard contains 1,114,112 code points,"

Bijan Parsia: "The Unicode Standard contains 1,114,112 code points,"

17:25:36 <IanH> I'm doing it now

Ian Horrocks: I'm doing it now

17:25:39 <uli> q+

Uli Sattler: q+

17:25:44 <alanr> ack uli

Alan Ruttenberg: ack uli

17:26:06 <Zhe> uli: a few changes have been made. I can post the diff I have made

Uli Sattler: a few changes have been made. I can post the diff I have made

17:26:11 <IanH> I looked -- looks fine to me

Ian Horrocks: I looked -- looks fine to me

17:26:24 <Zhe> alanr: these are ready to go

Alan Ruttenberg: these are ready to go

17:26:26 <uli> zakim, mute me

Uli Sattler: zakim, mute me

17:26:26 <Zakim> uli should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: uli should now be muted

17:26:52 <Zhe> alanr: one more related to this. Ivan suggested that we add some text to the intro in profiles document

Alan Ruttenberg: one more related to this. Ivan suggested that we add some text to the intro in profiles document

17:27:09 <Zhe> ivan: it is all in the email. The introduction to QL is very technical oriented. Need to have more understandable rationale in profiles.

Ivan Herman: it is all in the email. The introduction to QL is very technical oriented. Need to have more understandable rationale in profiles.

17:27:10 <alanr> http://www.w3.org/mid/49C350F4.6000200@w3.org

Alan Ruttenberg: http://www.w3.org/mid/49C350F4.6000200@w3.org

17:27:55 <pfps> Document editor discretion seems to cover this point.

Peter Patel-Schneider: Document editor discretion seems to cover this point.

17:27:57 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:27:59 <Zhe> alanr: any objection?

Alan Ruttenberg: any objection?

17:28:05 <uli> i think i added a bit

Uli Sattler: i think i added a bit

17:28:20 <Zhe> alanr: Ivan can communicate with editors to get it done. Can one editor stand up?

Alan Ruttenberg: Ivan can communicate with editors to get it done. Can one editor stand up?

17:28:42 <pfps> -> Ian

Peter Patel-Schneider: -> Ian

17:28:58 <IanH> I'm

Ian Horrocks: I'm

17:28:59 <Zhe> ... zhe, can you do it?

... zhe, can you do it?

17:29:01 <Zhe> Zhe ok

Zhe ok

17:29:06 <IanH> I'm willing to help

Ian Horrocks: I'm willing to help

17:29:06 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:29:17 <Zhe> thanks Ian

thanks Ian

17:29:25 <bparsia> +1

Bijan Parsia: +1

17:29:26 <Zhe> alanr: comment on XML syntax, looks ready to me

Alan Ruttenberg: comment on XML syntax, looks ready to me

17:29:37 <Michael_Schneider>  q+

Michael Schneider: q+

17:29:53 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

17:29:54 <Zhe> alanr: one on rdf semantics, one on OWL DL the language.

Alan Ruttenberg: one on rdf semantics, one on OWL DL the language.

17:29:54 <Michael_Schneider>  q-

Michael Schneider: q-

17:29:57 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:30:11 <Michael_Schneider>  JR6a should be checked by people

Michael Schneider: JR6a should be checked by people

17:30:15 <Zhe> ivan: on the rdf semantics, michael did more than required. It is not even last call document.

Ivan Herman: on the rdf semantics, michael did more than required. It is not even last call document.

17:30:34 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:30:39 <alanr> ack ivan

Alan Ruttenberg: ack ivan

17:30:41 <pfps> the response is fine - ship it

Peter Patel-Schneider: the response is fine - ship it

17:30:48 <alanr> +1

Alan Ruttenberg: +1

17:30:53 <Zhe> ivan: I think Michael's reponse is great and ready to go

Ivan Herman: I think Michael's reponse is great and ready to go

17:30:55 <Michael_Schneider>  ah, I understand! ok

Michael Schneider: ah, I understand! ok

17:31:09 <Zhe> alanr: not hearing object to sending out these two responses, JR6a, 6b can be sent as is

Alan Ruttenberg: not hearing object to sending out these two responses, JR6a, 6b can be sent as is

17:31:33 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:31:40 <ivan> zakim, who is here?

Ivan Herman: zakim, who is here?

17:31:40 <Zakim> On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik (muted), IanH, bparsia (muted), Sandro, Zhe, Ivan, uli (muted), Rinke (muted), alanr, bernardo (muted), msmith, zimmer, Michael_Schneider

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik (muted), IanH, bparsia (muted), Sandro, Zhe, Ivan, uli (muted), Rinke (muted), alanr, bernardo (muted), msmith, zimmer, Michael_Schneider

17:31:40 <Zhe> Jonathan: regarding AR1, looks like there are some extension point to define new data types in new namespaces as long as they are compatible with other SPECs. Question is if there are some risk, you will get incompatibility. XML try to address it through namespaces. Here it seems that we are reusing an existing namespace

Jonathan Rees: regarding AR1, looks like there are some extension point to define new data types in new namespaces as long as they are compatible with other SPECs. Question is if there are some risk, you will get incompatibility. XML try to address it through namespaces. Here it seems that we are reusing an existing namespace

17:31:43 <Zakim> ... (muted), MarkusK_

Zakim IRC Bot: ... (muted), MarkusK_

17:31:44 <Zakim> On IRC I see MarkusK_, Zhe, jar, zimmer, msmith, Rinke, uli, bernardo, bmotik, Michael_Schneider , pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, alanr, bparsia, ivan, IanH, sandro, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see MarkusK_, Zhe, jar, zimmer, msmith, Rinke, uli, bernardo, bmotik, Michael_Schneider , pfps, Zakim, RRSAgent, alanr, bparsia, ivan, IanH, sandro, trackbot

17:31:54 <ivan> zakim, alanr has jonathan

Ivan Herman: zakim, alanr has jonathan

17:31:54 <Zakim> +jonathan; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +jonathan; got it

17:32:14 <bparsia> q+

Bijan Parsia: q+

17:32:16 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:32:18 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

17:32:31 <bmotik> (Aside: Bijan and I managed to convince ourselves that Unicode indeed has 1,114,112 code points)

Boris Motik: (Aside: Bijan and I managed to convince ourselves that Unicode indeed has 1,114,112 code points)

17:32:49 <sandro> :-) bmotik

Sandro Hawke: :-) bmotik

17:32:51 <ivan> zakim, mute me

Ivan Herman: zakim, mute me

17:32:54 <bmotik> (Aside: For all I care, we can have a vote right now to change the value space of rdf:text)

Boris Motik: (Aside: For all I care, we can have a vote right now to change the value space of rdf:text)

17:32:58 <Zakim> Ivan should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Ivan should now be muted

17:33:31 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:33:34 <bparsia> zakim, unmute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, unmute me

17:33:34 <Zakim> bparsia should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bparsia should no longer be muted

17:33:56 <Zhe> bparsia: we should not worry about the "risk."  I dont' think there is a real risk that people are stepping into OWL namespace. Given that the community has matured, there should not be a problem

Bijan Parsia: we should not worry about the "risk." I dont' think there is a real risk that people are stepping into OWL namespace. Given that the community has matured, there should not be a problem

17:33:58 <Michael_Schneider>  I will nevertheless wait another 24 hours with sending 52a, so people can check

Michael Schneider: I will nevertheless wait another 24 hours with sending 52a, so people can check

17:34:24 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:34:27 <alanr> ack bparsia

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bparsia

17:35:13 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:35:17 <alanr> ack pfps

Alan Ruttenberg: ack pfps

17:35:21 <bparsia> zakim, mute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, mute me

17:35:21 <Zakim> bparsia should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bparsia should now be muted

17:35:23 <uli> Ivan, to make "a mountain out of a mole hole"?

Uli Sattler: Ivan, to make "a mountain out of a mole hole"?

17:35:26 <Zhe> pfps: I agree with bijan on this.

Peter Patel-Schneider: I agree with bijan on this.

17:35:27 <alanr> ack sandro

Alan Ruttenberg: ack sandro

17:35:32 <Zhe> sandro: I see two questions. 1) on the issue that bijan addressed. I think extensibility point is properly architected.  2) interop problem. 10 well defined datatypes, 5 are required by OWL. I suspect users will find their tool support more datatypes which creates interoperability problem

Sandro Hawke: I see two questions. 1) on the issue that bijan addressed. I think extensibility point is properly architected. 2) interop problem. 10 well defined datatypes, 5 are required by OWL. I suspect users will find their tool support more datatypes which creates interoperability problem

17:35:35 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

17:37:16 <bparsia> ?

Bijan Parsia: ?

17:37:22 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:37:30 <bparsia> q+

Bijan Parsia: q+

17:37:39 <bmotik> Zakim, unmute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, unmute me

17:37:39 <Zakim> bmotik should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should no longer be muted

17:37:42 <alanr> ack bmotik

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bmotik

17:37:45 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:37:46 <Zhe> ... Tools use extension should get user attention/ok

... Tools use extension should get user attention/ok

17:37:58 <Zhe> bmotik: I am a bit lost. Is this about xml schema datatypes? You cannot define new datatypes in XML schema namespace anyway. I don't see any issue

Boris Motik: I am a bit lost. Is this about xml schema datatypes? You cannot define new datatypes in XML schema namespace anyway. I don't see any issue

17:38:26 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:38:27 <pfps> q-

Peter Patel-Schneider: q-

17:38:40 <alanr> ack bparsia

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bparsia

17:38:47 <jar> q?

Jonathan Rees: q?

17:38:52 <Zhe> bparsia: I agree with boris. It is clearly SPECed. I don't feel the need as a tool vendor that we need user permission to extend. I haven't seen troubles in the past

Bijan Parsia: I agree with boris. It is clearly SPECed. I don't feel the need as a tool vendor that we need user permission to extend. I haven't seen troubles in the past

17:39:49 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:40:52 <Zhe> sandro: you don't think WG should give this advice

Sandro Hawke: you don't think WG should give this advice

17:41:11 <Zhe> bparsia: not sure it is a good advice. Tool vendors should decide by themselves

Bijan Parsia: not sure it is a good advice. Tool vendors should decide by themselves

17:41:43 <pfps> +1

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1

17:42:08 <Zhe> sandro: I am persuaded by bijan. The worst case is that extension is used unexpectedly

Sandro Hawke: I am persuaded by bijan. The worst case is that extension is used unexpectedly

17:42:15 <pfps> In many cases there may be *no* user to warn.

Peter Patel-Schneider: In many cases there may be *no* user to warn.

17:42:45 <bparsia> q=

Bijan Parsia: q=

17:42:48 <bparsia> q+

Bijan Parsia: q+

17:42:49 <Zhe> Jonathan: it affects ontology consistency

Jonathan Rees: it affects ontology consistency

17:42:57 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

17:43:13 <Zhe> sandro: tool can tell you that this part is not OWL, it is extension. It is not our job to tell tools to pop up warnings

Sandro Hawke: tool can tell you that this part is not OWL, it is extension. It is not our job to tell tools to pop up warnings

17:43:42 <jar> q?

Jonathan Rees: q?

17:44:11 <Zhe> bparsia: Pellet has a mode that approximates things that it cannot handle. We define what is mandatory. It is not the WG's job to define behavior for things beyond.

Bijan Parsia: Pellet has a mode that approximates things that it cannot handle. We define what is mandatory. It is not the WG's job to define behavior for things beyond.

17:44:25 <jar> q+ jar

Jonathan Rees: q+ jar

17:44:41 <alanr> ack bparsia

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bparsia

17:44:53 <alanr> ack bmotik

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bmotik

17:45:14 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:45:30 <Zhe> bmotik: in non-default mode, HermiT can approximate and does it best

Boris Motik: in non-default mode, HermiT can approximate and does it best

17:45:31 <alanr> ack jar

Alan Ruttenberg: ack jar

17:45:32 <bparsia> And, if the spec told me not to do that? I would ignore that spec

Bijan Parsia: And, if the spec told me not to do that? I would ignore that spec

17:45:32 <sandro> sandro: I'm okay with the situation where a consumer system simply detects the situation where an extension is used and either gives a clear error message or (as per Bijan) offers to try some approximations.    The right social/market forces are in play to avoid fragmenting the market, I think.

Sandro Hawke: I'm okay with the situation where a consumer system simply detects the situation where an extension is used and either gives a clear error message or (as per Bijan) offers to try some approximations. The right social/market forces are in play to avoid fragmenting the market, I think. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

17:45:47 <Zhe> Jonathan: looking at conformance doc

Jonathan Rees: looking at conformance doc

17:45:58 <pfps> The question at hand is how to answer AR66, which states: I believe that it is our intention that implementation specific datatype maps don't define behavior for, e.g. future datatypes added to XML Schema (or datatypes we have rejected). AFAIK, there is no proscription against this and I would like to have there be.

Peter Patel-Schneider: The question at hand is how to answer AR66, which states: I believe that it is our intention that implementation specific datatype maps don't define behavior for, e.g. future datatypes added to XML Schema (or datatypes we have rejected). AFAIK, there is no proscription against this and I would like to have there be.

17:46:03 <Zhe> pfps: I don't see how the current discussion is relevant to the Agenda

Peter Patel-Schneider: I don't see how the current discussion is relevant to the Agenda

17:46:04 <bmotik> Zakim, mute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, mute me

17:46:04 <Zakim> bmotik should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should now be muted

17:46:11 <bparsia> zakim, mute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, mute me

17:46:11 <Zakim> bparsia should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bparsia should now be muted

17:46:47 <sandro> http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Conformance_and_Test_Cases#Datatype_Map_Conformance

Sandro Hawke: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Conformance_and_Test_Cases#Datatype_Map_Conformance

17:47:05 <Zhe> sandro: I pointed out that was in error,

Sandro Hawke: I pointed out that was in error,

17:47:33 <Zhe> alanr: Jonathan do you have more comments?

Alan Ruttenberg: Jonathan do you have more comments?

17:47:54 <sandro> FWIW I think it was real error to every accept "comments" from WG members...    :-/   They should be issues instead.

Sandro Hawke: FWIW I think it was real error to every accept "comments" from WG members... :-/ They should be issues instead.

17:48:03 <Zhe> GRDDL TM1 17 GRDDL


17:48:07 <bparsia> ship it

Bijan Parsia: ship it

17:48:11 <ivan> ship it

Ivan Herman: ship it

17:48:14 <alanr> +1

Alan Ruttenberg: +1

17:48:14 <Zhe> alanr: everyone comfortable?

Alan Ruttenberg: everyone comfortable?

17:48:22 <pfps> +1

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1

17:48:46 <Zhe> alanr: RM1, Michael, have you sent the response out?

Alan Ruttenberg: RM1, Michael, have you sent the response out?

17:48:52 <Michael_Schneider> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

17:48:52 <Zakim> Michael_Schneider should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Michael_Schneider should no longer be muted

17:49:15 <Zhe> Michael_Schneider: the second was drafted by peter, I am out of it

Michael Schneider: the second was drafted by peter, I am out of it

17:49:20 <Michael_Schneider>  zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

17:49:20 <Zakim> Michael_Schneider should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Michael_Schneider should now be muted

17:49:29 <pfps> http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Responses_to_Last_Call_Comments clearly indicates that a 2nd response has been sent

Peter Patel-Schneider: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Responses_to_Last_Call_Comments clearly indicates that a 2nd response has been sent

17:49:48 <Zhe> Topic: Technical Issues

7. Technical Issues

17:50:07 <Zhe> alanr: xsd:dateTimeStamp, shall we follow XML schema

Alan Ruttenberg: xsd:dateTimeStamp, shall we follow XML schema

17:50:20 <bparsia> ?

Bijan Parsia: ?

17:50:26 <bmotik> Zaakim, unmute me

Boris Motik: Zaakim, unmute me

17:50:30 <bmotik> Zakim, unmute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, unmute me

17:50:30 <Zakim> bmotik should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should no longer be muted

17:50:30 <alanr> ack bmotik

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bmotik

17:50:41 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:50:50 <alanr> ack pfps

Alan Ruttenberg: ack pfps

17:50:57 <bparsia> +1 to my other self

Bijan Parsia: +1 to my other self

17:51:02 <ivan> +1 to boris

Ivan Herman: +1 to boris

17:51:06 <Zhe> bmotik: the issue is that the current SPEC use a prioteray handling of dataTime, we should align with XML schema. Change is not that big. the only thing is that timezone is disjoint. I don't think users will get lots of problems

Boris Motik: the issue is that the current SPEC use a prioteray handling of dataTime, we should align with XML schema. Change is not that big. the only thing is that timezone is disjoint. I don't think users will get lots of problems

17:51:13 <alanr> q+ to ask why timezone but not the other elements of the 7 tuple

Alan Ruttenberg: q+ to ask why timezone but not the other elements of the 7 tuple

17:51:30 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

17:51:39 <bmotik> Zakim, mute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, mute me

17:51:39 <Zakim> bmotik should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should now be muted

17:51:51 <ivan> ack alanr

Ivan Herman: ack alanr

17:51:51 <Zakim> alanr, you wanted to ask why timezone but not the other elements of the 7 tuple

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr, you wanted to ask why timezone but not the other elements of the 7 tuple

17:52:00 <bmotik> Zakim, unmute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, unmute me

17:52:00 <Zakim> bmotik should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should no longer be muted

17:52:02 <Zhe> alanr: I have a question, XML schema has 7 tuple, how is that aligned?

Alan Ruttenberg: I have a question, XML schema has 7 tuple, how is that aligned?

17:52:06 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:52:32 <Zhe> bmotik: the 7 tuple can map to a particular time you cannot tell the difference

Boris Motik: the 7 tuple can map to a particular time you cannot tell the difference

17:52:38 <alanr> q+ to clarify that this means we can't have functional properties with dateTimeStamps as values?

Alan Ruttenberg: q+ to clarify that this means we can't have functional properties with dateTimeStamps as values?

17:52:43 <sandro> boris: you can map 7-tuple to time-on-timeline, with different time line for each time zone.

Boris Motik: you can map 7-tuple to time-on-timeline, with different time line for each time zone. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

17:52:52 <ivan> ack sandro

Ivan Herman: ack sandro

17:53:00 <Zhe> sandro: this is sounding like a bug in XML schema. The  point is to reason different times in different zones. This behavior is not what I want as a user

Sandro Hawke: this is sounding like a bug in XML schema. The point is to reason different times in different zones. This behavior is not what I want as a user

17:53:04 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

17:53:08 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:53:18 <bparsia> I recommend avoiding timezones in ontologies ;)

Bijan Parsia: I recommend avoiding timezones in ontologies ;)

17:53:22 <bparsia> Preprocess!

Bijan Parsia: Preprocess!

17:53:28 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:53:36 <pfps> the are equal, just not identical

Peter Patel-Schneider: the are equal, just not identical

17:53:37 <alanr> ack alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: ack alanr

17:53:37 <Zakim> alanr, you wanted to clarify that this means we can't have functional properties with dateTimeStamps as values?

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr, you wanted to clarify that this means we can't have functional properties with dateTimeStamps as values?

17:53:54 <pfps> nope

Peter Patel-Schneider: nope

17:54:04 <ivan> ack bmotik

Ivan Herman: ack bmotik

17:54:08 <Zhe> alanr: so the consequence is that we cannot have a functional property with a dateTime as its range?

Alan Ruttenberg: so the consequence is that we cannot have a functional property with a dateTime as its range?

17:54:35 <Zhe> bmotik: if you have a functional property p, s p t1, s p t2, and t1 and t2 are two values pointing to the same time point in two timezones, they violate the constraint. XML schema wants to keep this time zone information in the value space. Because they have functions to compare, it is not a bug in my opinion

Boris Motik: if you have a functional property p, s p t1, s p t2, and t1 and t2 are two values pointing to the same time point in two timezones, they violate the constraint. XML schema wants to keep this time zone information in the value space. Because they have functions to compare, it is not a bug in my opinion

17:54:39 <bparsia> Discussion of identity vs. equality I just wrote: <http://www.w3.org/mid/0E611C17-39DC-4509-8002-3E684C345C45@cs.manchester.ac.uk>

Bijan Parsia: Discussion of identity vs. equality I just wrote: <http://www.w3.org/mid/0E611C17-39DC-4509-8002-3E684C345C45@cs.manchester.ac.uk>

17:55:13 <pfps> q-

Peter Patel-Schneider: q-

17:55:33 <bparsia> q+ to propose at riskiness

Bijan Parsia: q+ to propose at riskiness

17:55:43 <alanr> q+ to ask one last question - why con consider this extralogical and answer queries against syntax

Alan Ruttenberg: q+ to ask one last question - why con consider this extralogical and answer queries against syntax

17:55:55 <alanr> ack bparsia

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bparsia

17:55:56 <Zakim> bparsia, you wanted to propose at riskiness

Zakim IRC Bot: bparsia, you wanted to propose at riskiness

17:56:02 <Zhe> sandro: I agree now it is not a bug

Sandro Hawke: I agree now it is not a bug

17:56:10 <sandro> (in xml schema)

Sandro Hawke: (in xml schema)

17:56:16 <Zhe> bparsia: two principles, 1) to align with XML schema. it is always possible to normalize all timestamp values with respect to timezones

Bijan Parsia: two principles, 1) to align with XML schema. it is always possible to normalize all timestamp values with respect to timezones

17:57:40 <bparsia> zakim, mute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, mute me

17:56:17 <sandro> sandro: but it's a pain for users.

Sandro Hawke: but it's a pain for users. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

17:57:24 <ivan> +1 to bijan, make the choices clear and put it into the document as a feedback request from the community

Ivan Herman: +1 to bijan, make the choices clear and put it into the document as a feedback request from the community

17:57:28 <IanH> Seems similar to the numerics: could imagine arguments on both sides but being consistent with XML schema sounds like the winning argument.

Ian Horrocks: Seems similar to the numerics: could imagine arguments on both sides but being consistent with XML schema sounds like the winning argument.

17:57:31 <alanr> ack alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: ack alanr

17:57:31 <Zakim> alanr, you wanted to ask one last question - why con consider this extralogical and answer queries against syntax

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr, you wanted to ask one last question - why con consider this extralogical and answer queries against syntax

17:57:31 <msmith> +1 to bparsia

Mike Smith: +1 to bparsia

17:57:35 <IanH> And +1 to Bijan

Ian Horrocks: And +1 to Bijan

17:57:40 <Zakim> bparsia should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bparsia should now be muted

17:58:04 <Zhe> alanr: boris, why do we need to put it in the valuespace?

Alan Ruttenberg: boris, why do we need to put it in the valuespace?

17:58:39 <Zhe> bmotik: for the case RIF wants to implement some functions (give back timezones) Anyone use XQuery with OWL will find it difficult

Boris Motik: for the case RIF wants to implement some functions (give back timezones) Anyone use XQuery with OWL will find it difficult

17:59:03 <bparsia> One can do that as a preprocessing phase..if you wanted that

Bijan Parsia: One can do that as a preprocessing phase..if you wanted that

17:59:09 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

17:59:37 <bparsia> q+

Bijan Parsia: q+

17:59:37 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

17:59:45 <bparsia> zakim, unmute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, unmute me

17:59:45 <Zakim> bparsia should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bparsia should no longer be muted

17:59:46 <Zhe> sandro: RIF is struggling with this and will have identity operator and equality operator

Sandro Hawke: RIF is struggling with this and will have identity operator and equality operator

17:59:47 <alanr> ack bparsia

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bparsia

17:59:53 <ivan> ack bparsia

Ivan Herman: ack bparsia

18:00:02 <sandro> s/will/will probably/

Sandro Hawke: s/will/will probably/

18:00:13 <alanr> q+ to ask why we couldn't use equality across OWL

Alan Ruttenberg: q+ to ask why we couldn't use equality across OWL

18:00:16 <Zhe> bparsia: unlike RIF, we don't have luxury to have two operators because counting defines on top of identity. I am scared to use equality

Bijan Parsia: unlike RIF, we don't have luxury to have two operators because counting defines on top of identity. I am scared to use equality

18:00:24 <sandro> bparsia: OWL doesn't have the luxury of two operators, since counting works with identity.

Bijan Parsia: OWL doesn't have the luxury of two operators, since counting works with identity. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

18:00:45 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

18:00:58 <alanr> ack bmotik

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bmotik

18:00:59 <ivan> ack bmotik

Ivan Herman: ack bmotik

18:01:00 <bparsia> zakim, mute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, mute me

18:01:01 <Zakim> bparsia should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bparsia should now be muted

18:01:16 <Zhe> bmotik: don't think this is crucial for users. It is not that often that two (same) values use different timezones

Boris Motik: don't think this is crucial for users. It is not that often that two (same) values use different timezones

18:01:27 <bparsia> I agree with boris to some extent

Bijan Parsia: I agree with boris to some extent

18:01:38 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

18:01:39 <bparsia> It's work aroundable

Bijan Parsia: It's work aroundable

18:01:52 <jar> q+ jar to wonder about calendar merging

Jonathan Rees: q+ jar to wonder about calendar merging

18:02:09 <sandro> boris: Come on -- how many users will actually want to use a use functional properties to say there is one time, and then provide the time in multiple time zones?

Boris Motik: Come on -- how many users will actually want to use a use functional properties to say there is one time, and then provide the time in multiple time zones? [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

18:02:12 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

18:02:20 <alanr> ack alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: ack alanr

18:02:20 <Zakim> alanr, you wanted to ask why we couldn't use equality across OWL

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr, you wanted to ask why we couldn't use equality across OWL

18:02:38 <IanH> Let's vote now!

Ian Horrocks: Let's vote now!

18:02:39 <bparsia> zakim, unmute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, unmute me

18:02:39 <Zakim> bparsia should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bparsia should no longer be muted

18:02:41 <sandro> sandro: I think it'll a real problem, boris, but I think it's a very small issue and I'd like to move on?

Sandro Hawke: I think it'll a real problem, boris, but I think it's a very small issue and I'd like to move on? [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

18:03:38 <Zhe> bparsia: we cannot put this under user control with respect to counting

Bijan Parsia: we cannot put this under user control with respect to counting

18:03:51 <jar> q- jar

Jonathan Rees: q- jar

18:04:02 <Zhe> alanr: why cannot we use equality in OWL as the single choice

Alan Ruttenberg: why cannot we use equality in OWL as the single choice

18:04:45 <Zhe> bparsia: we discussed and decided to go with XML schema identity. Tools can normalize xsd:dateTimeStamp values in different zones

Bijan Parsia: we discussed and decided to go with XML schema identity. Tools can normalize xsd:dateTimeStamp values in different zones

18:05:07 <sandro> bparsia: This all comes back to us having to chose between XS Identity and XS Equality as our Identity, and the compelling evidence is on the side of XS Identity.

Bijan Parsia: This all comes back to us having to chose between XS Identity and XS Equality as our Identity, and the compelling evidence is on the side of XS Identity. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

18:05:32 <alanr> PROPOSED: OWL will use the standard XML Schema definition of xsd:dateTimeStamp (i.e., time zones are carried into the semantics of OWL). We will mark this "at risk" and solicit feedback on the choice.

PROPOSED: OWL will use the standard XML Schema definition of xsd:dateTimeStamp (i.e., time zones are carried into the semantics of OWL). We will mark this "at risk" and solicit feedback on the choice.

18:05:35 <sandro> bparsia: Tools can route around this, by comparing them as identiical if they need to -- let's be conservative and consistent.

Bijan Parsia: Tools can route around this, by comparing them as identiical if they need to -- let's be conservative and consistent. [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

18:05:48 <bparsia> zakim, mute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, mute me

18:05:48 <Zakim> bparsia should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bparsia should now be muted

18:06:17 <Zhe> bmotik: dateTime should be the same

Boris Motik: dateTime should be the same

18:06:37 <pfps> we need to resolve the "at risk" later

Peter Patel-Schneider: we need to resolve the "at risk" later

18:06:37 <bparsia> I don't care

Bijan Parsia: I don't care

18:06:38 <alanr> +1

Alan Ruttenberg: +1

18:06:38 <IanH> Minimising "at risk" has to be good.

Ian Horrocks: Minimising "at risk" has to be good.

18:06:40 <bparsia> I'm fine not

Bijan Parsia: I'm fine not

18:06:48 <pfps> 0

Peter Patel-Schneider: 0

18:06:51 <ivan> 0

Ivan Herman: 0

18:06:54 <Rinke> 0

Rinke Hoekstra: 0

18:06:55 <bparsia> Are we voting?

Bijan Parsia: Are we voting?

18:06:55 <bmotik> I'd prefer just being done with this.

Boris Motik: I'd prefer just being done with this.

18:06:56 <Zhe> Zhe 0

Zhe 0

18:07:02 <bmotik> I.e., no at risk.

Boris Motik: I.e., no at risk.

18:07:04 <bparsia> -1

Bijan Parsia: -1

18:07:07 <uli> no at risk

Uli Sattler: no at risk

18:07:08 <bernardo> 0

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: 0

18:07:10 <MarkusK_> 0

Markus Krötzsch: 0

18:07:11 <Michael_Schneider>  0

Michael Schneider: 0

18:07:20 <alanr> PROPOSED: OWL will use the standard XML Schema definition of xsd:dateTimeStamp (i.e., time zones are carried into the semantics of OWL).

PROPOSED: OWL will use the standard XML Schema definition of xsd:dateTimeStamp (i.e., time zones are carried into the semantics of OWL).

18:07:23 <sandro> +1

Sandro Hawke: +1

18:07:24 <bmotik> +1

Boris Motik: +1

18:07:24 <pfps> +1 ALU

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1 ALU

18:07:25 <ivan> +1

Ivan Herman: +1

18:07:25 <bparsia> +1

Bijan Parsia: +1

18:07:27 <alanr> 0

Alan Ruttenberg: 0

18:07:31 <Zhe> Zhe +1

Zhe +1

18:07:32 <msmith> +1

Mike Smith: +1

18:07:39 <MarkusK_> 0

Markus Krötzsch: 0

18:07:42 <bernardo> +1

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: +1

18:07:45 <Michael_Schneider>  0 (no opinion)

Michael Schneider: 0 (no opinion)

18:07:49 <Rinke> +1

Rinke Hoekstra: +1

18:08:03 <uli> +1

Uli Sattler: +1

18:08:06 <alanr> RESOLVED: OWL will use the standard XML Schema definition of xsd:dateTimeStamp (i.e., time zones are carried into the semantics of OWL).

RESOLVED: OWL will use the standard XML Schema definition of xsd:dateTimeStamp (i.e., time zones are carried into the semantics of OWL).

18:08:22 <Zhe> alanr: boris, we can discuss dateTime next week

Alan Ruttenberg: boris, we can discuss dateTime next week

18:08:27 <Zhe> alanr: CURIEs

Alan Ruttenberg: CURIEs

18:08:40 <bparsia> zakim, unmute me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, unmute me

18:08:40 <Zakim> bparsia should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bparsia should no longer be muted

18:09:00 <Michael_Schneider>  q+ on question about relevance for RDF-Based Semantics

Michael Schneider: q+ on question about relevance for RDF-Based Semantics

18:09:01 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

18:09:09 <alanr> ack Michael_Schneider

Alan Ruttenberg: ack Michael_Schneider

18:09:10 <Michael_Schneider>  zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

18:09:11 <Zakim> Michael_Schneider, you wanted to comment on question about relevance for RDF-Based Semantics

Zakim IRC Bot: Michael_Schneider, you wanted to comment on question about relevance for RDF-Based Semantics

18:09:13 <Zakim> Michael_Schneider was not muted, Michael_Schneider

Zakim IRC Bot: Michael_Schneider was not muted, Michael_Schneider

18:09:30 <ivan> none

Ivan Herman: none

18:09:30 <bparsia> q+

Bijan Parsia: q+

18:09:38 <Zhe> Michael_Schneider: point from me is that what is the relevance to us. CURIE is used only for representation purpose. I wonder what is the implication

Michael Schneider: point from me is that what is the relevance to us. CURIE is used only for representation purpose. I wonder what is the implication

18:09:48 <pfps> RDF-semantics should not be affected

Peter Patel-Schneider: RDF-semantics should not be affected

18:10:02 <alanr> ack bparsia

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bparsia

18:10:04 <ivan> Michael_Schneider: do not worry! Nothing

Michael Schneider: do not worry! Nothing [ Scribe Assist by Ivan Herman ]

18:10:23 <alanr> ack sandro

Alan Ruttenberg: ack sandro

18:10:24 <Zhe> bparsia: we just change the references of CURIE.

Bijan Parsia: we just change the references of CURIE.

18:10:27 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

18:10:48 <Zhe> sandro: this change does not affect RDF/XML

Sandro Hawke: this change does not affect RDF/XML

18:10:49 <ivan> exactly

Ivan Herman: exactly

18:10:52 <alanr> +1

Alan Ruttenberg: +1

18:10:53 <Michael_Schneider>  zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

18:10:53 <Zakim> Michael_Schneider should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Michael_Schneider should now be muted

18:11:00 <bmotik> +q

Boris Motik: +q

18:11:10 <alanr> ack bmotik

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bmotik

18:11:48 <ivan> +1 to Boris

Ivan Herman: +1 to Boris

18:11:54 <alanr> are we allowing abbreviations without namespace

Alan Ruttenberg: are we allowing abbreviations without namespace

18:11:55 <bparsia> +1

Bijan Parsia: +1

18:11:57 <Michael_Schneider> Michael_Schneider: RDF-Based Semantics refers to CURIE spec, but only uses CURIEs for presentational reasons, to have the particular IRIs in the document being presented in an abbreviated form

Michael Schneider: RDF-Based Semantics refers to CURIE spec, but only uses CURIEs for presentational reasons, to have the particular IRIs in the document being presented in an abbreviated form [ Scribe Assist by Michael Schneider ]

18:11:58 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

18:12:34 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

18:12:37 <Zakim> + +1.301.351.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.301.351.aabb

18:12:37 <Zhe> alanr: are we allowing no colon

Alan Ruttenberg: are we allowing no colon

18:12:40 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

18:12:54 <alanr> ack sandro

Alan Ruttenberg: ack sandro

18:12:56 <Zhe> bparsia: we can choose to enforce it. will check with SPARQL

Bijan Parsia: we can choose to enforce it. will check with SPARQL

18:13:10 <ivan> ack ivan

Ivan Herman: ack ivan

18:13:12 <alanr> ack ivan

Alan Ruttenberg: ack ivan

18:13:14 <Zhe> sandro: having a no colon name is bad because it is hard to evolve

Sandro Hawke: having a no colon name is bad because it is hard to evolve

18:13:19 <ekw> zakim, ++1.301.351.aabb is me

Evan Wallace: zakim, ++1.301.351.aabb is me

18:13:19 <Zakim> sorry, ekw, I do not recognize a party named '++1.301.351.aabb'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, ekw, I do not recognize a party named '++1.301.351.aabb'

18:13:21 <Zhe> ivan: we should not have that

Ivan Herman: we should not have that

18:13:38 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

18:13:40 <Zhe> alanr: do we want to wait for SPARQL comment?

Alan Ruttenberg: do we want to wait for SPARQL comment?

18:13:41 <bmotik> q-

Boris Motik: q-

18:13:49 <Zhe> bmotik: SPARQL mandates it

Boris Motik: SPARQL mandates it

18:14:10 <pfps> let's go for PREFIX, just like SPARQL

Peter Patel-Schneider: let's go for PREFIX, just like SPARQL

18:14:17 <alanr> +1

Alan Ruttenberg: +1

18:14:17 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

18:14:19 <ivan> ship it:-)

Ivan Herman: ship it:-)

18:14:24 <alanr> ack bmotik

Alan Ruttenberg: ack bmotik

18:14:31 <ekw> zakim, 1.301.351.aabb is me

Evan Wallace: zakim, 1.301.351.aabb is me

18:14:31 <Zakim> sorry, ekw, I do not recognize a party named '1.301.351.aabb'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, ekw, I do not recognize a party named '1.301.351.aabb'

18:14:35 <ivan> eliminate

Ivan Herman: eliminate

18:14:35 <Zhe> bmotik: final question, do we still call it CURIEs,

Boris Motik: final question, do we still call it CURIEs,

18:14:38 <pfps> use prefixed name, just like SPARQL

Peter Patel-Schneider: use prefixed name, just like SPARQL

18:14:48 <ivan> +1 to pfps

Ivan Herman: +1 to pfps

18:14:49 <Zhe> alanr: I suggest not

Alan Ruttenberg: I suggest not

18:14:52 <Zhe> bmotik: agree

Boris Motik: agree

18:14:58 <Zakim> +calvanese

Zakim IRC Bot: +calvanese

18:15:00 <Zhe> bparsia: agree as well

Bijan Parsia: agree as well

18:15:01 <Michael_Schneider>  "abbreviated IRIs"

Michael Schneider: "abbreviated IRIs"

18:15:08 <pfps> SPARQL syntax says  	IRIref  	  ::=    	IRI_REF | PrefixedName

Peter Patel-Schneider: SPARQL syntax says IRIref ::= IRI_REF | PrefixedName

18:15:13 <Zhe> bparsia: don't know CURIE will continue

Bijan Parsia: don't know CURIE will continue

18:15:23 <alanr> PROPOSED: OWL will not rely on CURIEs spec but will define it's own IRI abbreviation mechanism compatible with the one used by SPARQL

PROPOSED: OWL will not rely on CURIEs spec but will define it's own IRI abbreviation mechanism compatible with the one used by SPARQL

18:15:38 <pfps> +1 ALU

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1 ALU

18:15:39 <alanr> +1

Alan Ruttenberg: +1

18:15:39 <bmotik> +1

Boris Motik: +1

18:15:40 <ivan> +1

Ivan Herman: +1

18:15:41 <bparsia> +1

Bijan Parsia: +1

18:15:43 <MarkusK_> +1

Markus Krötzsch: +1

18:15:43 <bernardo> +1

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: +1

18:15:44 <msmith> +1

Mike Smith: +1

18:15:46 <Rinke> +1

Rinke Hoekstra: +1

18:15:47 <uli> +1

Uli Sattler: +1

18:15:48 <Michael_Schneider>  0

Michael Schneider: 0

18:15:49 <zimmer> +1

Antoine Zimmermann: +1

18:15:52 <sandro> +0 (haven't studied it enough)

Sandro Hawke: +0 (haven't studied it enough)

18:15:55 <ekw> +0

Evan Wallace: +0

18:16:00 <alanr> RESOLVED: OWL will not rely on CURIEs spec but will define it's own IRI abbreviation mechanism compatible with the one used by SPARQL

RESOLVED: OWL will not rely on CURIEs spec but will define it's own IRI abbreviation mechanism compatible with the one used by SPARQL

18:16:06 <Zhe> Zhe +1

Zhe +1

18:16:32 <alanr> http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Naming

Alan Ruttenberg: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Naming

18:16:36 <sandro> scribe: sandro

(Scribe set to Sandro Hawke)

18:16:48 <sandro> alanr: Ian has written up how he understand we use Names

Alan Ruttenberg: Ian has written up how he understand we use Names

18:17:03 <calvanese> zakim, mute me

Diego Calvanese: zakim, mute me

18:17:03 <Zakim> calvanese should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: calvanese should now be muted

18:17:08 <sandro> alanr: Question 1 -- does this match your sense of the names

Alan Ruttenberg: Question 1 -- does this match your sense of the names

18:17:17 <sandro> alanr: Question 2 -- where and how should we document this.

Alan Ruttenberg: Question 2 -- where and how should we document this.

18:17:18 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

18:17:27 <Zhe> I am back. thanks sandro!

Zhe Wu: I am back. thanks sandro!

18:17:29 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

18:17:33 <alanr> ack ivan

Alan Ruttenberg: ack ivan

18:17:55 <alanr>  circular: OWL 2 ontology - any OWL 2 ontology

Alan Ruttenberg: circular: OWL 2 ontology - any OWL 2 ontology

18:18:03 <sandro> ivan: When the conf. document talks about "OWL 2 Full", it speaks of RDF graphs in general.

Ivan Herman: When the conf. document talks about "OWL 2 Full", it speaks of RDF graphs in general.

18:18:21 <sandro> "#  OWL 2 ontology - any OWL 2 ontology "

"# OWL 2 ontology - any OWL 2 ontology "

18:18:29 <bparsia> Works for me

Bijan Parsia: Works for me

18:18:37 <sandro> q?


18:18:38 <IanH> As in, without qualification!

Ian Horrocks: As in, without qualification!

18:18:47 <pfps> works fine for me "OWL 2 ontology" is any OWL 2 ontology

Peter Patel-Schneider: works fine for me "OWL 2 ontology" is any OWL 2 ontology

18:18:53 <bparsia> That's big enough!

Bijan Parsia: That's big enough!

18:18:57 <uli> me too

Uli Sattler: me too

18:19:03 <sandro> q+


18:19:14 <alanr> q+ jar

Alan Ruttenberg: q+ jar

18:19:18 <alanr> ack sandro

Alan Ruttenberg: ack sandro

18:19:27 <Zhe> sandro: don't have a concrete proposal,

Sandro Hawke: don't have a concrete proposal, [ Scribe Assist by Zhe Wu ]

18:19:28 <ivan>  noooo:-(

Ivan Herman: noooo:-(

18:19:45 <uli> why?

Uli Sattler: why?

18:19:55 <IanH> q+

Ian Horrocks: q+

18:20:06 <alanr> ack jar

Alan Ruttenberg: ack jar

18:20:19 <msmith> +1 to sandro.  the two of us can agree to not use the informal terminology :)

Mike Smith: +1 to sandro. the two of us can agree to not use the informal terminology :)

18:20:48 <alanr> ack IanH

Alan Ruttenberg: ack IanH

18:21:21 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

18:21:56 <Zhe> IanH: could you please put what you said in IRC?

Ian Horrocks: could you please put what you said in IRC? [ Scribe Assist by Zhe Wu ]

18:22:12 <alanr> +1

Alan Ruttenberg: +1

18:22:16 <sandro> q+ to propose we explain the informal extended terminology, labeling it as "legacy"

q+ to propose we explain the informal extended terminology, labeling it as "legacy"

18:22:35 <alanr> ack alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: ack alanr

18:22:39 <sandro> ian: And we agree in the spec to minimize the use of the the informal tech.

Ian Horrocks: And we agree in the spec to minimize the use of the the informal tech.

18:22:51 <IanH> q+

Ian Horrocks: q+

18:22:58 <alanr> ack sandro

Alan Ruttenberg: ack sandro

18:22:58 <Zakim> sandro, you wanted to propose we explain the informal extended terminology, labeling it as "legacy"

Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, you wanted to propose we explain the informal extended terminology, labeling it as "legacy"

18:22:59 <sandro> alanr: OWL 2 ontology == OWL 2 structure or RDF graph

Alan Ruttenberg: OWL 2 ontology == OWL 2 structure or RDF graph

18:23:17 <Zhe> sandro: what about "legacy", deprecation is too strong

Sandro Hawke: what about "legacy", deprecation is too strong [ Scribe Assist by Zhe Wu ]

18:23:34 <pfps> +1

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1

18:23:38 <Zhe> alanr: we agree that we will minimize in the spec

Alan Ruttenberg: we agree that we will minimize in the spec [ Scribe Assist by Zhe Wu ]

18:24:29 <alanr> q+ to advocate that we explain these terms in the document overview

Alan Ruttenberg: q+ to advocate that we explain these terms in the document overview

18:24:32 <alanr> ack IanH

Alan Ruttenberg: ack IanH

18:24:48 <Zhe> IanH: we are consistent when using the term

Ian Horrocks: we are consistent when using the term [ Scribe Assist by Zhe Wu ]

18:25:03 <alanr> q?

Alan Ruttenberg: q?

18:25:13 <Zhe> sandro: I understand we should not say it. maybe we should imply

Sandro Hawke: I understand we should not say it. maybe we should imply [ Scribe Assist by Zhe Wu ]

18:25:15 <pfps> tender sensibilities will be bruised by Sandro's proposal

Peter Patel-Schneider: tender sensibilities will be bruised by Sandro's proposal

18:25:23 <sandro> :-)


18:25:26 <Zhe> IanH: won't be hostile to some wordsmithing

Ian Horrocks: won't be hostile to some wordsmithing [ Scribe Assist by Zhe Wu ]

18:25:30 <alanr> ack alanr

Alan Ruttenberg: ack alanr

18:25:30 <Zakim> alanr, you wanted to advocate that we explain these terms in the document overview

Zakim IRC Bot: alanr, you wanted to advocate that we explain these terms in the document overview

18:25:37 <sandro> never tickle sleeping dragons?

never tickle sleeping dragons?

18:25:59 <ivan> q+

Ivan Herman: q+

18:26:10 <alanr> ack ivaan

Alan Ruttenberg: ack ivaan

18:26:16 <Zhe> alanr: I like to see this in the document overview

Alan Ruttenberg: I like to see this in the document overview [ Scribe Assist by Zhe Wu ]

18:26:23 <IanH> +1 to Ivan

Ian Horrocks: +1 to Ivan

18:26:40 <sandro> "We have avoided use of the term "OWL 2 Full", which is sometimes used to mean, ..., favoring separate terms for RDF Graph and RDF-Based Semantics"

"We have avoided use of the term "OWL 2 Full", which is sometimes used to mean, ..., favoring separate terms for RDF Graph and RDF-Based Semantics"

18:26:44 <Zhe> ivan: the current introduction is clear and the conformance is very clear

Ivan Herman: the current introduction is clear and the conformance is very clear [ Scribe Assist by Zhe Wu ]

18:27:18 <pfps> Sandro is again underestimating the tenderness of sensibilities

Peter Patel-Schneider: Sandro is again underestimating the tenderness of sensibilities

18:27:33 <IanH> It's possible, but still suggest to take this off line

Ian Horrocks: It's possible, but still suggest to take this off line

18:27:50 <Zhe> alanr: haven't heard any objection, make sure our usage in the document set follows this

Alan Ruttenberg: haven't heard any objection, make sure our usage in the document set follows this [ Scribe Assist by Zhe Wu ]

18:28:10 <IanH> Peter (very kindly) check schema conformance already

Ian Horrocks: Peter (very kindly) check schema conformance already

18:28:20 <IanH> s/check/checked/

Ian Horrocks: s/check/checked/

18:28:35 <Zakim> -Ivan

Zakim IRC Bot: -Ivan

18:28:53 <Michael_Schneider>  bye

Michael Schneider: bye

18:28:56 <Rinke> bye

Rinke Hoekstra: bye

18:28:57 <Zakim> -bernardo

Zakim IRC Bot: -bernardo

18:28:58 <Zakim> -msmith

Zakim IRC Bot: -msmith

18:28:59 <uli> bye

Uli Sattler: bye

18:28:59 <Zakim> -alanr

Zakim IRC Bot: -alanr

18:29:01 <Zakim> -bparsia

Zakim IRC Bot: -bparsia

18:29:02 <MarkusK_> bye

Markus Krötzsch: bye

18:29:03 <Zakim> - +1.301.351.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.301.351.aabb

18:29:03 <Zhe> bye

Zhe Wu: bye

18:29:04 <Zakim> -Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -Sandro

18:29:04 <Zakim> -Rinke

Zakim IRC Bot: -Rinke

18:29:10 <Zakim> -bmotik

Zakim IRC Bot: -bmotik

18:29:13 <Zakim> -Michael_Schneider

Zakim IRC Bot: -Michael_Schneider

18:29:14 <zimmer> bye

Antoine Zimmermann: bye

18:29:15 <Zakim> -uli

Zakim IRC Bot: -uli

18:29:16 <calvanese> bye

Diego Calvanese: bye

18:29:18 <Zakim> -MarkusK_

Zakim IRC Bot: -MarkusK_

18:29:19 <Zakim> -IanH

Zakim IRC Bot: -IanH

18:29:22 <Zakim> -Peter_Patel-Schneider

Zakim IRC Bot: -Peter_Patel-Schneider

18:29:26 <Zakim> -Zhe

Zakim IRC Bot: -Zhe

18:29:31 <Zakim> -calvanese

Zakim IRC Bot: -calvanese

18:29:53 <Zakim> -zimmer

Zakim IRC Bot: -zimmer

18:29:55 <Zakim> SW_OWL()1:00PM has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_OWL()1:00PM has ended

18:29:56 <Zakim> Attendees were Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik, IanH, +0161868aaaa, Zhe, Sandro, Ivan, uli, bparsia, Rinke, msmith, bernardo, zimmer, Michael_Schneider, MarkusK_, jonathan, +1.301.351.aabb,

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were Peter_Patel-Schneider, bmotik, IanH, +0161868aaaa, Zhe, Sandro, Ivan, uli, bparsia, Rinke, msmith, bernardo, zimmer, Michael_Schneider, MarkusK_, jonathan, +1.301.351.aabb,

18:29:59 <Zakim> ... calvanese

Zakim IRC Bot: ... calvanese

Formatted by CommonScribe

This revision (#2) generated 2009-03-31 15:48:08 UTC by 'zwu2', comments: 'I have done some cleanups. Please review. Thanks.'