OWL WG Weekly Telco

12 Dec 2007


Bijan, Rinke, Peter, Doug, Markus, Boris, Uli, AlanR, Ian, Ivan, Achille, Zhe, Ratnesh, Carsten, Jeremy, Vipul, JeffP
Ian, AlanR


Ian: agenda amendments
... no agenda amendments

ACCEPTED: Last telecon's minutes

Ian: people should not use IRC for chit-chat<alanr> sandro are you there?

ACTION-23 not resolved

Ian: ACTION-31 status, not done yet

Bijan: Would like to close ACTION-31
... lost the track of what is the purpose of this action

Ian: we'll abandon the remaining actions from UFDTF
... ...because neither Evan dor Deborah are here

Bijan, I didn't do that yet (I yet have to describe imports)

Ian: Does anyone need a recap of F2F?
... Nobody answered, so we'll not do it

Ian and Boris: ACTION-35 done at F2F, action closed

Ian: What else do we need to do to publish the working draft?
... we decided that the attibutions on the documents will be extended to include the editors that will do the document clean-up

Ivan: We have to wait for Sandro to come back to resolve the issue of short names in the URI of the documents

Ian: Our preference will be owl11

Ivan: We have to ask the W3C web master

Ian: Will add an action to this effect

Ivan: Questionable whether the documents will be published before Christmas

Correction by Alan: It was decided at the F2F that the attributions will be left as-is, and the authors will be responsible for producing the final documents

Ian: Does anything else need to be done?
... Nothing else needs to be done<bmotik> pfps: Sandro should push the button so that we see what needs to be done at the technical level<bmotik> Ian: good idea

pfps: We should try with the syntax document
... Other documents will be easy

Ian: bmotik and Bernardo should do one each for the semantics and RDF mapping

Iam: Sandro will produce the actual html document, and the editors (i.e., authors) will need to do some manual tweaking to the html to make if W3C OK

AlanR: The editors will make changes to the Wiki source, and Sandro will tweak the script

Ian: This might put a lot of work on Sandro

Alanr: Let's leave this open

Ian: Let's leave this item to Sandro and editors (= authors)
... we cannot fix a date, because there aer many variables open

Ivan: We can try to set ourselves a deadline

Ian: we can set our selves the goal of having the documents publishable by next week, modulo short name
... Will add action with deadlien next week to have documents in a publishable order
... I suspect there was no progress with he user-facing documents from F2F, so we can skip the topic

Alanr: I've been looking into rdf:type mapping in OWL 1.0
... removing one mapping rules will allow rdf:type to be used as declarations
... This was issue 89

Ian: ISSUE-89 not yet on the agenda; we are discussing UFD now; we'll come back to this item shortly

Alanr and Ivan: What is the operational definition of a fragment that Jim wants to define?

Ian: We might look up the definition of operational semantics in Wikipedia, but we need a clearer proposal for a fragment
... It is up to Jim to make a clear proposal that we can all understand
... It shouldn't be up to us to reconstruct his proposal

Bernardo: The proposal by Jim on RDFS 3.0 is a proper fragment of Horn-SHIQ
... I determined that it was Horn-SHIQ by a bit of guessing

Zhe: What kind of grammar are you looking for exactly?

Bijan: I would look at grammars that are presented in the existing fragments

Zhe: Can we make OWL 1.1 provide semantic conditions just like pD*
... The system should be scalable, it should process any SPARQL query

Ian: Will you take an action to come up with a more specific proposal of the syntax and semantics?

Zhe: Yez


Jeremy: I would want to argue that pD* is a well-defined semantic fragment
... We should not limit subsets to syntactic subsets only; we should allow for semantic subsets as well

Ian: No, we're not


Zhe: I'm waiting for Carsten to give me some paper

Bmotik: pD* is closely related to DLP - should look at that

Alanr: What do you mean by "support SPARQL query"?

Jeremy: Maybe we should wait for next year when Jim will be on call and then continue witht the discussion

Ian: Moving on to issues

Alanr: Can we all agree that pD* is a well-defined fragment?

pfps: I don't argue that pD* is ill-defined; who is doing that?

Ian: We'll look at newly reported issues (we didin't have a mechanism for accepting issues)
... Each person raising an issue should explain what an issue is about

Uli: I do have an idea what ISSUE-85 could mean
... Alan Rector thinks that this could be handled using annotation properties

ian: does this mean we should close the issue?

Uli: What Alan Rector wants is to have a special annotation property that gives hints to the reasoner how to handle certain classes
... This property does not change the model theory; it is used only for addictional syntactical checks

Ian: what is the propoal for the issue? Should be accept it and discuss it?


Ian: Issue accepted, Uli gets an action to explain the issue more clearly
... ISSUE-86 - that is this about?

Alanr: Need to accept it

Ian: ISSUE-87: We agreed at F2F to have rationals, so we'll accept it<alanr> Accept on rational.

Uli: We'll work out a proposal for it
... doens't mind to accept ISSUE-87 as an action item

Ian: ISSUE-88

Alanr: We should reject the issue

Ian: ISSUE-89

Alanr: We should accept the issue and resolve it when we discuss declarations

Ian: ISSUE-35 is an examlpe of such an issue
... There was some confusion about the resolution of ISSUE-13, not accept the resolution at this poitn

s/poitn/point<bmotik> Ian: ISSUE-13 will be left on the agenda for next week

Ian: ISSUE-83

Alanr: ISSUE-83 is not decidable (and will never be), so it will bever be in OWL 1.1 DL
... We can have this in OWL 1.1 Full. If the editor of OWL 1.1 wants to do this, it is at his discretion

Ivan: Alanr, are you proposing to put a feature into OWL Full without giving it semantics?

Ian: There is lots of stuff that you can have in OWL 1.1 Full

Ivan: There should be some requirement that the features included into OWL 1.1 Full should have some use case requirement, and also some implementation evidence

Ian: We don't suggest to put this into OWL 1.1 Full; we are just not prohibiting it

Jeremy: Let me summarize: Vipul means that this would be useful; OWL DL will not implement it; OWL Full will give it desired meaning, but nobody is likely to implement it

Ian: We can't resolve ISSUE-83; alanr should provide some wording in the spec

Alanr: We should come with a policy for dealing similar issues in future

Ian: Issue discussions

Jeremy: we have two concepts and we don't know when to use which

Alanr: Why do we have DataRanges in OWL 1.0?

Jeremy: DataRanges don't have a lexical value mapping

pfps: We might use rdfs:Datatype throughout

bmotik: we should stick to DataRanges because they fit well with the object model

Jeremy: We can have anonymous datatypes in RDF; they are awkward but legal

Ian: report from RIF meeting from Bijan

Ian, no we don't have the report

Ivan: Did we agree on next meeting?

Ian: Let's go to any other business

Ivan: When should we have the next telco?

Ian: Next week we should have a meeting
... We should have a meeting next week (this is too early for Christmas)

Jeremy: Some POWDER issues are relatded to OWL<bijan> POWDER: http://www.w3.org/2007/powder/


Ian: POWDER is not on the dependecy list, but we might want to use some features in OWL 1.1

<JeffP> ack \

Jeremy: POWDER people want annotation on axioms; we might look for inspiration over there

Ivan: POWDER is not on the dependency list because the charter of POWDER says that everything as the level of RDF
... The OWL consturct came up later

Ian: Jeremy will act as a liaison

Jeremy: Will erport next wee to OWL-WG on progress

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.128 (CVS log)
$Date: 2007/12/13 09:09:36 $