XML Processing Model telcon

Meeting 89, 25 Oct 2007


See also: IRC log


Henry, Paul, Allesandro, Rui, Andrew, Alex, Richard, Murray
Mohamed, Michael, Norm
Chair pro tem
Henry S. Thompson
Henry S. Thompson




Accepted as distributed

Minutes of 18 October


Accepted as distributed

Next meeting 1 Nov.

End of summer time in Europe

Agenda wrong [now corrected]

Call next week remains at 1100EDT and related times in the US, but for that week only is 1500GMT for the UK and 1600CET for the rest of Europe.

Regrets from Norm Walsh, Paul Grosso, Rui Lopes for 1 Nov

Review of action items

A-86-04: Done

A-87-01: Done

Rest are continued

Comment 29: Determining whether a pipeline has a (defaulted) output



HST: [Introduces the proposal in the above email]

AV: Doesn't this introduce an unpredictability?
... It's not clear which case you're in
... You might leave a declaration out when you needed one

RT: If that happens, an error will always result, because there will be an unconnected primary output

AV: I'm thinking about someone reading a pipeline and trying to tell whether there's an output
... they have a hard job

AM: If someone uses the default form, readers will have to understand the default form

HST: AV, what do you recommend?

AV: I don't mind always having declarations on pipelines

MM: Richard, could you summarize?

RT: It's annoying to have to write declarations for simple one step after another pipelines
... You should be able to just wrap a sequence of steps in p:pipeline and have a runnable pipe
... The analogy is to UN*X pipes

MM: With stdin and stdout

RT: Right

MM: And the problem?

RT: Well, the way we implement this is by asking if the last step has a primary output, in which case it gets hooked up as the output of the pipeline
... but if the last step is itself a pipeline, or a choose, things get messy
... HST's solution says in the pipeline case, it has to have declaration, so you don't have to start the process all over again

HST: Propose straw poll: 1) Adopt HST's proposal; 2) Revert output declaration defaulting on all compound steps; 3) Revert output declaration defaulting on p:pipeline

Prefer 1) HST, 1/2RT, AM, RL; 2) ; 3) 1/2RT, AF, AV

MM, PG preferring to try harder

Can't live with: 1) ; 2) HST, AM, AV, RL, AF, MM; 3) ;

3 1/2 for (1), 2 1/2 for (3), so I'm not going to call the question

Please add discussion by email

Comment 6: Bindings for pipeline inputs



HST: [HST summarizes]

HST: I'm confused -- how can you put p:pipe in something static such as a step type definition

RT: The discussion started wrt p:pipeline, are we extending it to p:define-step?

HST: The prose in the spec at the moment doesn't distinguish this case

RT: I don't think p:pipe makes any sense in the case of p:declare-step
... Also, there's an interaction with default output declarations, as regards whether the output port is bound or not
... if we allow p:pipe in default bindings, the above may depend on whether or not the relevant step has input, which is surely too complex to manage

AM: Can't we just get rid of this?

HST: Absolutely right
... we have no use case, let's get rid of it

RT: I believe the status quo does not allow a 'default' binding for p:input in p:declare-step

HST: Agreed

RT: Not clear whether Norm's proposal is only for p:pipeline, or for any declaration. . .

HST: [works through thought experiment, worried about deadly embrace]

RT: Don't see any problem

MM: What's the problem doing this just on p:pipeline

HST: I guess I see no contradiction, I thought there was. . .

PROPOSAL: Adopt the solution outlined in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-processing-model-wg/2007Oct/0075.html, for p:pipeline only

AV: Does that leave the question open for p:declare-step?

HST: No, it doesn't, it rules it out
... Convinced to withdraw the above -- declare-step will have to be reconsidered

RT: Is this top-level only? Or pipelines in libraries?

PROPOSAL: Adopt the solution outlined in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-processing-model-wg/2007Oct/0075.html, for top-level p:pipeline only, leaving p:pipeline in libraries and p:declare-step open

RESOLUTION: Adopt the solution outlined in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-processing-model-wg/2007Oct/0075.html, for top-level p:pipeline only, leaving p:pipeline in libraries and p:declare-step open

PG: HST got it wrong -- the meeting remains in EDT, and is only changing wrt Europe, which is changing from CEST to CET
... and Britain, which is changing from BST to GMT

Summary of Action Items

No new actions.

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.128 (CVS log)
$Date: 2007/10/26 06:22:48 $