HTML WG Weekly

11 Oct 2007


See also: IRC log


Gregory_Rosmaita, DanC, Doug_Schepers, Chris, DanC.a, mjs



Date: 11 Oct 2007

<scribe> scribe: DanC

<DanC_> minutes 13 Sep

anne, do you know what Chaals is up to today?

<anne> Not really. Apart from that there's a fifty-fifty chance he's on a plane :)

<Chris> mjs, are you really there?

<mjs> Chris: not on the phone I'm not

<oedipus> or waiting for a plane

<mjs> on IRC I am only here enough to answer questions briefly if needed

<DanC_> that works for me, mjs

next meeting, regular meeting times

DanC: how about Thu, 25 Oct 1500Z?
... or 1400Z, but hard-stop at 1hr

ok, next meeting 18 Oct 1400Z 12p Chicago

ChrisW: I'm OK to chair 25 Oct at 4p PT...
... but as we're not picking up many Asia/OZ participants, maybe I'll look into switching my slot.

toward release of Design Principles

<DanC_> mjs, what news on universal design/accessibility? do you have pending edits, or have you done what you have in mind to do?

<mjs> DanC, I have a pending edit in mind, probably will be free to do it come Monday

<mjs> my only remaining distraction/excuse is doing performance reviews for my staff at Apple which will be complete Monday

<scribe> ACTION: Maciej to finish editing pass based on pending comments, e.g. from survey of 2007-08-16 to 2007-08-23 [CONTINUES] [recorded in http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/html-wg/20071012]

DanC: we seem to go in fits and starts, but I guess that's life

ChrisW: I'm making progress on getting more IE team members involved.

<OedipusWrecked> mjs: will there be another draft of the HDP before TPAC?

<mjs> OedipusWrecked, I hope so

<OedipusWrecked> mjs: good!

<DanC_> (I hope to get HDP to /TR/ by the TPAC)

face-to-face meeting 8-10 November

ChrisW: wow... they weren't kidding when they said hotel prices would go up.


<Chris> has everyone who plans on coming to the WG meeting registered?

<OedipusWrecked> GJR: registered


DanC: we seem to have a large room reserved; maybe split, yeah.

<Hixie> btw, i'm still of the opinion that we should tell our "observers" that as a completely open working group we don't accept observers, but that they are welcome to participate, even if they don't actually talk :-)

<OedipusWrecked> trying to organize task force f2f outside of the "normal" meeting hours, as all WG f2fs are meeting at the same time

<Hixie> (or that there is no distinction between "observer" and "participant" or some other such phrasing that encourages them to give us feedback)

<Hixie> (and for "them" to become "us")

"200# # indicates Classroom seating only" -- http://www.w3.org/2007/11/TPAC/overview.html

<mjs> I haven't registered but probably I and possibly one or two other people from Apple will be there

<OedipusWrecked> mjs: registration open until the 19th

DanC: shall I notify observers? or shall we wait a week? let's wait a week; registration doesn't close 'till 19th

ChrisW: go ahead if you wanna do it sooner

<Chris> mjs - travel (particularly hotels) are getting tight, if you haven't already set it up.

<Chris> (I registered for hotel today, and it was between a $79/night room and a $550/night room)

<Chris> (and it was 2mi away)

<mjs> Chris, will deal w/ it soon

ChrisW: Dan, you and I should refine the agenda a bit.
... I'm flying in Monday PM

Issue tracking

ChrisW: I'm making progress on related stuff...

DanC: we can survive 'till the TPAC with our present issue tracking chaos, I guess

<scribe> ACTION: ChrisW to start setting up a team to triage issues [WITHDRAWN] [recorded in http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/html-wg/20071012]

Detailed Spec Reviews, toward 1st public WD of design

ChrisW: yes, I'm working with the IE team on our review...
... I'll have some stuff sent out prior to the ftf meeting.


discussion of multimedia elements, IP/charter issues...

table headers

<OedipusWrecked> ben millard has a proposed data table presentation

<OedipusWrecked> yes

<OedipusWrecked> i pinged him (since he mentioned me by name)

<DanC_> (if you have a pointer, bonus points)

<OedipusWrecked> B.M.'s Data Table: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2007Oct/0074.html

DanC: this seems lower priority than ARIA. I haven't talked with Al G. lately about table headers.

<Chris> Marc Silbey is our PF rep (or alternate, I can't remember)

<OedipusWrecked> ARIA is on front burner due to march to LC

ChrisW: the timing of ARIA is interesting.

<OedipusWrecked> PFWG is still working on and monitoring native HTML5 discussions

<Chris> yes

Name for XHTML serialization

<scribe> ACTION: ChrisW discuss XHTML name coordination with XHTML 2 WG in the Hypertext CG [CONTINUES] [recorded in http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/html-wg/20071012]

ChrisW: next HTCG telcon is when?

DanC: tomorrow. early.

<Chris> 1

<OedipusWrecked> GJR: big impediment to advancing ARIA -- mime-type and namespacing issues; struggle between other, larger, groups

ChrisW: the mime type is related...

DanC: but narrowly, it's just the name.

Forms Taskforce update

<OedipusWrecked> Task Force Report (3 parts): 1. first steps: organizational suggestion/proposal (27 September 2007)

<OedipusWrecked> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms-tf/2007Sep/0004.html

<OedipusWrecked> plan: 1) gain "official" access to a wiki in W3C space (suggested Forms wiki); 2) convene prior to the technical plenary in at least one teleconference; 3) discuss opportunities to meet and work during technical plenary week; 4) begin actually using the list that was expressly created for our use to coordinate all of the above.

<OedipusWrecked> 2. Anne van Kesteren: a charter proposal:

<OedipusWrecked> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms-tf/2007Oct/0000.html

<OedipusWrecked> 3. Chris Lilley's Request to Gain the TF web access:

<OedipusWrecked> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms-tf/2007Oct/0012.html

<OedipusWrecked> positive reactions to charter, want to meet by phone if possible before TPAC

<OedipusWrecked> CL msg 3 october

<DanC_> hmm. that's more than a day or two.

<OedipusWrecked> for a week it looked like we were going to get out of neutral

<mjs> I'm around

<mjs> since we all seem to mostly like our draft charter, I'd love to get it approved soon

<OedipusWrecked> me, too -- danC will raise at HTCG

<mjs> and then discuss how to begin work based on the charter

<OedipusWrecked> amen, brother

<OedipusWrecked> mjs: do you think discussion on how to begin work should happen in a telecon?

<mjs> OedipusWrecked: yes

<mjs> I think we should have a telecon soon to formally adopt the charter and then discuss how to proceed

<Chris> yes, I agree.

<OedipusWrecked> mjs: we need to get our staff contact straightened out -- ChrisL asked sysreq for action on 3 october, but still no news

<OedipusWrecked> DanC, to whom should the forms task force address issues like getting bridge time?

<Chris> Agenda items concluded, so we're closing the call

<Chris> I think ChrisL is still the appropriate person, Oedipus, but Dan can kick sysreq too.

<DanC_> OedipusWrecked, see http://www.w3.org/Guide/1998/08/TeleconferenceHowTo in the collaborator's guide. http://www.w3.org/Guide/

<OedipusWrecked> danC: ok -- thanks

<DanC_> actually, for teleconferences, the message goes to adminreq

<Chris> ah

<OedipusWrecked> ok -- this is good to know

<DanC_> it sounds like a 15 minute walk thru of the collaborator's guide might help the TF.

<DanC_> that is: a walk thru with one or two TF members

<OedipusWrecked> DanC, it would help alot - either setting up a time for 2 of us or so to talk to you, or you giving us 15 minutes of your time at our first telecon

<DanC_> I'd rather not get involved in the TF telcon scheduling

<DanC_> I can call you now if you like. I have 10 minutes or so

<OedipusWrecked> ok, i have to find my phone, first

<Chris> heh

<Chris> Dan, do you want to call back in?

<DanC_> ok


Summary of Action Items

[PENDING] ACTION: ChrisW discuss XHTML name coordination with XHTML 2 WG in the Hypertext CG [recorded in http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/html-wg/20071012]
[PENDING] ACTION: Maciej to finish editing pass based on pending comments, e.g. from survey of 2007-08-16 to 2007-08-23 [recorded in http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/html-wg/20071012]
[DROPPED] ACTION: ChrisW to start setting up a team to triage issues [recorded in http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/html-wg/20071012]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.128 (CVS log)
$Date: 2007/10/12 17:10:42 $