IRC log of rdfa on 2007-10-04

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:44:16 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #rdfa
14:44:16 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:44:21 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #rdfa
14:44:30 [mhausenblas]
zakim, this will be SW_SWD(RDFa)
14:44:30 [Zakim]
ok, mhausenblas; I see SW_SWD(RDFa)11:00AM scheduled to start in 16 minutes
14:44:40 [mhausenblas]
Meeting: W3C RDF-in-XHTML TF - Telecon 2007-10-04, 15:00 UTC
14:44:55 [mhausenblas]
14:45:02 [mhausenblas]
-> previous 2007-09-27
14:45:09 [mhausenblas]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
14:45:09 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
14:45:22 [mhausenblas]
RRSAgent, make logs public
14:48:27 [mhausenblas]
Chair: Ben
14:48:31 [mhausenblas]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
14:48:31 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
14:51:34 [mhausenblas]
zakim, who's here?
14:51:34 [Zakim]
SW_SWD(RDFa)11:00AM has not yet started, mhausenblas
14:51:35 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, mhausenblas, myakura
14:53:04 [RalphS]
RalphS has joined #rdfa
14:53:27 [msporny]
msporny has joined #rdfa
14:55:11 [mhausenblas]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
14:55:11 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
14:55:21 [ShaneM]
ShaneM has joined #rdfa
14:58:13 [RalphS]
Regrets: Simone
14:59:12 [Zakim]
SW_SWD(RDFa)11:00AM has now started
14:59:32 [mhausenblas]
zakim, who's here?
14:59:42 [Zakim]
On the phone I see no one
14:59:44 [Zakim]
14:59:46 [Zakim]
14:59:47 [Zakim]
On IRC I see ShaneM, msporny, RalphS, Zakim, RRSAgent, mhausenblas, myakura
15:00:27 [Zakim]
15:00:35 [Steven]
Steven has joined #rdfa
15:00:40 [RalphS] works for me, Michael
15:00:47 [Steven]
zakim, dial steven-617
15:00:53 [RalphS]
zakim, ipcaller is Manu
15:01:03 [Zakim]
ok, Steven; the call is being made
15:01:05 [Zakim]
15:01:11 [Zakim]
+Manu; got it
15:01:30 [mhausenblas]
15:01:49 [Zakim]
15:02:09 [RalphS]
15:02:21 [RalphS]
15:03:03 [markbirbeck]
markbirbeck has joined #rdfa
15:03:13 [markbirbeck]
zakim, codes?
15:03:13 [Zakim]
I don't understand your question, markbirbeck.
15:03:25 [mhausenblas]
zakim, code?
15:03:25 [Zakim]
the conference code is 7332 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), mhausenblas
15:04:11 [Zakim]
15:04:21 [markbirbeck]
zakim, i am ?
15:04:21 [Zakim]
+markbirbeck; got it
15:04:25 [benadida]
benadida has joined #rdfa
15:04:54 [Zakim]
15:05:21 [mhausenblas]
zakim, who's here?
15:05:21 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Michael_Hausenblas, Ralph, Manu, Steven, ShaneM, markbirbeck, +1.617.395.aaaa
15:05:23 [Zakim]
On IRC I see benadida, markbirbeck, Steven, ShaneM, msporny, RalphS, Zakim, RRSAgent, mhausenblas, myakura
15:05:41 [benadida]
zakim, I am aaaa
15:05:41 [Zakim]
ok, benadida, I now associate you with +1.617.395.aaaa
15:09:03 [benadida]
zakim, pick a victim
15:09:03 [Zakim]
Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose markbirbeck
15:09:18 [mhausenblas]
ScribeNick: mhausenblas
15:09:25 [mhausenblas]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
15:09:25 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
15:09:31 [mhausenblas]
Topic: Action Items
15:09:38 [mhausenblas]
15:09:53 [mhausenblas]
[NEW] ACTION: Ben to add implementations page to [recorded in]
15:09:55 [mhausenblas]
-- done
15:10:23 [mhausenblas]
Ben: I started to move suff
15:10:31 [mhausenblas]
15:10:37 [mhausenblas]
[NEW] ACTION: Ben to remind the WG reviewers about review for FtF [recorded in]
15:10:39 [mhausenblas]
-- done
15:10:47 [mhausenblas]
[NEW] ACTION: Shane to send a link to new editor's draft to Ben [recorded in]
15:10:49 [mhausenblas]
-- done
15:10:58 [mhausenblas]
Ben: I fwd link to SWD
15:11:04 [mhausenblas]
[PENDING] ACTION: Ben to look into Science Commons use case [recorded in]
15:11:07 [mhausenblas]
-- continues
15:11:14 [mhausenblas]
[PENDING] ACTION: Ben, Mark, Elias, and other implementors to add xml:lang support [recorded in]
15:11:47 [mhausenblas]
-- done
15:12:12 [benadida]
ACTION: Ben to add status of various implementations' status on
15:12:24 [benadida]
s/' status//
15:12:34 [mhausenblas]
[PENDING] ACTION: Michael look for a more semantically correct predicate for tests 42-45 [recorded in]
15:12:39 [mhausenblas]
-- done
15:12:47 [mhausenblas]
-> report
15:13:49 [Steven]
I edited the cruft from last week's minutes
15:14:00 [mhausenblas]
Ben: Change the TC accordingly
15:14:06 [mhausenblas]
[PENDING] ACTION: Michael make sure to confirm a design for checking that the ASK SPARQL queries evaluate (yes/no) [recorded in]
15:14:36 [mhausenblas]
-- continues
15:14:45 [mhausenblas]
[PENDING] ACTION: Michael to create "Microformats done right -- unambiguous taxonomies via RDF" on the wiki [recorded in]
15:15:02 [mhausenblas]
-- continues
15:15:10 [mhausenblas]
Topic: New Test Cases Proposed by Ivan for @instanceof
15:15:23 [mhausenblas]
-> Ivan's TC proposal
15:17:04 [RalphS]
Michael: I have looked them over and they appear to be reasonable
15:18:04 [RalphS]
Ralph: I encouraged Ivan to propose these so we had test cases that document our decision w.r.t. subject of @instanceof
15:18:25 [RalphS]
Michael: I'm only being cautious about the process -- want the TF to discuss adding them before we review them
15:18:37 [RalphS]
... Fabien's proposed test cases are more complex
15:20:37 [RalphS]
Mark: I'd prefer to review the proposed tests after Michael has uploaded them to the test suite archive
15:21:10 [RalphS]
ACTION: Michael add Ivan's proposed tests to the test suite
15:21:41 [RalphS]
Michael: Fabien's proposed tests are not atomic; they're quite complex
15:21:57 [RalphS]
Shane: do we have a process for more complex cases?
15:22:14 [RalphS]
scribenick: ralphs
15:22:27 [mhausenblas]
15:22:29 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate RalphS
15:23:18 [RalphS]
Michael: the tests are nice but complex
15:23:28 [mhausenblas]
15:24:04 [mhausenblas]
15:24:14 [RalphS]
Ralph: Fabien's proposed 0046 with multiple space-separated properties seems the shorted possible test; what's the problem?
15:26:17 [RalphS]
ACTION: Michael add Fabien's tests to the test suite archive
15:26:27 [RalphS]
ACTION: Michael add Fabien's proposed tests to the test suite archive
15:26:29 [RalphS]
action -3
15:26:51 [mhausenblas]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
15:26:51 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
15:27:32 [mhausenblas]
Ben: Let us review the new TC (Fabien's and Ivan's) together next time
15:27:45 [RalphS]
Topic: Is Primer destined for Note or Rec?
15:28:14 [mhausenblas]
Ben: AFAIU Primer is a note and Syntax goes REC-Track
15:28:40 [mhausenblas]
Steven: Second that
15:29:42 [mhausenblas]
... why having a rec on non-normative stuff
15:30:38 [mhausenblas]
Ben: Tom asked for SWD regarding this issue
15:30:57 [mhausenblas]
Ralph: Most SW TR package have this
15:31:21 [mhausenblas]
... REC Track has a precise definition
15:31:46 [mhausenblas]
15:32:35 [mhausenblas]
... so Steven is right in saying that there may be more work with it
15:32:55 [mhausenblas]
Steven: May risk that the Primer may hold up the whole package
15:33:16 [mhausenblas]
Ben: Just want to make sure that it si no problem for SWD WG
15:33:30 [mhausenblas]
Ralph: eg GRDDL Primer is a note
15:33:55 [mhausenblas]
... so might be no reason to push the Primer through REC Track
15:34:31 [RalphS]
i/Ben: Let us/scribenick: mhausenblas
15:36:27 [mhausenblas]
Ben: So we have Primer, Syntax, UC, TC
15:36:51 [mhausenblas]
... Syntax goes REC Track
15:36:57 [RalphS]
i/Michael: I have looked/scribenick: ralphs
15:37:06 [mhausenblas]
... Primer and UC are notes
15:37:15 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate RalphS
15:37:34 [benadida]
PROPOSE to bring syntax as rec track, primer and use cases as notes, and test cases as supporting doc for syntax.
15:37:38 [mhausenblas]
15:39:20 [benadida]
15:39:33 [benadida]
RESOLVED to bring syntax as rec track, primer and use cases as notes, and test cases as supporting doc for syntax.
15:39:37 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate RalphS
15:40:35 [mhausenblas]
Topic: non-prefixed values of @rel
15:41:16 [mhausenblas]
Ben: Proposed the HTML URI
15:41:36 [mhausenblas]
Mark: We seem to have agreed on a pre-processing step
15:41:44 [mhausenblas]
... takes out null values
15:41:54 [mhausenblas]
. and puts them into some NS TBD
15:42:21 [mhausenblas]
... I'd like to see them put in a kind of general space
15:43:05 [mhausenblas]
Ben: The goal is that for people that use DC conventions
15:43:27 [mhausenblas]
... which are not RDFa compatible, to make them work
15:43:43 [mhausenblas]
... ignoring non-prefixed
15:43:56 [mhausenblas]
... so I do favour the pre-processing
15:44:39 [mhausenblas]
Mark: Agree
15:44:59 [mhausenblas]
Manu: What does it mean semantically
15:45:33 [mhausenblas]
Mark: When undefined, certain use cases might be problematic
15:45:34 [Steven]
15:45:36 [RalphS]
15:46:00 [Steven]
15:46:16 [mhausenblas]
Ben: When writing the RDFa extractor - what is the instruction for non-prefixed
15:46:44 [mhausenblas]
... we should focus the discussion
15:46:58 [mhausenblas]
... identify what is part of the RDFa spec
15:47:13 [mhausenblas]
Mark: Right - look into it
15:48:00 [mhausenblas]
Ben: It is ok to say that @rel only excepts prefixed values
15:48:19 [mhausenblas]
... @instanceof does not have this legacy problems
15:48:39 [mhausenblas]
Ralph: For the record. What is the proposal?
15:49:05 [mhausenblas]
Ben: To ignore unprefixed @rels
15:49:25 [mhausenblas]
... after pre-processing
15:49:27 [RalphS]
Mark: the preprocessor will expand the reserved words in the HTML namespace
15:50:14 [RalphS]
... a processor might also have a DC preprocessing step
15:51:01 [mhausenblas]
Ben: Proposal that RDFa defines a generic pre-processing step
15:51:56 [mhausenblas]
... the pre-processing turns known attributes into prefixed ones
15:52:05 [RalphS]
Steven: for @rel and @property both?
15:52:14 [mhausenblas]
... the actual processing ignores all unprefixed ones
15:52:22 [RalphS]
Ben: @property is one we've added
15:53:12 [RalphS]
Mark: it would be nice to be able to use <span xmlns="...foaf..." rel="knows" /> shorthand
15:53:28 [RalphS]
Ben: but that modifies the host language namespace
15:53:51 [mhausenblas]
... bein open for other pre-processing steps
15:53:58 [mhausenblas]
15:54:15 [Steven]
ack R
15:54:15 [mhausenblas]
ack RalphS
15:55:00 [mhausenblas]
RalphS: So @rel/@rev unprefixed after pre-processing are ignored?
15:55:28 [mhausenblas]
... we should be careful wrt the HTML host language
15:55:44 [mhausenblas]
... reserved words are expanded
15:56:00 [mhausenblas]
... so RDFa extractors can rely on that
15:56:51 [mhausenblas]
Ralph: To state something undefined is problematic
15:57:01 [mhausenblas]
... regarding common usage
15:57:33 [mhausenblas]
Ben: For example take profile in the head
15:57:48 [RalphS]
Ralph: saying "undefined" for a feature that users may come to depend on in some implementation will lead to interoperability problems.
15:58:01 [mhausenblas]
... so we should not overwrite it
15:58:51 [mhausenblas]
Mark: There are two end of the scale
15:59:33 [RalphS]
15:59:37 [mhausenblas]
... just to ensure to make things available
16:00:28 [mhausenblas]
Mark: Might be a solution to put these triple into a non-default graph
16:00:30 [Steven]
zakim, remind me in 0 that it's time
16:00:30 [Zakim]
ok, Steven
16:00:31 [Zakim]
Steven, you asked to be reminded at this time that it's time
16:01:08 [mhausenblas]
Ralph: Layering issues, here
16:01:26 [msporny]
16:01:28 [mhausenblas]
... whatever happens in the pre-processing step is up to the application
16:02:22 [mhausenblas]
Mark: range from ignored to undefined
16:02:44 [mhausenblas]
Ralph: ignored means that pre-processing should have been done else
16:03:12 [msporny]
16:03:18 [mhausenblas]
Ben: Towards a proposal ...
16:03:29 [mhausenblas]
... work with buckets
16:03:43 [mhausenblas]
... define which goes into what
16:04:34 [mhausenblas]
Manu: Fine when application-specific pre-processing is done that generates extra triples
16:05:19 [RalphS]
Manu: suggest handling unprefixed values in the same way as "extra triples" -- just say that if these generate triples, they are not in the default graph
16:05:20 [mhausenblas]
Mark: Shouldn't we be more specific
16:06:54 [mhausenblas]
... hard to tell if a document is valid, etc.
16:07:57 [mhausenblas]
Ben: IMHO it is not a RDFa extractor issue
16:08:30 [mhausenblas]
Mark: It is confusing not to state it explicitely
16:08:54 [RalphS]
Ben: if an application generates extra triples, whether they're from unprefixed @rel values or not, they get handled the same way. Don't need to restate this multiple times.
16:10:04 [mhausenblas]
Mark: Just as we defined it at CURIE's
16:11:12 [mhausenblas]
Ben: Enable developer to extract more triples
16:11:20 [mhausenblas]
in a defiend way
16:11:27 [mhausenblas]
16:11:44 [mhausenblas]
Ben: We seem to have a resolution
16:12:13 [mhausenblas]
... non-prefixed @rel/@rev do not generate triples
16:12:27 [RalphS]
("in the default graph")
16:12:39 [benadida]
PROPOSE: @rel and @rev values that are non-prefixed and not in the XHTML reserved words do not generate triples in the default graph
16:12:50 [RalphS]
16:12:52 [mhausenblas]
16:12:52 [msporny]
16:12:57 [Steven]
16:14:24 [mhausenblas]
Mark: For consistency: @property the same?
16:14:28 [Steven]
ok with me
16:14:33 [mhausenblas]
Ben: Separate issue
16:14:33 [Steven]
COnsistency is importnant
16:14:40 [Steven]
16:14:47 [Steven]
16:15:25 [mhausenblas]
Ralph: The issue with @rel/@rev is that there is already a usage
16:15:39 [Steven]
and @property is new
16:16:37 [RalphS]
Mark: property="foo" will, by CURIE rules, go into the 'vocab' (i.e. non-default) graph
16:16:55 [RalphS]
... must write property=":foo" to use the in-scope namespace
16:17:10 [RalphS]
... according to the current Syntax document
16:18:07 [markbirbeck]
16:19:07 [ShaneM]
16:20:14 [mhausenblas]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
16:20:14 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
16:20:32 [ShaneM]
16:20:55 [mhausenblas]
Ben: Need to continue this discussion, based on the goal
16:21:06 [Steven]
16:21:12 [Steven]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:21:12 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Steven
16:21:35 [mhausenblas]
Mark: Acknowledge legacy usage of @rel values
16:21:36 [Steven]
16:21:41 [Steven]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:21:41 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Steven
16:22:10 [RalphS]
[I'm interested in the new input from Manu that having different rules for @rel values vs. @property values will be overly confusing]
16:22:17 [benadida]
ACTION: Ben to bring non-prefixed @rel issue to email
16:22:36 [RalphS]
[I really want @property="foo" to use the in-scope namespace, but I'm interested in more discussion especially from Manu]
16:22:40 [mhausenblas]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
16:22:40 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
16:22:43 [Zakim]
16:22:58 [Zakim]
16:23:00 [Zakim]
16:23:01 [Zakim]
16:23:03 [Zakim]
16:23:04 [Zakim]
16:23:06 [Zakim]
SW_SWD(RDFa)11:00AM has ended
16:23:07 [Zakim]
Attendees were Michael_Hausenblas, Ralph, Steven, Manu, ShaneM, markbirbeck, benadida
16:23:19 [RalphS]
zakim, bye
16:23:19 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #rdfa
16:24:44 [RalphS]
rrsagent, draft minutes
16:24:44 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate RalphS
16:24:46 [mhausenblas]
mhausenblas has joined #rdfa
16:26:58 [RalphS]
rrsagent, bye
16:26:58 [RRSAgent]
I see 4 open action items saved in :
16:26:58 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ben to add status of various implementations' status on [1]
16:26:58 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:26:58 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Michael add Ivan's proposed tests to the test suite [2]
16:26:58 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:26:58 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Michael add Fabien's proposed tests to the test suite archive [4]
16:26:58 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:26:58 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ben to bring non-prefixed @rel issue to email [5]
16:26:58 [RRSAgent]
recorded in