Web Forms 2.0 - data types

This is part of a suite of test forms for Web Forms 2.0 for a set of shared examples with XForms Transitional. See the corresponding XForms Transitional example. This demo will only work on a Web Forms 2.0 compliant browser (e.g. Opera 9).

Typed fields

Here is the markup for the above form:

<form name="form1" onsubmit="false">
<legend>Typed fields</legend>
<label for="f1" title="must be a number">Number</label>
<input id="f1" name="x" type="number"/>
<label for="f2" title="must be a date">Date</label>
<input id="f2" name="y" type="date"/>


For this example, the same markup applies to XForms Transitional. The Opera implementation of Web Forms 2.0 doesn't allow you to type the date directly. This is likely to be a nuisance from an accessibility point of view. The rendering of the data picker is also a little off, at least on Opera 9 on Linux, with tiny buttons and crowded text.

Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>