GEO telecon

10 Jan 2007

See also: IRC log


Richard, David, John
Pasquale, Russ


<scribe> ACTION: John, look at Getting Started stuff to provide more material. [DONE] [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/10-i18ngeo-minutes.html#action01]

Info Share

Richard travelling next two weeks

Current progress on rechartering

Activity proposal: http://www.w3.org/2006/10/i18n-recharter/activity-proposal

I18N Core:


I18N Architecture:




Base user agents for Specifying Language in XHTML & HTML Content?


RI, any comments?

JO: 'Mozilla icon' in alt text should say Netscape

DC: what if the platform makes a difference between behaviour of same user agent?

RI: we generally operate on the assumption that the UAs behave the same on all platforms these days

DC: this used to be an issue a while back with versions of IE

RI: i think thsi si less of an issue these days

DC: Firefox 1.5 is still supported at the moment

RI: we support the latest versions only

DC: what about IE6 then ?

RI: at this moment, there's still a lot of IE6 users and it's almost like a different browser

Discussion about Firefox versions

DC: Firefox 1.5 is likely to be supported for a while yet, so we should probably reference that too


JO: are tests run automatically via scripts ?

RI: no, manual and visual inspection

Discussion about test granularity and approaches

JO: We should indicate the platform on which the tests were run
... I will make myself available for running tests on Mac

RI: we do so for most results pages, but we need to check that this is clear on all

Forms and charter sets

<scribe> ACTION: JO, put together a skeleton structure for an article about handling of encoding in forms and send to group a few days before next meeting [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/10-i18ngeo-minutes.html#action02]

Base user agents for Specifying Language in XHTML & HTML Content? ( part 2 )

RI: should we test Netscape ?

All: yes

RI: if there are other UAs that we feel should be added, eg. Konqueror, and we have a means to run the tests, please bring it to the group

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: JO, put together a skeleton structure for an article about handling of encoding in forms and send to group a few days before next meeting [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/10-i18ngeo-minutes.html#action02]
[DONE] ACTION: John, look at Getting Started stuff to provide more material. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/10-i18ngeo-minutes.html#action01]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
$Date: 2007/01/10 20:16:06 $