Information on Doug Schepers - Public View


Open Actions

There are 19 open actions listed in the system.

ID State Title Person Due Date
ACTION-254 OPEN Create a test repository Doug Schepers 2008-03-12
ACTION-256 OPEN Get feedback from major implementers regarding how to best make a test harness that will work for them Doug Schepers 2008-03-12
ACTION-257 OPEN Talk to RIM to see what their wheel event is like Doug Schepers 2008-03-12
ACTION-258 OPEN Review Mozilla bug for pixel scrolling and consider wrt mousewheel proposal Doug Schepers 2008-03-19
ACTION-259 OPEN Give deadline for next week regarding mouse wheel Doug Schepers 2008-03-19
ACTION-260 OPEN Review DOMMouseScroll wrt mousewheel proposal Doug Schepers 2008-03-19
ACTION-261 OPEN Test to see if there is an order to keydown and keypress Doug Schepers 2008-03-19
ACTION-263 OPEN Draw up state chart diagram for key flow Doug Schepers 2008-03-26
ACTION-264 OPEN Research line and pixel mode for mousewheel Doug Schepers 2008-03-26
ACTION-265 OPEN Add new mousewheel to the DOM 3 Ev spec Doug Schepers 2008-03-26
ACTION-270 OPEN Document Key Identifiers on wiki Doug Schepers 2008-04-09
ACTION-272 OPEN Place keyboard use cases into the wiki Doug Schepers 2008-04-16
ACTION-273 OPEN Add keyboard use cases into the spec Doug Schepers 2008-04-16
ACTION-274 OPEN Start keyIdentifiers chart on the wiki for various charCode and keyCode values and browsers Doug Schepers 2008-04-16
ACTION-277 OPEN Send reminder to group to review legacy key events for next week Doug Schepers 2008-05-21
ACTION-278 OPEN Send e-mail regarding better telcon time request Doug Schepers 2008-05-21
ACTION-279 OPEN Edit spec to add mousewheel updates Doug Schepers 2008-05-21
ACTION-174 OPEN Specify keypress, keyCode, charCode Doug Schepers 2008-06-01
ACTION-280 OPEN Incorporate info on mousewheel event in conjunction with Olli\\'s info. Doug Schepers 2008-06-04

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.


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