Resolutions - Public View

There are 251 resolutions listed in the system.

  1. Meeting in Oslo 22-24 February, thanks to Opera for hosting (on 2005-12-22)
  2. Meeting in Oslo 22-24 February, thanks to Opera for hosting (on 2005-12-22)
  3. accepted... (on 2006-01-30)
  4. Web API WG agrees to publish (on 2006-01-30)
  5. accepted... (on 2006-01-31)
  6. Web API WG agrees to publish (on 2006-01-31)
  7. agreed to the change (on 2006-02-06)
  8. Ok with BH adding clarification to spec (on 2006-02-06)
  9. have BH do his clarification, and revisit if (on 2006-02-06)
  10. add NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR to EventException (on 2006-02-06)
  11. agreed, this is editorial (on 2006-02-06)
  12. agreed, this is editorial (on 2006-02-06)
  13. this needs to be removed (on 2006-02-06)
  14. order is change, blur (on 2006-02-06)
  15. changes to ev:error OK (on 2006-02-06)
  16. this should apply to any (on 2006-02-06)
  17. drop this limited list of elements that can (on 2006-02-06)
  18. agreed that it's a good thing to document, and (on 2006-02-06)
  19. minutes approved (on 2006-02-13)
  20. f2f at AOL last week of April (on 2006-02-13)
  21. we wil take care of maintaining the DOM specs (on 2006-02-13)
  22. for scripting server-side, decide on a TS (on 2006-02-13)
  23. use Test.More for our JS testing (on 2006-02-13)
  24. MS's proposal is good for this (on 2006-02-13)
  25. defer until we know what we do with the *NS (on 2006-02-13)
  26. the query methods SHOULD return informations (on 2006-02-13)
  27. deferred to the namespaces resolutio, (on 2006-02-13)
  28. all event NS discussions at the f2f (on 2006-02-13)
  29. load and error are (on 2006-03-06)
  30. make methods in (on 2006-03-06)
  31. the dashboard events (on 2006-03-06)
  32. close (on 2006-03-06)
  33. implementations must (on 2006-03-06)
  34. close Issue-20 (on 2006-03-06)
  35. close (on 2006-03-06)
  36. use RFC 2119 keywords (on 2006-03-06)
  37. We accept Camerons (on 2006-03-06)
  38. When cloning the (on 2006-03-06)
  39. The meaning of (on 2006-03-06)
  40. iand previous (on 2006-03-06)
  41. remove all limitation (on 2006-03-06)
  42. don't describe how an (on 2006-03-06)
  43. We remove (on 2006-03-06)
  44. leave focus / blur as (on 2006-03-06)
  45. focus/blur are (on 2006-03-06)
  46. DOMFocusIn/Out is (on 2006-03-06)
  47. focus/blur are in the basic event module</p> (on 2006-03-06)
  48. focus/blur is required for hasFeature('UIEvents', '3.0') but not (on 2006-03-06)
  49. bjorn updates the (on 2006-03-06)
  50. bjoern solve the (on 2006-03-06)
  51. may 1-3, pending (on 2006-03-06)
  52. Ask Timur about (on 2006-03-06)
  53. Looking at late August (on 2006-03-06)
  54. We are going to wait (on 2006-03-06)
  55. We need a namespacing (on 2006-03-06)
  56. The proposal to use (on 2006-03-06)
  57. referencingElement (on 2006-03-06)
  58. contentDocument is (on 2006-03-06)
  59. the SecurityException (on 2006-03-06)
  60. the security event is (on 2006-03-06)
  61. for (on 2006-03-06)
  62. Accept the proposal (on 2006-03-06)
  63. keep (on 2006-03-06)
  64. close ISSUE-4 since (on 2006-03-06)
  65. close ISSUE-5 since (on 2006-03-06)
  66. close ISSUE-6 as (on 2006-03-06)
  67. relatedTarget can (on 2006-03-06)
  68. A click event is (on 2006-03-06)
  69. issue-12 don'd do (on 2006-03-06)
  70. issue-13 it should be (on 2006-03-06)
  71. we keep the log (on 2006-03-06)
  72. work in public on the (on 2006-03-06)
  73. This groups tries to (on 2006-03-06)
  74. CMN (on 2006-03-06)
  75. Don't mention L&amp;S (on 2006-03-06)
  76. for uri, we require (on 2006-03-06)
  77. WG agrees that (on 2006-03-06)
  78. having the browser (on 2006-03-06)
  79. we should specify (on 2006-03-06)
  80. we should say that (on 2006-03-06)
  81. leave text as (on 2006-03-06)
  82. onreadystatechange (on 2006-03-06)
  83. responseXml MUST be (on 2006-03-06)
  84. status MUST be (on 2006-03-06)
  85. calling open when (on 2006-03-06)
  86. keep all existing (on 2006-03-06)
  87. Accept minutes from face to face in Oslo (on 2006-03-06)
  88. CMN to publish public version. (on 2006-03-06)
  89. Option is open for meeting UK in july (on 2006-03-06)
  90. meeting 1st-3rd may, Mountain View (on 2006-03-06)
  91. focus and blur will be generic (on 2006-03-06)
  92. Jonas to raise an issue and agree with Jim... (on 2006-03-06)
  93. we have a mouse wheel event, and it's called mousewheel (on 2006-03-06)
  94. let's have a mousewheel event that has a single delta, we (on 2006-03-06)
  95. ISSUE-1 is closed (on 2006-03-06)
  96. Bjoern's action item completed, we won't do (on 2006-03-06)
  97. Bjoern's ACTION-13 completed, we won't do timeEvents (on 2006-03-06)
  98. We need a namespacing (on 2006-03-09)
  99. The proposal to use (on 2006-03-09)
  100. referencingElement (on 2006-03-09)
  101. contentDocument is (on 2006-03-09)
  102. the SecurityException (on 2006-03-09)
  103. the security event is (on 2006-03-09)
  104. for (on 2006-03-09)
  105. Accept the proposal (on 2006-03-09)
  106. keep (on 2006-03-09)
  107. close ISSUE-4 since (on 2006-03-09)
  108. close ISSUE-5 since (on 2006-03-09)
  109. close ISSUE-6 as (on 2006-03-09)
  110. relatedTarget can (on 2006-03-09)
  111. A click event is (on 2006-03-09)
  112. issue-12 don'd do (on 2006-03-09)
  113. issue-13 it should be (on 2006-03-09)
  114. load and error are (on 2006-03-09)
  115. make methods in (on 2006-03-09)
  116. the dashboard events (on 2006-03-09)
  117. close (on 2006-03-09)
  118. implementations must (on 2006-03-09)
  119. close Issue-20 (on 2006-03-09)
  120. close (on 2006-03-09)
  121. use RFC 2119 keywords (on 2006-03-09)
  122. We accept Camerons (on 2006-03-09)
  123. When cloning the (on 2006-03-09)
  124. The meaning of (on 2006-03-09)
  125. iand previous (on 2006-03-09)
  126. remove all limitation (on 2006-03-09)
  127. don't describe how an (on 2006-03-09)
  128. We remove (on 2006-03-09)
  129. leave focus / blur as (on 2006-03-09)
  130. focus/blur are (on 2006-03-09)
  131. DOMFocusIn/Out is (on 2006-03-09)
  132. focus/blur are in the basic event module</p> (on 2006-03-09)
  133. focus/blur is required for hasFeature('UIEvents', '3.0') but not (on 2006-03-09)
  134. bjorn updates the (on 2006-03-09)
  135. bjoern solve the (on 2006-03-09)
  136. may 1-3, pending (on 2006-03-09)
  137. Looking at late August (on 2006-03-09)
  138. We are going to wait (on 2006-03-09)
  139. we keep the log (on 2006-03-09)
  140. work in public on the (on 2006-03-09)
  141. This groups tries to (on 2006-03-09)
  142. CMN (on 2006-03-09)
  143. Don't mention L&amp;S (on 2006-03-09)
  144. for uri, we require (on 2006-03-09)
  145. WG agrees that (on 2006-03-09)
  146. having the browser (on 2006-03-09)
  147. we should specify (on 2006-03-09)
  148. we should say that (on 2006-03-09)
  149. leave text as (on 2006-03-09)
  150. onreadystatechange (on 2006-03-09)
  151. responseXml MUST be (on 2006-03-09)
  152. status MUST be (on 2006-03-09)
  153. calling open when (on 2006-03-09)
  154. keep all existing (on 2006-03-09)
  155. always put RESOLUTION and RATIONALE in minutes (on 2006-03-14)
  156. must support 1 arg and should support 0 arg for the send (on 2006-03-14)
  157. null is disallowed in D3EV whenever it does not clearly (on 2006-03-14)
  158. we should add a DOMException code for NULL_NOT_ALLOWED_ERR (on 2006-03-14)
  159. Accept minutes from (on 2006-03-22)
  160. CMN to publish public (on 2006-03-22)
  161. Option is open for (on 2006-03-22)
  162. meeting 1st-3rd may, (on 2006-03-22)
  163. focus and blur will (on 2006-03-22)
  164. Jonas to raise an (on 2006-03-22)
  165. we have a mouse wheel (on 2006-03-22)
  166. let's have a (on 2006-03-22)
  167. ISSUE-1 is (on 2006-03-22)
  168. Bjoern's (on 2006-03-22)
  169. Bjoern's ACTION-13 (on 2006-03-22)
  170. always put RESOLUTION and RATIONALE in minutes (on 2006-03-22)
  171. must support 1 arg and should support 0 arg for the send (on 2006-03-22)
  172. null is disallowed in D3EV whenever it does not clearly (on 2006-03-22)
  173. we should add a DOMException code for NULL_NOT_ALLOWED_ERR (on 2006-03-22)
  174. last week's minutes accepted.</p> (on 2006-04-09)
  175. accept BH's pro= (on 2006-04-09)
  176. Minutes from last week (on 2006-04-09)
  177. Request publication of (on 2006-04-09)
  178. remove the HTML (on 2006-04-09)
  179. We don't have the (on 2006-04-09)
  180. We would like to make this case-sensitive - so (on 2006-04-09)
  181. We have (on 2006-05-15)
  182. We don't (on 2006-05-15)
  183. It's too (on 2006-05-15)
  184. the (on 2006-05-15)
  185. Last (on 2006-05-15)
  186. We (on 2006-05-15)
  187. method (on 2006-05-15)
  188. We will (on 2006-05-15)
  189. We want (on 2006-05-15)
  190. add (on 2006-05-15)
  191. Jonas (on 2006-05-15)
  192. deliver (on 2006-05-15)
  193. add the (on 2006-05-15)
  194. Telecon (on 2006-05-15)
  195. Accept Bjoern's proposal for resolving ISSUE-35</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  196. Agreed not to deal with Content Loaded in current spec</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  197. We require it within the same DOM impl. across different DOMs it MAY work.</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  198. We are happy with this being a MAY (even though we are not keen about them in general)</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  199. Case Insensitive, using ASCII uppercasing algorithm</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  200. We accept Anne's dblclick proposal</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  201. if someone wants to write a Note with best practices for keyboard handling, they are more than welcome (on 2006-05-15)
  202. we have keylongpress as a separate event with the same everything as keypress (on 2006-05-15)
  203. we will use a 2-event solution, with the existing y-only mousewheel event firing as default action of a general n-dimentional wheel event (on 2006-05-15)
  204. mousemultiwheel (on 2006-05-15)
  205. deferred pending ACTION-170</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  206. renameNode only fires the name mutations, no matter how it's implemented inside (on 2006-05-15)
  207. relatedNode for MutationNameEvent should be set to the old node when a new node is created (on 2006-05-15)
  208. modifier is a string</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  209. deferred for testing (on 2006-05-15)
  210. make clairification that clientX/Y are relative to the viewport of .view's origin (on 2006-05-15)
  211. we will do keypress/keyCode/charCode</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  212. Window should include history (on 2006-05-15)
  213. Window participates in capture/bubble before/after documment, but is bypassed by load events. (on 2006-05-15)
  214. we could say in the spec resolution (on 2006-05-15)
  215. string conversion rule is only for ECMAScript, defined in language bindings (on 2006-05-15)
  216. if the browser supports a force reload operation, calling reload(true) will have activate it in place of the vanilla reload (on 2006-05-15)
  217. have a history section (on 2006-05-15)
  218. When you construct XHR, you take your window.document.baseURI and cache it. This is then used for later method calls.</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  219. objects implementing XHR must also implement EventTarget, there's a readystatechange event in the null namespace and .onreadystatechange is an EventListener (on 2006-05-15)
  220. have a whitelist for now unless IETF says its really bad, someone to come up with a list for now</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  221. we should not be case sensitive</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  222. Whitespace should not be given special treatment, so anything containing whitespace will not be allowed</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  223. use Hixies proposal</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  224. we take the security section and sprinkle it with SHOULDs. We should also make sure to use SHOULD throughout the spec when talking about security</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  225. We list headers that are special with respect to appending.</strong> <br> (on 2006-05-15)
  226. Feature freeze today.</strong> <br> (on 2006-05-15)
  227. History with regards to XHR discussion postponed to a later date. (on 2006-05-15)
  228. for all primitive types we do as specified per <a href=></a></strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  229. we have a separate specification for ECMASCript (on 2006-05-15)
  230. DontDelete and other internal properties are to be specified in EB4DOM</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  231. we specify that an exception is thrown, but don't specify which one it is</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  232. unless we get feedback from DI, or WAI, or someone, we won't address ISSUE-32</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  233. if we do anything at all we probably take the related event proposal</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  234. we have two separate mousewheel events</strong> (on 2006-05-15)
  235. we're only going to define bindings for ECMAscript (on 2006-09-19)
  236. agents SHOULD NOT support 3986 userinfo, but if they don't (on 2006-09-19)
  237. if syntax doesn't match syntax, must raise syntax exception (on 2006-09-19)
  238. Publish REX as soon as we can after XHR and Selectors. (on 2006-09-21)
  239. Request transition to FPWD next week. (on 2006-09-21)
  240. shortname is clipboard-apis (on 2006-09-21)
  241. Request transition to FPWD for Clipboard Operations next (on 2006-09-21)
  242. SVG will align to the current proposal from (on 2006-11-14)
  243. Prepare (on 2007-01-26)
  244. Make (on 2007-01-26)
  245. Editors (on 2007-01-26)
  246. Drop lengthComputable</strong></p> (on 2007-01-26)
  247. The names will be <code>getElementBySelectors</code> and <code>getElementListBySelectors</code></strong></p> (on 2007-01-26)
  248. Request transition of XHR to (on 2007-01-26)
  249. publish (on 2007-01-26)
  250. detail for double click will be the same a the (on 2008-02-27)
  251. We accept the current wording in the spec (on 2008-02-27)