7 Dec 2006

See also: IRC log


Christophe_Poulain, Ivan, matthias, Bill_Bug, Vipul_Kashyap, Don_Doherty, Kei, mscottm, helenchen, Alan_Ruttenberg, Chimezie (on IRC)
Eric Neumann




Eric: Frame the issues that came up
... One liner to submit to Kei
... Ideas and concepts exist outside our group and should be referred to without making it a big deal
... some concepts B2B, Translational Medicine

Kei: OK to define these terms in our own context

Eric: Could Kei point to article that we can refer to...

Vipul: http://www.translational-medicine.com

Eric: Translational Medicine has a crisp definition as referred to the FDA Critical Path
... But B2B is not well defined...

Kei: Give summary of what he has received
... Current paper covers many of the "one-liner" viewpoints
... Paper may need to be shortened a little bit

<eneumann> summary of BMC one-liners: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-semweb-lifesci/2006Dec/0019.html

Kei: Personal preference is to describe different aspects of the HCLS group
... Vision should not be too ambitious and should be realistic

Ivan: If we have problems with size, describing things separately is not feasible
... Have some acknowledgement about groups

<mscottm> +1

Kei: Lot of the sections, including the introduction can be shortened...

Ivan: Let's have the paper in a presentable form and then cut the paper short

Bill: Is it going to be a vision paper? How is meant to interpolate with the E-Science/OBO Foundry proects

Kei: E-Science link is important

Bill: Could be as simple as participants of those projects are participants of the HCLS group

Ivan: Which other papers will be in this issue?

Kei: papers describing Biopax, Neuroscience data integration, the relationship between e-science and neuroscience, biological ontologies

Bill: Who is the editor?

Kei: huajun Chen and yiming wang are the two editors, who were also organizers of the Beijing workshop
... BMC Bioinformatics asked them to submit 8 papers. They could select only 4-5 papers... Hence they approached us

Ivan: We can move the semantic web introduction into the editorial ... would give us space... part of some comprehensive collection

Eric: 4 of the one liners mentioned vision
... Matthias proposed a blending

Matthias: Best compromise that can be made and most enjoyable things from the readers viewpoint


Eric: continues to be many different use scenarios

RDF data, capturing semantics for inferencing, pure vocabulary, tagging approach

Eric: controlled vocabulary is mainstream

helen: focus on use case

vipul: +1 to use cases

helen: too premature to call it results..

<mscottm> +1

helen: liked the comprehensive use case Parkinson's Disease

<BillBug> endorse focus on multi-perspective view of Parkinson's use case - and how SemWebTech is particular useful in each context.

Eric: Use case needs to be enough to add the problems and what can we add to make it easy
... Trying to bring together large digital collections... Represent the metadata in different RDF forms and postpone the standardization piece...
... mappings need to be dealt with but not in a defacto standard mode

<mscottm> Just for the record: When asked, Kei told me that his name is pronounced as "Kay".

<eneumann> TR def: http://www.fda.gov/oc/initiatives/criticalpath/whitepaper.html

<eneumann> ACTION: Kei to develop the "theme" for the paper based on the already gathered input [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/07-hcls-minutes.html#action01]

<eneumann> (theme also includes objectives)

Ivan: Need permission of publishers to post the papers on the W3C website

<eneumann> "translational research -- multidisciplinary scientific efforts directed at "accelerating therapy development" (i.e., moving basic discoveries into the clinic more efficiently)"

Vipul summarized the book chapter content he was invited to submit to the rest of the group

Kei: Will put out the perspectives over the weekend

<eneumann> ACTION: TC for Dec 14, Helen Chen scribing [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/07-hcls-minutes.html#action02]

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Kei to develop the "theme" for the paper based on the already gathered input [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/07-hcls-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: TC for Dec 14, Helen Chen scribing [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/07-hcls-minutes.html#action02]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
$Date: 2006/12/07 17:03:57 $