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W3C Hypertext Coordination Group Backplane Meeting

20-21 November 2006 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Registration is closed.


The W3C Hypertext Coordination Group will hold a meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on 20/21 November 2006, on the architecture of the proposed W3C Backplane.

The Backplane

Many W3C specifications use similar architectural features, such as the use of events, the idea of serializing and submitting values and dealing with replies, and so on.

In the context of multiple-namespace documents, or of user agents that deal with several markup languages, it is preferable if all markup languages used these facilities in the same way, so that for instance it is not necessary to have different serialization routines.

These ideas have been captured in a draft Hypertext Coordination Group Note, to which you should refer for more details.

This meeting is intended to further develop these ideas, identify other candidate architectural features for inclusion, and to develop a plan of action to achieve a W3C Backplane.


This work should be of interest to many working groups, and we especially encourage working groups within the Hypertext Coordination Group to arrange for at least one attendee, but the meeting is open to anyone from a W3C member company wishing to participate.

To participate you should send a statement of interest to the meeting committee at w3c-html-cg@w3.org. If you wish to present, please also send a position paper (may be as little as a single side) summarizing what you wish to say. Please register by 6 November 2006.

The meeting will be hosted by CWI and the Benelux Local Office of the W3C. There is no participation fee.

Meeting Chairs

Kevin Kelly Charles Wiecha, IBM
Steven Pemberton, CWI/W3C

Venue and Local Logistics

Venue: CWI, Amsterdam

Address: Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam. How to get there.

Time: 9:00-17:00 each day

Meals: Lunch wil be provided. Breakfast will not be available.

Connectivity: There will be a Wi-Fi network available.

Local host: Steven Pemberton, tel: +31 624 671 668

Hotel Accommodation

Best practice is to stay at a hotel in the centre of Amsterdam, and take tram 9 to the CWI (20 minutes tram, 10 minutes walk). There is a closer hotel to the CWI, but it is an uninteresting hotel in an uninteresting location, and still takes 20 minutes to get to the CWI.


See the results of the registration questionnaire to see the list of attendees.

Remote attendance

There is the possibility of attending by phone. Zakim: +1.617.761.6200 code 2225 ("BACK")

IRC channel: irc.w3.org:6665#backplane


Backplane whitepaper

Public proceedings of the meeting have been requested.


Brief summary



Information about Amsterdam

The Internet Guide to Amsterdam gives information about how to use transport, where to eat and drink, and where to go.

Steven Pemberton <steven.pemberton@cwi.nl>

Last updated: $Date: 2007/01/19 14:04:47 $ by $Author: jigsaw $