Edit comment LC-607 for Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

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Comment LC-607
Commenter: Lisa Seeman 3 <lisa@ubaccess.com> on behalf of Invited expert at W3C, UB access

Resolution status:


Comment (including rationale for any proposed change):

I am concerned that level 1 SC will act against automatic help and combined with information hiding. For example when information is hidden unless you focus on the element in question, and then all the sub information about it is given.

If you do not hide the information then the page becomes busy and you can not see what the main points are. If the user has a two strep process to access the information, then they may never receive it.

As with many SC, they are OK if you read the definition, but if you just read the text it is misleading.

Proposed Change:

change the term "change of context" to "confusing change in context"
the definition can remain the same
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 607.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:41:42 dom Exp $
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