Edit comment LC-1246 for Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

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Comment LC-1246
Commenter: Henny Swan <henny.swan@rnib.org.uk> on behalf of Royal National Institute of the Blind

Resolution status:

Comment: "In choosing Web technologies (HTML, scripting, etc.) that will be used when building content, authors need to know what technologies they can assume will be supported by, and active in, the user agents (including assistive technologies) that people with disabilities will be using. If authors rely on technologies that are not supported, then their content may not be accessible."

- "assume" seems like a weak word and one that could provide a loophole, get out clause excuse for not making certain technologies accessible. For example a developer could "assume" that all their users have the latest Flash plug-in, screen reader version etc which may support certain technologies better than earlier versions. While I can understand what the concept of baseline is trying to do - give flexibility where it makes sense - it leaves a back door open. Would it not be an idea for WCAG 2 to recommend a minimum baseline (as the Mobile Web Initiative does in their Best Practises document). This can then be updated by WCAG as and when technologies move on. Alternatively some more substantial advice or guidance should be given to help people set sensible baselines and prevent people abusing the baseline.

- the baseline section explains what it is (although in a slightly difficult to read way) but it gives very scant guidance on setting a baseline. This needs to be substantially developed.

- The text "authors need to know what technologies they can assume will be supported by, and active in, the user agents" infers that this information is available from the software vendor where in reality it is not readily available. How then is a developer best able to "assume" a baseline without thoroughly investigating all access technologies and their ability to support CSS, HTML, Flash, JavaScript et al. Who is responsible for providing this support? Software developers, Government, advocacy groups?
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

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$Id: 1246.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:41:22 dom Exp $
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