Edit comment LC-1029 for Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

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Comment LC-1029
Commenter: Gian Sampson-Wild <gian@tkh.com.au>

Resolution status:

Baseline - From reading the Baseline documents, it appears that if a baseline technology does not have particular functionality (for example, the ability to navigate using only the keyboard), then the site can still be compliant with WCAG2 (but obviously not accessible). This acts as a disincentive for big corporations to develop accessibility features. Developers want things to be easy - it's a lot easier to click "Print to PDF" in a Word document than it is to tag a PDF. So what is to stop Adobe (sorry Loretta!) superceding their PDF technology with a new "SDF" technology that has no accessibility features? In that case it would be a lot easier for a person to create a WCAG2 compliant SDF document than it would be to create a WCAG2 compliant PDF document. In another example, if someone had CSS in their baseline then it would be WCAG2 compliant to use CSS markup to highlight a specific word without having an HTML alternative, and which would not be able to be interpreted by a screen reader

Proposed Change:

Remove the baseline theory, or allow only UAAG compliant programs in baseline. If I have misinterpreted the baseline theory, then the WG needs to develop a document to be used in conjunction with WCAG2 that lists what baseline technologies must be able to do (similar to UAAG)
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 1029.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:41:10 dom Exp $
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