
Shawn Lawton Henry, W3C WAI


ワールドワイドウェブコンソーシアム (W3C)

ウェブアクセシビリティイニシアティヴ (WAI)

WAI の活動

  1. W3C 技術におけるアクセシビリティ
  2. アクセシビリティガイドライン
  3. 評価
  4. 教育啓蒙
  5. 先進的研究開発


構成要素間の関連 - コンテンツ

different aspects of compents

ウェブコンテンツ - ウェブページあるいはウェブアプリケーション内の情報を指し, 以下のものを含む:

構成要素間の関連 - コンテンツ制作者側



構成要素間の関連 - ユーザ側


人々 ("ユーザ") はコンテンツを入手し操作するためにウェブブラウザ, メディアプレイヤ, 支援技術, その他の"ユーザエージェント"を用いる







@@illustration with labeled graphics of computers and people. at the top center is a graphic with numbers, a book, a clock, and paper, labeled 'content'. coming up from the bottom left, an arrow connects 'developers' through 'authoring tools' and 'evaluation tools' to 'content' at the top. the computer image is broken and the connecting line is dashed. another dashed line goes from developers to content, bypassing the computer. coming up from the bottom right, three arrows connect 'users' to 'browsers, media players' and 'assistive technologies' to 'content' at the top. the computer images are broken and the connecting lines are dashed.

貧弱なブラウザ, メディアプレイヤ, 支援技術, あるいはコンテンツのアクセシビリティサポート



illustration with arrow going from content at top through authoring tools at left to content at the bottom, and an arrow going from the content at the bottom through assistive technologies and user agents at the right and back to content at the top


illustration with labeled graphics of computers and people. at the top center is a graphic with numbers, a book, a clock, and paper, labeled 'content'. coming up from the bottom left, an arrow connects 'developers' through 'authoring tools' and 'evaluation tools' to 'content' at the top. coming up from the bottom right, an arrow connects 'users' to 'browsers, media players' and 'assistive technologies' to 'content' at the top. below these are 'accessibility guidelines' which include 'ATAG' with an arrow pointing to 'authoring tools' and 'evaluation tools', 'WCAG' pointing to 'content', and 'UAAG' pointing to 'browsers, media players' and 'assistive technologies'. at the very bottom, 'technical specifications (HTML, XML, CSS, SVG, SMIL, etc.)' forms a base with an arrow pointing up to the accessibility guidelines.


ワールドワイドウェブコンソーシアム (W3C) のウェブアクセシビリティイニシアティヴ (WAI) で策定されたガイドライン:


次に来るもの: WCAG 2.0
